Chapter 93

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-Hayley's POV-

I could hear Niall's heartbeat steadily in my ear as I rested my head against his chest. The last thing I expected was for him to show up and force his tongue into my mouth, but I wasn't going to question it..yet.  We hadn't said much after we finally stopped laughing. We both knew we'd have to eventually. it was inevitable. But as for now, neither of us seemed to be in any rush for the volcano of madness to erupt any sooner.

I could feel Niall's thumb gently rub the exposed skin of my back. His cheek resting against my forehead. I tried to imagine the thoughts churning in his mind. I had no idea what the extent of them could be. Nor any idea if they were good thoughts or not.

I glanced at my phone to reveal the time. It was nearly one. I was starved.

"Take out sound ok with you?" I asked aloud.

Niall grunted a response,  not tearing his  eyes away from the movie.

"What do you want? Pizza, Chinese, uhm... a burger?"

"Pizza sounds good." he grinned down at me.

"Ok." I smiled back before pressing the phone to my ear.


"They deliver to your dorm room?" Niall asked obviously not ok with the idea of people knowing which room I lived in.

"Chill Niall. They do it everywhere." I assured as I checked the time again. The pizza should be here any minute. Good thing because I don't know how much longer I could take my stomach growling angrily at me.

"I don't care. This shouldn't be allowed."

"well it is." I stood my ground. He wasn't going to completely run my life, even if it was over a stupid pizza.

I walked over to the door after I heard the sound of knuckles rap against the wooden door. I glared at Niall and told him to be nice before turning the knob and smoothly pulling it open.

"Hi-oh..." the friendly smile on my face disappeared when I saw the familiar tall lean figure in front of me. What are the odds.

-Niall's POV-

My blood began to boil as I mentally murdered the douche bag standing in the door frame. Of all people in the entire fucking world...

"Hi Chris." Hayley said softly. Her voice held little emotion and for that I was thankful.

"Hayley." Chris smiled. He smiled that stupid grin. No amount of words could describe how badly I wanted to punch that stupid thing off his face. I wanted to decorate the floor with his teeth and a hole in the wall about the size of his head would be fantastic as well.

"I haven't seen you much lately." He continued,  paying me no attention.  His eyes were too busy taking in Hayley's curves. Mutherfucker.

"Uhm, yeah." Hayley stammered as she pulled the money out of a desk drawer. "I've been... erm.. busy."

I could tell she was lying. She was stuttering and refusing to make eye contact with either of us.

"Well it can't be with work." he teased. "I've been there a lot lately and you're never around."

Is he fucking stalking her?! Good Lord this kid is asking to be killed.

"I.. I got a new job." Hayley muttered as she took the pizza box away from Chris. I noticed how she grabbed the edge of the box, keeping as much distance between them as possible.

New job? what?

"Oh that's a shame." His face fell. Good.

"Yeah." she dismissed him and stood against her desk. I rose to my feet and went to stand by her. She looked uncomfortable.  As if she didn't want Chris anywhere near her. I could lie but there was no point. The very thought overjoyed me.

I dug my fingertips into her hip and pulled her closer. I felt her muscles relax under my touch.

"Well thanks for the pizza man." I said hoping he'd catch the hint and leave.

His eyes exchanged to mine for the first time since he waltzed into the dorms. "No problem."

I nodded in acknowledgment and watched him leave. Hayley hastily rushed over and shut the door behind him. I watched as she slumped against the doir and collapsed to the ground with a loud sigh.

"Hey," I cooed squatting in front of her, taking her soft hands into mine. "What's wrong?"

Hayley raised her eyes to mine for a second and then shook her head violently.

"I don't think we should talk about it right now. Maybe later when we discuss... everything."

I cringed slightly at her word choice. Looks like we had more to figure out than I had planned. But that didn't matter because she was dropping this damn college and joining me on tour. She could move in with me for all I cared. As long as she was away from all these hungry assholes.

((Okayyy so you guys asked for more updates so I did. don't get used to it though because I don't have much time. okay so I will be continuing this book into another. I think I will just call it First Impression 2 because it's simple and easy. that sound okay? anyway thank you all for reading and voting and commenting I love you all so so much!!! cute as a button every single one of you! per-fect;) hahaha I'm lame okay don't forget to vote and comment ily xxx))

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