Chapter 63

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-Hayley's POV-

Everyone around me was freaking about finals. Don't get me wrong I was nervous too but I had been studying and actually doing my work the whole semester so I felt pretty confident. I thought about going to the library to study but I would be lucky to find a place to sit so I stayed in the dorm. McKenna was cramming every free moment she had, so she had been in the library since noon.

After rereading the main chapters and going over all my study guides for the hundredth time I decided to take a break and get some coffee. There was a nice little café on campus that I had grown a habit of going to everyday. When money got tight and I stopped going as often they actually offered me a job there. I work three days a week in the afternoon and now I have a discount which feeds my coffee addiction.

"Hey Liz, I'll take my winter usual." I smiled at my coworker. Liz was a year older than me and probably the sweetest girl I have ever met. Her hair was a light brown with blonde highlights and she had gorgeous green eyes.

"Of course you will." She teased as she started my French vanilla cappuccino. "Shouldn't you be cramming for finals?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No. I just got done studying. I think I've stayed on top of everything pretty well anyway." I bragged.

"Oh yeah, I remember you telling me about that now. How's he doing?"

"Good as far as I know." I said casually. "He's supposed to Skype me sometime soon so I thought I'd get my caffeine now."

"Lord knows you need it." She teased.

I gave a heavy sigh and laughed. "You have no idea! Well put it on my tab and I'll see you tomorrow." I said turning to walk back to my dorm.

"Hey Hayley," Liz called after me as I reached the door. "Here's a fair warning, You are working with the new guy tomorrow so be ready."

I rolled my eyes. Fantastic. Just what I wanted. "Great, thanks for the heads up. I'll try to remember my patience tomorrow." I laughed.

There were small snowflakes whipping the cold December air. They nipped at my nose and cheeks turning them rosy by the time I made it back to my dorm room. I set my coffee on the desk and slipped into a warm pair of flannel pajama pants and Niall's blue jacket. I needed to give this back to him and take a new one from him. I've had this one for months now and it was losing the scent I called Niall. I fiddled with the silver pendant around my neck as I waited for Niall's call.

I heard a bloop come from the computer causing me to fly off the bed with excitement. I looked at the time. It would be well past midnight in Ireland. This was going to have to be a short call. Fantastic... not.

"Hey princess!" He grinned into the webcam. I bit back a smile as blood flooded to my cheeks and butterflies took flight in my stomach. It was obvious that he was tired. His ocean blue eyes were droopy and his hair was a total mess from just getting out of the shower.

"Hi Babe." I gushed. "How was your day?"

"Mental." He replied and gave a breathy laugh. He went into detail about practicing for tour and the mobs of fans. I knew he loved getting ready for tour but he loved seeing the fans more, even if they over step the boundaries.

"Thankfully I didn't get claustrophobic. Paul and the others made sure I had plenty of room." He added before talking about the boys and how they missed me. He was starting to ramble fast and I really had to pay attention to understand him. I loved that accent of his more than anything but when he got excited about something he usually had to repeat five times for me to catch it all.

"Enough about me, how are you?"

I shrugged. "I'm fine. Work's fine. Finals suck ass but I think I'm doing pretty good with it." Not much had really happened in the past month. McKenna and I had gone to a few parties but I didn't drink so they were boring on my part but it was still funny to tell. McKenna would probably slit my throat if she knew I told Niall.

"She was plastered. She literally fell out of her chair and landed face first into the concrete." I couldn't help but laugh as Niall burst into hysterical laughter. That was the best thing that I had ever heard in my entire life and I wish I heard it more.

We continued to talk about meaningless things for another hour. I watched as Niall yawned. "I think you should go to bed." I giggled.

"Nahh." He shrugged.

"Niall." I snapped. "You know you should. Tour is coming up. You have got to get the right amount of sleep." I pointed out.

He groaned. He knew I was right. I knew I was right. Everyone knew. It took a little more convincing until he finally gave in.

"I love you, we'll talk tomorrow." I smiled.

Niall nodded. "Ok. One more week and then you're here." He grinned like a child earning a giggle from me.

"I miss hearing that little laugh of yours." He said softly.

"I miss you, don't worry it'll go by fast." I encouraged.

He agreed and blew me a kiss goodnight and I did the same before disconnecting. I ran my fingers through my loose hair, pulling it into a low ponytail. I was tired but it was only eight. There was no way I was going to bed this early. 

I took a quick shower before everyone came back from studying and scanned over my notes again before tucking myself into my covers and finding a movie on Netflix. Nothing was really speaking to me. I decided on a Romantic Comedy, that way I'll cry but laugh all at the same time.

I was almost finished with my movie when McKenna dragged herself back into the dorm. I didn't say anything since her face was covered with an annoyed scowl. I paused the movie and waited for her to speak. She threw her books on her desk and let her dark hair fall from its bun.

"So many fucking people. I hate people. They are so annoying." She griped as she changed into pajamas.

"I mean, can you not just shut up and study like the other fifty thousand of us in this damn library?" It was obvious that she was exaggerating but I knew better than to correct her when she was pissed. McKenna continued to curse about people before she was finally finished.

"Sounds shitty." I said simply.

She groaned. "Yes. Shitty shit shit shitty. Whatever I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

I stifled my laugh and decided I'd turn in for the night to. I checked my phone one last time out of habit. I smiled at my lockscreen of Niall and I and rested my head on the pillow, only to fall asleep moments later.

((You guys enjoying this still?! Because none of you have said anything. lol. Just remember there is a vote and comment option for a reason! *hint hint* Okay so I want to update this fanfic daily if not daily then every other day or something. Uhm.. I need your honest opinion.. Do I continue this into another book? Because I want to. I'm not ready to end it. Please? Okay yeah, anyway that's all! I love you all xx))

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