chapter 50

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-Hayely's POV-

The drive home was quiet except for the muffled sobs coming from Logan. I knew he was scared, he had every right. He witnessed me cussing Mom out and telling him every momery of Dad. Mom announced her engagement and said she'd make my life hell. I was drunk and Logan hates when I drink. Oh, and he saw Ryan attack me and in return Niall assaulting Ryan. 

Then it dawned on me. Niall assualted Ryan. My mom hates Niall.. this could only go one way. And that way was bad, like shit bad.

Once we got back to the house I carried Logan inside. His arms clung tightly around my neck, making it hard to breath. He secured his legs around waist so I could walk easily. I felt like he was three years old again, only a lot heavier. His loud sobs rang in my ear and I could feel my shoulder becoming soaked.  

I sat down on his bed waiting for him to crawl off me but he didn't. he sat on my lap clinging to me with every fiber he had. 

"Why does she hate us?" Logan choked quietly.  

My eyes shot open and reach down to raise his eyes to me. "She doesn't hate us." I said quietly. "She hates me. Don't blame yourself." 

"No!" Logan cried, Burying his face into my shoulder again. "When you were gone all she did was yell at me. She said how lazy I was or that I didn't want this enough. She yelled at me because she wasted money on all these sports camps but I still suck and won't get into college to play them. I'm only 13!!" He screamed. "I don't want to worry about college, I just want to have fun." 

My anger towards my mother rose but i focused on Logan's pain. She was doing to him exactly what she had done to me. 

"We're gonna be ok." I whisper offering a small smile. "We're gonna get through this, okay?"  

He crawled into his pajamas and slipped into his bed. I tucked the sheets up under his chin. Humming quietly, "Nighty night, sleep tight. Dont let the bed bugs bite if they do, squeeze them tight." and I did just that before tickling him. "and they won't come back another nighty nighty night."  

It was great to hear Logan laugh lightly again. I kissed his forehead and remained seated on the side of the bed for a moment before standing to leave.  

"Hayley," Logan said softly. 

"What is it?" 

"I wish you didn't have to go to college and leave me." He muttered even though he was already half asleep. 

I felt like I had just been hit by a bus. Tears welled up in my eyes as I choked back sobs. I closed the door quietly and walked into the kitchen to find Niall with two empty beers infront of him and another in hia hand. 

"Niall please stop." I choke. "Alcohol has done enough for this family already." 

He nodded slowly and walked up the stairs without saying a word. I sighed at the empty bottles still on the table before throwing then away. How can one little thing fuck up an entire family?


I pulled the covers tighter around me. I had a major headache and my face was puffy from crying myself to sleep. Niall was already asleep when I went to bed, or at least pretended to be. I slung my arm around Niall but instead I felt my arm hit the mattress.  

I lifted my head. Great. It was 6:34 in the morning. Why was Niall up? Hell, why was I up? I grabbed one of Niall's hoodies and slipped it over my head before shuffling down the stairs. 

I turned to corner to find Niall sitting at the table with his phone pressed to his ear and his back to me. I sat down on the steps, listening quietly. I knew I shouldn't. I should give him privacy but I couldn't make myself move.  

"Zayn, I really fucked up... no.... I punched him.. repeatedly..." Niall grumbled angrily at last night's memories. "What do you think management will do?... they hate me Zayn why wouldn't they sue me?.... true... I don't know.... I'm just so pissed off..." he sighed. "maybe its a good thing she starts college soon..."  

I swear my heart stopped beating and I felt like I was shrinking. I crawled up the stairs as quickly and quietly as I could. I ripped the hoodie over my head and threw it against the wall before crawling out the window and onto the roof. 

I pulled my knees to my chest and cried. I cried at the memories I've had in this very spot. All the times my dad was sitting beside me and would say something about how much he loves Liam to make me smile. 

Then the memories flood through my brain. I remember when Niall and I invited the boys over to meet Dad. I thought he was going to pass out or scream when Liam walked through the door. He looked like a five year old on Christmas day. He wouldn't admit it but I know he thanked them all for saving my life when I wasn't in the room. 

I cried harder. Sobbing loudly and just letting the tears stream down my face until I couldn't cry anymore. I wiped away the left over mascara from yesterday. I knew I looked like hell. My eyes were red and puffy as was my nose.  

I was tired physically and emotionally. Drawing a deep breath I forced myself to go back downstairs. Niall was still seated at the table with a cup of coffee in his hand. I was angry but I didn't want it to be obvious so I poured myself some coffee and grabbed my college binder. I skimmed through all the dorm files and scholarship copies. Everything was there just like it was last time. I chuck it back on the shelf and walk into Dad's office alone. Leaving Niall behind.

-Niall's POV-

I heard the office door slam behind her. She thought I didn't know but I did. She wasn't as quiet as she thought she was. I heard her scrabble up the stairs after my phone call with Zayn.  

I shook my head and stared at the wall. This was a disaster. Maybe we couldn't make this work. I pushed that thought out of my head. That's not it, I love Hayley. We could make this work somehow, maybe, maybe not.

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