Chapter 56

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-Hayley's POV-

"I just don't want to lose you." Niall said. I looked at him through my laptop screen. Skyping was the closest thing I had to him and I hates it.
"You're not gonna lose me, babe."
Niall tugged at his hair and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm not there to protect you." He said quietly. "I feel like I'm a failure."
I wanted to hug him. Hug him and hold him tight until he believed every word that came out of my mouth.
"You're not a failure." I cooed. "I'm ok. We knew this wasn't going to be easy. We're gonna be ok." I offered a smile.
"I know we will be." His smile cut through me. Not easy was an understatement. I would do anything to be with him right now.
"So I was thinking I'd come back there for Thanksgiving." Niall grinned.
I felt like I could explode. "Really?" I asked enthusiastically. It had been a long few months and I was ready to see him again.
He nodded. "Yup!"
I was excited with the idea of going home and spending time with my family with Niall. Dad would be overjoyed. Wait. My good mood started to fade and it must have been obvious.
"What's wrong?" Niall asked.
"I have no family." I said. Nothing had been resolved with my mom and Dad was gone. I only had Logan and Logan would be with Mom.
"Well you know what this means." Niall said, cutting through my thoughts. "We've got some bridges to rebuild."
I sighed. He was right. Both of us did. "So thanksgiving will be the time for all of us to try to understand each other which will result in fighting." I mumbled not trying to hide my misery.
"we'll work it out." Niall assured. "Promise."


I layed on my back, staring at the ceiling. How was I going to survive this school year? Hell, how was I going to survive this Thanksgiving break? I covered my face with my hands and groaned. This is hell.

"Hey... oh." McKenna greeted. I laughed. It must be so obvious that I was hanging on by a thread. "Please, for the love or God tell me Niall didn't break up with you!"

"No! God, no!" I laughed sitting up to face her. "Just struggling with this whole Thanksgiving thing."

She plopped down on her bed and held her chin in her hands. "Do tell." She smirked.

I told her everything. The drunk fights over the summer, Ryan slapping me, Niall beating Ryan, and the engagement. I poured out everything I had been holding in. All the stress and responsibility I had been gripping was thrown at McKenna all at once, and honestly I felt a lot better.

"So Niall is coming back for Thanksgiving and I guess we're going to try to work things out. Or at least cooperate."

"Well he didn't give you much time to think about it." McKenna laughed as she pulled her hair into a ponytail.

"He knows I'd drop everything to be with him. Even if it's just a few hours."

"Well who wouldn't?"

I thought about calling my mom and telling her plans but I knew she would say no. If I just showed up she would have to let me stay, especially if Logan saw me. Niall would yell at me for thinking this way but that's my plan and that's how it's gonna go.


The heels of my boots clicked against the cement. McKenna had convinced me to go out and eat something other than take out. Downtown was real cute. Little boutiques lined the streets as well as small restaurants. Lights lined all the buildings and the streets. I saw a bunch of couples holding hands and the occasional little family with a toddler.

"Let's eat here!" McKenna pleaded pulling me into an Italian restaurant. The smell of breadsticks filled my nose making me hungrier than I already was. We were seated by an attractive dark haired man and were given our waters.

We made small talk until our salads arrived, shortly followed by our entrees. I loved food. It was so good and the dessert was calling my name but buy the time I finished my pasta I was stuffed.

"I dare you to give our waiter your number." I teased McKenna.

"No! That's weird."

"I knew you were too pussy to do it." I challenged. I knew how much McKenna loved proving me wrong.

"Excuse me?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

I finished the rest of my water. "You heard me." I egged on.

"Fine. I'll do it." I watched as she scribbled her number onto a piece of paper. I tried to hide my snickers as he held the door open for us to exit.

"Here." McKenna smiled flirtatiously. "Hit me up sometime."

We flooded onto the sidewalk and immediately busted out laughing. drawing many strange looks from people passing by.

"I hope he calls you!" I laughed.

"Uh yeah! Me too!" She agreed still laughing.

We didn't stop laughing or making up unrealistic scenarios until we got back to the dorms. I kicked off my heels and crawled onto my bed. McKenna was always great about putting me into a better mood. This is why we were best friends.

We stayed up talking for a few more hours before checking the clock. "Shit, we should go to bed." I laughed realizing it was past midnight. "After this week are officially on break."

"Thank the Lord!" McKenna agreed as she pulled the sheets up to her neck.

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