twenty two

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I woke up in a bed, hooked up to an IV that made an annoying beeping sound.

I wanted to snooze it. I groaned a bit and heard a few gasps in response. I opened my eyes, immediately regretting the action after getting temporarily blinded.

I sat up straight, wincing a slight bit at the mild pain in my neck. I looked around the room to see three other beds and three boys. Todoroki, Midoriya and Iida sat staring at me with wide eyes.

"She's awake!" Midoriya started crying making me frown in annoyance when nurses and doctors rushed in to see to me. An hour later, they took me off the IV and told me to rest.

"We thought you were going to die." Midoriya cried, tears streaming down his freckled cheeks. I didn't give much of a reaction as I sat on the side of my bed. A few hours ago, my world crashed down to the ground like a burning meteorite.

I don't know how to feel. I'm sad but I know that will pass. Sadness only lasts for so long until it turns into a more intense emotion but there's no telling how long it'll be until then.

"How are you guys?" My voice came out strained as I looked up at them.

The three boys sat on their own beds across the room. "Just a few broken arms," Midoriya chuckled but I sensed his deception through his mind.

Iida had permanently damaged his hand all because I couldn't move. "I see." My voice broke a bit and I pushed my emotions away.

Push it away. Push it all away. "The real question is, are you alright?" Iida asked, sincerity coating his tone.

A tiny tear escaped my eye at his concern before I wiped it away like it was never there, "It'll heal. It doesn't hurt." They eyed me with sympathy and I attested it.

Before they could say anything else, the door to the hospital room opened and two heroes walked in. Gran Torino and Manual spoke to their internees.

I don't busy myself expecting Endeavor to check whether we're alright. A second later, the chief of police walked in.

He introduced himself and began berating us for our 'irresponsible' acts. It was immensely stupid as we were the ones who had saved the Pro hero and helped our classmates.

Such is the forsaken hero world.

"Listen here you damn mutt!" Todoroki shouted causing my eyes widen almost comically. I've never seen him raise his voice. "Todoroki just listen-" Gran Torino tried to say but was cut off by the half and half himself.

"No! If Midoriya hadn't stepped in to help Iida and Native, they'd both be dead. And if Maindo and I didn't arrive on time, he'd be dead too!"

"We saved people. That's what heroes do!" Todoroki shouted at the chief of police. Sometimes, I saw the similarities between him and I—making me understand why we were soulmates.

This was one of those times.

The chief of police then began to explain that what we did was heroic but it was against the law to fight without a liscense. He explained that if we said that Endeavor fought the hero killer, we'd be let off the hook.

I had no qualms against it. If news got out to my father or brother about my fight against Chizome, I'd be dead before dawn. The chief of police gave us a personal thank you and then left us.

A second later, the two other heroes followed him out– leaving the room to the four of us. Midoriya said he had to call Uraraka so he left to call the brunette. Iida then excused himself to visit the doctor as he had a scan.

That left Todoroki and I alone. As soon as Iida closed the door, Todoroki jumped up from his hospital bed and walked over to me, wrapping me in a hug.

At first, I was shocked. Was he that worried? Why would he feel the need to hug me? Then it hit me and the revelation struck me so hard—my heart missed a couple of beats.

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