Chapter 91

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-Hayley's POV-

The dead grass coated with a layer of frost crunched with under my feet as I padded across the deserted courtyard. The wind was cold and strong, sending an uncomfortable shudder seep through my tightly held coat. I was on my way to pick up my final paycheck for from the coffee shop. My guidance counselor had e-mailed me late last night, informing me that the internship was mine. I was really excited. I was really pleased that I had made a good enough impression to be noticed and recommended for the job. It gave me a sense of pride that I had been lacking for nearly a year now.

The bell rang above my head as I exposed my shivering body to the warm heat of the shop. The aroma of coffee filled my nose, causing my mouth to water. Depending on who was working, I'd treat myself to my usual. I threw the hood off my head, causing a few stray strands to fly wild. I ran my hand through my hair, trying to calm the beast. I smiled when I saw Liz beam from around the corner of the back room.

"Hey traitor!" She teased before disappearing back into the back room.

I shook my head and laughed. "Hey now, no need to get feisty."

She walked over to me, her converses scuffing the red tiles on the floor. She held a check in her hand that was extended out to me. "It's cool, you're moving on to bigger better things." She winked.

"I'm actually really excited about this internship." I admitted tucking the paycheck into my bag.

Liz grinned as she wiped a small mess from the countertop. "So what exactly will you be doing? Do you know?"

"Uhm, well it's pretty much practice for physical trainers." I started.

"You want your usual?" Liz asked quickly while she pulled a cup from the stack.

"Yes," I side noted before continuing on. "But anyway, I get to be on the sidelines of the football and basketball games and I'll be working with the athletes and I get in free."

Liz and I continued to discuss my new internship while she blended my cappuccino and one for herself. We moved our conversation to a small table.

Liz's fingers traced her name on her cup before glancing up at me with a sly smirk. "So," She said.


She leaned forward, placing full weight onto her forearms. "Does Chris have anything to do with your new choice of income?"

She was so nosey but I really enjoyed talking to her. She made me laugh on days that I felt like punching every living thing in the face. I sighed and leaned back against the cool metal chair. I thought over my answer in my mind. Honestly, yes he did play a part in a good portion of my decision. But I was also taking everything else into consideration. The internship would pay me more and give me more experience for my career choice. Both things I would need, especially if my mother kept her word and cut me off from any financial support.

"In a way yes." I answered Liz honestly.

She nodded in understanding. "I don't blame you. I heard he was kinda crazy and pretty ... erm, protective? No not protective, like, territorial maybe?"

"But I was never his.."

"Did you lead him on in some shape or form?"

I mulled over the question in my head. Did I? I certainly didn't mean to. I just liked having him as a close guy friend, nothing more.

"If I did, it wasn't on purpose."

"Hmmm..." Liz hummed in acknowledgment. "Just be careful."

"You're the second person to tell me this.." I told her, thinking back to the time Matt told me to watch it.

She cocked an eyebrow at me. "Really? Oh, see I've just heard a lot of stories."

"What kind of stories?" My mouth blurted out, my suspicion was rising by the second.

Liz looked around the empty café, and out the windows, before leaning in even closer. I did the same. Her voice was quiet, barely a whisper. "He gets these thoughts in his head that he can have anyone he wants and he won't stop until he does. He plays mind games. Tells you how special you two could be together. But the things is, he's a complete ass. I heard he has a... a violent temper."

I looked at her, baffled. "Niall threw him against a wall and he looked like a baby puppy."

She shook her head. "That's the thing, it's all part of his act. He acts so fragile and gains your pity then, out of no where, he becomes this crazy guy that will fight for what he wants. Physically fight." Her eyes were wide and her irises rimming her big pupils.

"Just.. watch your back. Especially if he sees you with Niall at anytime.. you never know."

My heart dropped. "Niall is coming here today."

Her jaw dropped slightly. "Ok, first off: Keep Niall away from him. And two: you stay away. from him. I'm serious Hayley."

I nodded. "Ok."

I was growing paranoid. Paranoid and impatient. I needed to get out of here. I wanted to go back to my dorm room. McKenna probably wouldn't be there but at least other people would. I wouldn't be totally alone. I told Liz goodbye and stumbled back out into the harsh cold winter air. The dry air stinging my exposed hand that held my caffeine. God, I really hoped Niall would get here soon. I just wanted to make up and explain to him about everything. I couldn't be angry anymore. I couldn't be angry when I was.. well scared.

((I didn't have homework so I was able to update and now I am happy!(: hehhehe I love you guys so much okay! Just know I'm trying to update as much as possible. Some one asked me to update more and like I said I really do try. Sometimes it just doesn't work. Okay, so enjoy!!! Tell me what you think!(; xxx))

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