chapter 2

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Rays of daylight peeked through the curtains while my alarm rang out annoyingly. But really, I was in too good of a mood to give a shit. Instantly my comforter was thrown off of me as I sprang onto my feet. I am not a morning person by any means, but today was the day I've been waiting on. I collected my clothing for the day and walked into my adjacent bathroom. I turned on the radio as I shimmied out of my night wear. Stepping into the shower I turned the water to the perfect temperature. The water cleansed my body as I sang loudly with the radio.

After I was finished I wrapped a lime green towel around me before drying my hair. The towel was replaced by my dark jeans and white 1D tee shirt.

As I started to bound down the stairs, I heard a laugh. My mom's laugh. She never laughed, the only time she laughed was when Ryan was over... shit. My good mood started to fade as I saw the far too familiar dark brown hair of Ryan.

"Oh Hayley, you're up." Mom said while increasing the distance between Ryan and her. "I haven't had the chance to make breakfast yet."

"Oh well. I want my cereal anyway. And a Starbucks later." I said pulling down a box of peanut butter cereal.

"Yeah, I could use a Starbucks too." She replied while Ryan placed his hand on my mom's knee.

"Could you, like, not feel my mom up while I'm trying to eat breakfast?" I said disgustingly while pouring a glass of milk.

"Could you, like, not have an attitude with me?" Ryan snapped back at me. Touché, gotta give the guy some props.

"The day you respect me will be the day I respect you." I smirked before taking my breakfast up to the loft.

"I'll respect you when you get over this gay British boy band. Grow up!" Ryan's face reddened with anger as he yelled.

"British-Irish boy band! And kiss my ass!" I yelled back. I could hear my mom tell Ryan to shut up and let it go. It probably wasn't in my best interest to be such a bitch but Ryan is not my dad and he has no respect for him or me.

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now