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Bakugo's match lasted longer than expected. Uraraka put up a considerably good fight considering it was Bakugo she went up against but he won in the end.

We had a fifteen minute break before the next round and I decided to find some water before then. I walked down the quiet halls, my mind racing at the thought of winning the whole thing.

I turned a corner and nearly fell on my ass as I had knocked into something. I stumbled back and someone grabbed my arms to steady me—shrugging them off, I stood tall.

Hetrochromatic eyes stared down at me and I realized our proximity before stepping back a bit. "Todoroki." I acknowledge him with a slight nod before I went to step around him.

"I can't figure you out." He confessed as my back was turned to him. That's the first thing he's said to me since our revelation.

I stopped in my tracks, "That's a shame." I said before walking forward again, "You don't need to figure me out. We're nothing but acquaintances." He leveled me with a look of indifference as I looked back at him.

"We're soul-" I cut him off before he got ahead of himself. I decided to make my intentions clear from the start. "I'm not interested in soulmates, Todoroki. They don't exist and even if they somehow do, it isn't for me." He didn't respond.

"I'll see you in the finals." I walked away from him, fully out of his sight.

He can't figure me out? He's the one with the stoic expression and icy persona. I was being a hypocrite and I knew it but I couldn't bring myself to care.

He didn't need to figure me out. We'll never be together. You can bet on that.


The next match was Midoriya against Todoroki. To say the match was intense was an understatement. Todoroki had used his fire, shocking me and the class.

Midoriya threw away his chance of winning for comrades and I expected nothing less from the 'princess of friendship' himself.

When the stadium filled with a hair raising explosion from their fight, I covered my eyes and gripped onto my seat. Midoriya lay bruised, out of bounds and on the ground in the wake of it.

Todoroki heaved in air and I looked over at him to see half of his shirt ripped off. My eyes widened and I averted my gaze towards my feet. What the fuck? I scolded myself.

A few rounds later and it was my turn. I stood opposite to Tokoyami, the sunlight glinting in the sky. I knew his weakness. Infact, I knew all of of my classmates weaknesses.

Weeks of silent observation was finally paying off just like I knew it would help me in the long run. "He manipulates the dark, it's Fumikage Tokoyami!" Present Mic announced from the stands where he sat with Aizawa.

"Versus, she's scarily strong and resilient, it's Ikari Maindo!" Tokoyami was about to send his shadow demon, Dark Shadow, towards me.

I gathered the surrounding dust with my telekinesis and flicked my wrist, sending it up into the sky before he sent Dark shadow towards me.

The shadow demon shot towards me and I kicked it with a backflip, making it howl and send a claw at me. It made a gash across my neck and I leaped out of the way before it could strike me out of bounds.

I caught exactly what I had planned to make as it fell from the sky, a mirror. I used the heat of the sun to make a mirror out of the sand I sent up to the sky.

I shined it at Tokoyami and he recoiled as dark shadow grew weaker. He then surrendered as he declared that I had found his weakness and there was no point in dragging the match out. Good choice.

After a trip to recovery girl, I sat in the stands and watched Bakugo's match.

He went against Kirishima and he eventually tired him out, making the red head faint from exhaustion. They gave us another fifteen minute break and I took the time to visit the restroom.

Only, on my way I heard two voices arguing. "Shoto, have you finally given up on your foolishness and accepted my power?" The unmistakable voice of Endeavor boomed.

"I have no intention of accepting you or your power. Infact, while I was out there– I forgot all about you." Todoroki snarled at his wretched father.

"You are my creation! I made you to beat AllMight and that is what you will do!" He roared at the half and half, his voice ricocheting in the halls.

"You shall live out my legacy!" He screamed, almost deafening me. I walked around the corner and down the hall, approaching the father and son duo.

"Your legacy as in being an asshole?" I mused as I stood behind him. The fire hero whipped around to look at me, Todoroki doing the same.

"And who might you be?" Endeavor asked with a nasty scowl on his face. I looked up at him from where I stood a few meters away from him and ignored his question.

"Todoroki isn't a toy you get to play with simply because you're not strong enough to reach your own goals. Your pathetic display of power fools no one so I'd appreciate it if you kept your voice down and maybe fix your child-like ego while you're at it." I sassed the No. 2 hero.

He looked at me in fury, nose flaring, "Its none of your business what I do with my son. Little girls like you don't belong here either so I suggest you run along before you get yourself in trouble." He spat as he glared at me.

I didnt flinch as I kept my face unfazed, caught his eye and spoke telepathically, "'Little girls' like me could ruin your entire career with the flick of a wrist." He flinched significantly making Todoroki stare in shock and confusion.

"Don't mess with me girl! It won't end well for you!" He roared, voice booming through the air.

I kept my face indifferent as I spoke in his mind, "I couldn't give a shit about your empty threats towards me. But shout at Todoroki again and I'll wear your intestines as a scarf. That's a promise." I stared at him.

He flinched and snarled at me before storming off down the hall. Todoroki blinked at me incredulously and I walked in the opposite direction, not giving him a chance to say anything.

I don't know why I stepped in nor do I know why I defended him. It wasn't in my nature to do so but the helplessness of being under the thumb of a relative hit home with me as I walked down the corridors.


The match against Iida and Todoroki lasted shorter than expected. Iida was talented in speed but his self defense mechanisms were short of something impressive.

After Todoroki's win against the engine quirk user, I stood across from a brooding Katsuki Bakugo. "He's made it this far and his strength rivals any first year I've seen, It's Katsuki Bakugo!" Present Mic rejoiced.

"Versus, the last woman standing, Ikari Maindo!" Bakugo ran at me and threw explosion after explosion, not giving me the time to react.

I let him hit me as I kept low to the floor: his relentless explosions nothing but a sting on my skin as I endured them. I had taken a page out of Uraraka's book and baited him into destroying the cement under us.

Her plan was nothing short of impressive and I'd have to add her strategy to my mental book of Class 1-A strengths. Bakugo heaved air through his nose as dust settled around us.

I stood tall and he growled in anger at the action. "Do you ever give up!?" He shouted mentally. I raised a brow at him, "I think you know the answer to that question, idiot." He snarled at me in response.

Gathering all the concrete around me, I pushed it at him like a wave of water only– with stone.

He shot into the wall of the arena and Present Mic announced my win. The finals were as I had previously predicted.

The finals were against Todoroki and I.

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