Chapter 82

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-Niall's POV-

I stared at my phone waiting impatiently for it to light up with Hayley's name, but nothing came. Last night had been slow as well. She said she was going out for the night but it was still unlike her to just stop replying. Today was Friday so I knew she had projects to present and classes to attend but it was just kinda weird. I received no shapchats like usual and I had yet to hear from her.

Calm down. Nothing is going on. You know that. I told myself.

I checked the time. It was four here so it was just turning ten in America. She probably is running late between classes. She'll text me back before long. I bounced my knee up and down out of habit.

"Hey Nialler!" I turned to see Harry and Liam standing in the doorway. "Let's go do something."

I shook my head. "Nah, I think I may go see my mum or dad. You know before tour falls into full swing."

"No!" The shouted in unison. My face scrunched up in confusion.

"I mean, they'll be at the concert tomorrow so you can see them then." Harry muttered.

I cocked an eyebrow at them. "Uhm, you'll be there tomorrow too. So why don't I not go out with you guys?"

"Louis really wants to go hangout. All five of us. Do it for Louis." Liam imputed.

I groaned. I didn't want to go out. I wanted to find out what the hell was taking so long for Hayley to reply. I really did want to see my dad and seeing Mum would be nice too. A nice homemade meal listening to hear ramble about how proud she is of me sounded fantastic. On the other hand though, a night with the boys sounded fun and I knew how Louis gets when he doesn't get his way.

I sat there for a while longer weighing the two choices in my mind. "Ok." I sighed finally wile I got to my feet. Liam and Harry beamed with delight. It was weird actually but I ignored it. "Where we going?"

-Hayley's POV-

I groaned and opened my stubborn eyes. I was completely drained. I hadn't made it to Ireland until three this morning. Jetlag caught up with me as soon as I hit the bed. I was still in my clothes from yesterday and my phone had died throughout the night. I dug my charger out of my bag and plugged in into the wall.

I should text Niall back or call him.. no not call he's probably busy. Besides I needed to think of an excuse to tell Niall. I peeled the tee shirt off my body and tossed it to the side. I wasn't feeling like wearing actual clothes today so it looks like sweat pants were the way to go. My phone rattled on the end table as I received all the messages that I had missed on the plane. I scrolled through the long line of texts. I had a few from Niall and Logan. One from McKenna, a shit ton from Chris begging me to give him a chance, and I had received one from Louis that was sent a few minutes ago.

What time was it? 4:23 in the afternoon?! Holy shit.

You need to text Niall back as soon as you can. Tell him you just got out of class or something I don't know but he's freaking out. He almost went home half an hour ago. -Louis

I texted Niall back and apologized for the long reply times before changing and walking down the hall to the kitchen. I found Maura sitting on the couch watching the cooking channel.

I vaguely remember her picking me up at the airport this morning. I was surprised she offered to do that. I mean, three in the morning? That's my sleeping time. She gave me a warm smile and teased me about sleeping in so long.

"Good Afternoon." I laughed sitting down across from her. I ran my fingers through my hair trying to make it look a little more presentable.

"Where's, erm, Chris?" I asked. It was kinda awkward saying that name now that things between us were so strained. I didn't know what to think. He was so bold and caught me completely offgaurd.

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