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Sitting in my father's office as he looked at my acceptance letter, I fumbled with the velvet of the chair. Up, down, up, down: I smoothed my fingers over the textured material.

It brought a sense of serenity to my ever fearful mind. I hadn't had the opportunity to open the letter as my father had it delivered straight to his office the second it was mailed.

The prospect of him finding out about my slip up during the practical almost made me hurl. I didn't mean to save those examinees. But the thought of my body moving before I could react, scared me even more.

I kept my face blank as he looked through the letter. He didn't show any emotion as his eyes skimmed the paper and I was starting to think I had failed until he spoke up.

He gave me a small smile, "I knew you could do it. Not only did you get in but you got first on the written exams and second on the practical exam." He said as he handed me the letter back.

I let out a sigh of utter relief, he hadn't seen my slip up. I looked at the letter and it said I had gotten into class 1-A. "I want you to report everything back to me." He informed me as I glanced up from the letter.

I nodded my head in response and he gave a satisfactory sigh, "Tomura will be proud." He said, a smile on his face. My blood ran cold at the mention of my brother but I gave a small smile all the wise.


The first day of school came faster than I initially realized. The air crisp and sun high as I walked to school, it was a serene day.

I hated it. I thrived in chaos, fear is what kept me alive. Liar. You love the nature. Shut up. If not for fear what else did one have?

If it's kill or be killed, I'd much rather kill. Call me a psychopath all you want, it's nothing but true. A hero kills thousands and he's praised but a villain kills one and he's evil. Such is life.

In any story, the villain is the catalyst. The hero’s not a person who will bend the rules or show the cracks in his armor. He’s one-dimensional intentionally, but the villain is the person who owns up to what he is and stands by it.

We're never the villain in our own story, it's all about perspective.

I stepped into the class 1-A classroom and two boys were arguing by the window. I recognized one of them to be glasses from the auditorium.

His name is Tenya Iida and his brother is the engine hero: Ingenium. His family has a long line of heroic blood so he's basically a pretentious bastard.

My father gave me all the student files on the class so I knew what I was dealing with.

I payed them no mind as I walked to the back corner and took a seat. I waited for the teacher to arrive and pulled at my skirt a bit. I hated the uniforms here.

Girls were forced to wear skirts and I wasn't the biggest fan of the whole impractical clothing gimmic. Call me a psycho but the only up side in wearing a skirt is the fact that I can hide my knives in a leg holster.

Constantly wearing tights will be a pain but it's not like I can do anything about it so why dwell on it?

The greentette—named Izuku Midoriya—walked in, "Kacchan!?" He shouted as he eyed the blond boy arguing with Iida. "Deku!? What the fuck are you doing here!?"

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