Chapter 99

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-Hayley's POV-

I groggily lifted my head off the pillow it had been resting on. My stubborn eyelids slowly opening just enough to look around the room. Niall's heavy arm was drapped over my waist,  pinning me to the plush mattress. I twisted my neck to look at Niall who lied fast asleep next to me.

His hair was matted to his forehead and fringed out into a slight flip at the ends. His pink lips slightly parted, allowing his tiny quiet snore to escape. My eyes traveled down to his bare chest that had a small faint patch of chest hair that he was so proud of. Our legs were intertwined underneath the covers. Both our naked bodies so close to each other. As if we were afraid that if we put too much distance between us, the other would vanish.

I stiffled a laugh as Niall snored loudly before shifting slightly.

I had still yet to tell him about my internship. I don't really know why I hadn't told him. Maybe it was because everytime I intended to Chris would show up and cause us more friction than was necessary. Or maybe it was because that once I told him it meant that was my choice. That internship would become my security. I couldn't just drop what I was doing because Niall would be back. Given, by the American leg of the tour, I'd be out of school and free to do as I wish.

But no matter what the reason I had given myself in the back of my mind, it could never be good enough. Niall would support me. I knew that. He would support me and be happy for me. He'd go in congratulating me and saying how my dad would be so proud of me. Why was I freaking out so much?

I shook the thoughts out of my head and extended my hand out to Niall's matted hair from last night. I smiled to myself at the vivid memories. The state of ecstasy I'd fall in as he pushed me to my limit. I lifted my neck a little nore to get a glance at his back.

yupp, they were there. The multiple red trails which could only be given by pure pleasure.

My cheeks burned in embarrassment. I was never one to  be embarrassed by my sex life, but with Niall... maybe it was because everything was so exposed and open to the public. Or maybe it was because I wanted to keep those things private. only between the two of us.  

I lied there a while longer, just taking in the moment. Taking in the surroundings around me, around us. Taking in the fact that Niall was mine and I was his. There comes a time where it doesn't matter who  or what the other person is. The only thing that matters is what they do for you and how they make you feel. Niall was no longer just the Irish band member of One Direction. His face didn't cover my walls. When I was with Niall it was like he wasn't anybody special to the world, he was just special to me. Just as I was to him. In one's lifetime, all we fight and yearn for is for someone to love us and lust us enough to put their life on the line just to save our own. There was not one doubt in my mind, that if that time ever were to come, Niall wouldn't hesitate.

"Cleaning lady!" A high pitched voice with a foreign accent squeaked after knocking on the door a few times.

I dug my way out from underneath Niall's tightening grip. He groaned in annoyance only to bury his face into the pillow. I pulled the large hoodie from the ground and slipped it over my head. Hopefully I looked half way decent.

A short middle aged woman with dark hair and a warm hearted smile stood on the other side of the doorframe. I hid my bare legs behind the door.

"Uhm, is there anyway you could come back another time? Or just not clean this room today?" I asked the woman slowly.

"It's kinda a bad time." The heat rushed up my neck to the tips of my ears.

The cleaning lady didn't seem phased. She only continued to smile and then nodded.

"Bad time." She repeated.

I nodded my head in agreement. "yes."

"Okay! Come back another time." She turned to push the big cart further down the hall before looking at me one last time and winking.

I shut the door knowing I was as red as a stop sign. Niall was now awake but only barley. His blue eyes drooping and refusing to stay open. I jumped onto the bed and crawled on top of him.

"Wake up Sleepy head!" I teased.

He shook his head and smiled sleepily.

"I am awake." His voice was deep and raspy from sleep. It was adorable.

"Not really." I lowered myself to where we were chest to chest. Faces a few inches apart.

Niall smirked and pressed his fingertips into my hip. I could feel my pulse quicken and the blood pounded in my ears.

"You know what would be a good way to start off the morning?" He asked as one of his hands fell to my thigh.

"A nice jog around the city?" I teased as I poked his cheek.

He rolled his eyes. "No smartass. A shower."

"You know what, you're right."

Abruptly I crawled off him and started for the bathroom.

"You can take one after me." I shouted behind me.

I could imagine Niall's face. He was back on the bed shaking his head and laughing lightly. In a few minutes he'd be barging through this bathroom door and invite himself under the warm water.

I pulled the hoodie over my head and placed it on the counter before turning on the shower head. The jets of water massaged into my stressed back muscles. I haven't taken a shower with a decent shower head in I don't know how long. Too long, that's for sure.

I hummed aloud to some pop song absentmindedly. 

"But baby running after you in like chasing the clouds.."

"Nice song selection."

I jumped and sent a small bottle of shampoo tumbling to the ground. I turned around to see Niall, well a naked Niall, smirking at me. He stepped into the shower and closed the curtain behind him. He temperature must have increased by at least twenty degrees.

"You honestly thought I was going to wait until you were done?" Niall asked in a deep raspy voice as he took a step closer.

"Nope." I answered honestly, slightly teasing.

His pupils dilated and grew darker blue. I watched as he bent down and picked up the bottle of shampoo I had sent flying when he scared me earlier.

I will never get used to seeing his pale skinned naked body. There was no skin inked by tattoos, it was just a blank canvas. A beautiful blemish free canvas of heavenly work.

"Turn around." He told me and I obliged. His long fingers meshed into my hair, working in the lather from the shampoo. My back was pressed against his chest. It was relaxing yet sexy in a way. I watched as the soap rinsed away and disappeared down the drain. Just like all my worries and stress.

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now