chapter 4

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With a Starbucks in the console and my poster in the back seat, Mom and I sat in silence, besides the car radio. The silence was soon broken when Mom mentioned the morning's earlier situation.

"You know, you shouldn't speak to him that way." Mom defended while sipping at her coffee.

"Well is it too much to ask for him to respect me?" I questioned while playing with the ends of my hair.

"I'm just saying he was very upset with you." she replied while turning onto the exit to Kansas City.

"mmkay." I said absent minded. This was it. I was in the same city as the five guys who have impacted my life more than anything.

The crowd was intense but exactly what I expected. After standing in line for hours, I was footsteps away from Niall. I looked out into the crowd infront of the stage. There was security lined everywhere along with a shit ton of screaming fans. I was next. I couldn't stand it any longer, my knees were shaking and my throat was tight from holding back tears of joy. I clutched the poster in my hands but tried to avoid bending it in any way, it was going to have the boys' autographs, it had to be perfect. I looked out to the crowd one more time. Something just wasn't right. There was one fan that just seemed a little odd. She had pale skin with dark hair with a baseball cap. The fact that she was inside and wearing sunglasses, didn't help make her appear any less suspicious.

-Niall's POV-

It was loud, crowded, and past lunchtime. My stomach growled endlessly while my hand signed poster after poster. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and I love seeing the fans but sometimes a guy's gotta go eat and be by himself. After signing a little girl's CD and taking a picture, I heard Paul tell the security to switch and announce that we'd be back after lunch. I stood up and punched Louis in the arm slightly.

"Looks like Harry's next girlfriend." I joked while motioning to an elderly lady. Louis just laughed and pushed in his chair. I stood up to walk backstage when I felt someone's hands shove into my lower back, forcing me to the ground. BANG! Screams and shrieks filled the air. I looked into the crowd to find security pushing fans outside while others bolted through the side doors. Confused, I turned my attention to the figure laying on the floor next to me. Her dark ash blonde hair was strung in all directions and she was panting rapidly.

"Shit, are you okay?" I said turning my head trying to see her face. I felt my jaw drop and my eyes grow wide when I saw the dark crimson stain on the left side of her white tee shirt. "Oh shit! Call an ambulance! Anybody!" Fuck, my head was spinning trying to remember what to do. I pulled myself to my knees and put my hands over the wound to apply pressure. 'Keep her calm' I thought to myself. "Hi. I'm Niall. What's your name?" I said trying to avoid the topic that she was bleeding like crazy from her side.

"Uh, I know who you are," she laughed with a wince of pain, "and Hayley. My name's Hayley." She even gave a slight smile.

"Hayley that's a pretty name. Are you here with anyone?" I asked before applying a little more pressure.

"My mom's shopping or at the hotel or something." Hayley answered between breathes.

"Niall the ambulance should be here any second. Oh shit.."

"Thank you Louis!" I interrupted before he could cause her to panic more than she already was. I offered Hayley a slight smile before the sirens rang out through the, now empty, hall.

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now