chapter 19

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-Niall's POV-

The sweet smell of women's perfume filled my nose. Sunlight teased my eyes before I finally gave in and opened them. I couldn't remember where I was at first, but when I saw Hayley's dark ash blonde hair I was reminded of last night. I smiled before slipping my arm around her delicate waist. I rested my chin ontop of her head as I ran through last night in my mind.

Sure, I was disappointed that we were limited, but it made sense and I didn't blame her. We were not in a serious relationship and we had known each other for a week. Given the fact that her dad and younger brother was downstairs really limited our privacy to a minimum. But all the same, it was a great night. Hayley had fallen asleep quickly leaving me to take in everything. She was great. I just couldn't even put it into words. I felt so comfortable with her but still have those butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

I felt Hayley stir in her sleep before returning to her motionless sleep. I looked around the room for a clock. The one on the wall read 8:34. Why was I up so early? I decided to try to sleep some more so I pulled Hayley closer before closing my eyes.

I managed to muster another half hour of sleep before waking up, yet again. I shifted from my stomach to my side in an effort to get comfortable, waking Hayley in the process. She lifted her head and turned towards me, her face full of confusion.

"Sorry didn't mean to wake you," I smiled. "but good morning beautiful."

Her smile spread across her face as she turned to face me. She propped her head up on her arm, "Good Morning Niall." she replied poking my chest. She moved my hair away from eyes before leaning in leaving a peck on my lips.

"No no no no," I said pulling her closer by the waist. "no teasing this early." I teased. She resisted but I was an lot stronger. I wrapped both my arms tightly around her waist, pulling her on top of me.

"Let me go!" She laughed slapping at my bare chest. I squeezed her tighter refusing to let go. "Well it's a good thing my side is feeling a lot better."she smirked.

"Good thing because I'm not letting go." I teased giving her a quick squeeze. She pecked my lips over and over again, refusing to let each one last more than a second. "Oh my god, Hayley." I laughed, "stop with the teasing."

"Let. Me. Go." she said between short kisses. I shook my head refusing to let her win. I couldn't help but laughing. "Ughh! Fine I give up!" She laughed while poking my cheek. I pulled the duvet to cover her bare back. She smiled before leaning down and kissing me. I put one hand behind her head, keeping her lips to mine. I could feel her smile which only caused me to do that same. She slowly pulled away. I placed my forehead against hers before she sat up while straddling my hips. Damn she was gorgeous.

"You know these are even better in the light." Hayley smirked as she traced the outline of my abs down to my v lines.

"I could say the same thing." I winked as I propped myself up on my elbows. I watched her blush as she left a sweet soft kiss on my lips once again. She crawled off of me and began to scoot off the bed when I grabbed her hand. "You're not leaving me already." I pouted.

"Stop that!" she giggled swatting at my hand.

"stop what?" I asked making sad eyes.

"Those puppy dog eyes pouty face. I can't handle it." she laughed as she threw a pillow at my face.

"Fine. fine. fine." I said dramatically. I watched as she bent down to pick up a pair of shorts before she disappeared into the bathroom.

I walked across the room and began to dig around in my bag before finding my phone. I had several messages from the lads telling me to use a condom and not to be too loud. I laughed to myself before brushing my teeth. I opened the far window and spit. I wiped my mouth and decided to get dressed, pulling a pair of jeans out of my bag.

-Hayley's POV-

I opened the door to find Niall standing in the Corner pulling his dark jeans over his black Calvin Klein boxers. His back muscles expanded and contracted with every movement. I bit my lip, "You can keep the shirt off." I winked as he turned towards me. He gave a breathy laugh and shook his head. I wrapped my arms around his waist as we exchanged sarcasm. I saw his eyes drop to my waistline and I knew he noticed it. My tattoo. I sighed and looked down at the ground.

"I got it on my sixteenth birthday." I said looking out the window. I had removed my arms from his waist and they were now places on my hips. I tugged my shorts down a tad further the reveal the entire tattoo on my hip bone. In black ink there was an infinity sign with a heart and two words. "It says 'little things'." I explained. "The heart before it stands for love, obviously, and I chose this because it means that someone somewhere will always love me for who I am. little things, imperfections, and all." I looked up at him from time to time before returning to the ground. "The main reason I got it was because my mom hates tattoos. I got it just to piss her off. Same with the piercing." I continued pointing to the metal accessory hanging from my belly button. "Probably not the best way to handle everything, but that's what I did." I sat myself on the edge of my window sill.

Niall slowly walked towards me taking my hands. "It's beautiful." he said softly, "just like you." I rested my head on his strong shoulders and wrapped my arms around him. Before slipping a hoodie over my head. I could feel Niall's skeptical look as I opened the window. I crawled through the window to where I was kneeling on the shingles with my head still inside.

"Grab a jacket and c'mon." I laughed. Niall looked at me with confusion. "I just want to show you something." I said reaching out my hand. He sighed with a smile as he grabbed his dark blue jacket and joining me on the roof.

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now