sixty one

380 16 14

I had been visiting Eri often. Bringing her books, apples—which I had learned she likes off Midoriya—and I often braided her hair as I told her about my friends and the world.

Today, I had decided on bringing her some cookies so Nemuri was helping me bake some as she was the queen of baking. "-and we caught them making out." She gasped as I helped her ice the cookies.

"I bet they denied it." She said making me nod in response, "They're playing the 'we were checking the bed' card." Bursting out into laughter, she gave me a look.

"We know that's bullshit." I told her making her nod with a grin. "And we're all done." She said as we stepped back from the batch of cookies.

"They look so good! Eri's going to be so happy!" I loved spending time with her. I turned to her and gave her a big hug, "Thanks mom." We froze at the same time when I realized what I had just said.

I called her mom.

Shit. I called her my fucking mom. I fucked up and I want to cry so bad right now. She's going to hate me.

I stepped back and bit my lip, "I'm sorry." A few tears pricked my eyes as I realized how badly I had messed up. She never gave me the permission to call her that. She was going to kick me out.

She placed her hands on my shoulder, making me face her, "Why are you sorry, hun? It made me so happy." I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I bit my lip to stop it from shaking.

"You're not uncomfortable?" I asked in a small voice making her shake her head with an emotional chuckle, "Of course not! I love the sound of you calling me your mom. You're my world." I wiped at my eyes as I wrapped her in a hug.

"I love you, Ikari." A smile graced my lips as I held onto her for dear life, "I love you too, Mom." I liked the sound of it on my tongue.


We were discussing what to do for the Cultural Festival. Aizawa had told us that there was a festival coming up where we had to create our own attraction for the other U.A students.

I sat in the common room with the rest of my class, my head on Shoto's shoulder as I played with his hands. "How about a maid café with sexy uniforms?" The trash Aka; Mineta suggested making me shoot him a glare.

"How about you never speak again?" Mina and Jiro cackled at my response making me smirk. His words often disgusted all the girls in our class. "I suggest we do a soba tasting shop." I chuckled at my soulmate's idea.

"I agree with Sho, let's add chocolate too." Mina groaned in response to out idea and suggested a dance battle booth. "I say we fight to the death." Was Katsuki's dark suggestion which made me roll my eyes.

"Okay! It's obvious everyone has their own ideas so we need to choose something everyone will like." Iida said as the voice of reason making Denki pipe up.

"I say we do a concert!" Everyone looked at him for him to elaborate. "Look, we've put alot of stress on the other classes this year. With all this fighting the League," I winced, "and making everyone have to relocate to the dorms for safety reasons," I winced again.

"We've really uprooted their lives. So I think if we did a concert they'd never forget, it'd be like a way to make it up to them." The blonde had a point but I couldn't help feeling guilty for it all.

If I hadn't been so gullible, I wouldn't have put everyone in danger. If I hadn't thought with my heart, everyone would be fine.

"That's a good point." Ojiro muttered making Tsu nod in response. "But even if we did do a concert, it's not like any of us can sing." Kirishima shrugged making me purse my lips.

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