Chapter 89

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-Niall's POV-

I checked my phone only to find a blank screen. The same screen I had grown used to over the past 20 hours. Alcohol drowned my blood as I layed on my back, staring at the ceiling of my bunk. A few of the lads had stopped by and asked me if I was ok. Mainly Liam and Harry. Louis tried to take the bottle of dark liquor out of my hands and I nearly smashed his temple. Zayn steered clear. He was familiar with my angry actions and honestly I don't think he cared. I had blown off  all his advice and did the exact opposite.

"Niall..." Liam said quietly through the thin curtain between us.

I rubbed my eyes and threw the curtain to the side. "What?" I glared. My head was starting to pound loudly in my ears.

"uhm.." he stammered slightly taken aback. "we're gonna go get food. what do you want?"

I groaned and pulles the covers over my head. "The biggest, most fattening,  greasiest thing on the menu. Maybe my arteries will clog and I'll die."

"Uhm, ok." Liam said and walked towards the front on the bus followed by the other three. 

This was total bullshit. Seriously, what the fuck did I do wrong? She's the one who brought up fucking Chris. Ugh, just thinking about him makes my blood boil. What was so important that she had to tell me about anyway? What, that she had to work with him? No, she should just quit that damn job. It's shitty anyway.

I felt the vibration pattern of my phone spread across the mattress beneath me. I instinctively reached for it. I rolled my eyes when I looked at the caller ID. great.

"Hi mum." I mumbled as I flopped back onto the bed.

"Niall James!" She scolded. Great, someone was pissy.

"Zayn called me and said that you were drunk last night?! and drinking this morning?  Stop.  what the hell is wrong with you? You're on tour! What could possibly be going so wrong that you have resulted to drinking? I'm sure Hayley would listen to your voicemails in the morning and talk to you. Oh..." She trailed off when she caught onto the situation.

"yeah." I said flatly.

I could hear her click her tongue against the roof of her mouth, thinking of the words to say. "I thought you'd be more understanding about this. You know she's a victim here too. It's not like she threw heraelf on him."

A surge of resentment shot through me, quickening my pulse. "what?"

"Hayley and Chris...." She said like I should know.

"She didn't tell you did she..?"

I could feel the temperature of my blood rise. What the actual fuck was going on? Chris? Hayley?  Victim? and what should she have told me? Was it the same thing that she tried to tell me last night?

"No." I stated. "What was it?" The edge in my voice was clear.

"That's not my place." I knew she'd be shaking her head back and forth with sad eyes. I had seen that gesture too many times in my life.

"Dammit Mum." I grumbled.

"Don't curse at me." She snapped.

I rolled my eyes and withheld a groan. "ok. Well she's  not answering her phone so.."

There was a pause. "Well that's not like her. Did you piss her off?"

I sighed. "Yeah, little bit."

"What did you say?"

I groaned loudly. This is not really something I wanted to talk about with my Mum. Too peraonal for her to be in.

"Muuuuuumm!" I whined.

"Niall James Horan." She snapped at me.

I sighed and tugged at my hair. "She wanted to talk about Chris last night and I didn't want to listen so I made her stop.   She hung up and hasn't talked to me since.

The new information was churning in her brain. I just knew it. "Hmmmm." She hummed. "So it's your fault that you didn't know?"

Gee, thanks Mum. That really makes me feel great. What the hell was her problem? And why the fuck did Zayn tell her about my problems? I didn't include her because it wasn't any of her concern. It wasn't anyone's. Harry only knew because I needed to vent to someone about the bullshit. He probably.. no definitely told the other boys.  Well.. I guess that wasn't too bad. At least then they didn't ask me the same questions four times or more. That was annoying as fuck.

"Well, I have nothing more to say really." My mum said, obviously annoyed.


"Niall," she snapped. "Hayley would not just bring up Chris unless it was something she felt important. And you know she doesn't want to do anything to piss you off, so it must have taken her every ounce of courage to even try to tell you about this."

I tugged at my hair. This was not what I wanted to deal with right now. "I know."

"Then think about it next time." Her tone was harsh and serious.  "Now, I need to go. Fix it Niall, because I know throwing it away would kill you eventually."

"Yeah.. it would." I mumbled half heartily. I hung up and dropped the phone to my side. I don't see why I had ti be the one to try to fix this. She brought it up. Not me. She's the one who called me Chris. She's the one you invited him over. She's the one who hadn't quit that fucking job and get a new one, away from him.

This shit is getting old. I needed to be there and watch her. She probably wouldn't be doing this shit if I was close by. Things needed to go back to like they were in the summer.

We were in love. So deep that there was no way out of it. No ladder was tall enough. No rope was strong enough. No words made a difference.

We needed to go back when I was the only man in her life. When I was all she needed. When I was there for her. Why couldn't she just put college off a year and tour with me? What would even be wrong with that?

Selfish? maybe. But seriously,  it would have been better for both of us. It was still fairly early in the semester.. maybe she'd drop out of the classes and come with me. She could do schooling online. Yes! See this was a good idea. This was golden. This us what we needed. Hayley needed it, I neesed it.

((okay guys. I'm really trying to make this story more interesting for you all as Well as truing to continue updating often:) I have an idea.. and things may get a little interesting;) maybe not. haha anyway you guys know what to do! rape that vote button and spam me with comments:) thank you all so so much ily xxx))

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