chapter 5

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-Hayley's POV-

My head was clouded and my side was hurting like a bitch. I could hear a female voice telling me that I needed to wake up but my eyes were too heavy for me to even consider that. But unfortunately, that lady was very persistent so I finally gave in forcing myself to keep my eyes open. I looked to see a nurse in scrubs checking an IV... well I guess it was my IV. That's when I remembered that I had jumped in front of Niall when that weird creeper fan pulled a gun. My memory came back quickly after that which caused me to panic.

"Hayley, Sweetie, you have to stay calm ok?" the nurse said urging me to lean back on the inclined bed. "You're doing fine. We want to keep you here for a day or two just to make sure, but you will be fine."

I scanned the area. I was in my own little hospital room with a small window to the left and an even smaller TV mounted to the wall. "Are you in the mood for some visitors?" the nurse asked while writing down my blood pressure. Honestly the last thing I wanted was to see my mom. "There's a nice boy out in the hall wanting to see you." she said before I could say anything. She was pretty. Short and thin with curly blonde hair. She looked about late thirties early fourties at least.

"Uh, sure I guess." I really had no idea who could possibly be wanting to see me. I didn't have a boyfriend anymore and both Logan and Dad wouldn't have made it here yet, and it sure as hell wouldn't be Ryan.

My hair was itching at my neck so I quickly threw it up into a high messy bun. I turned towards the door as it opened. I'm pretty sure my eyes had popped out of my head along with my jaw hitting the floor. "Uh.. h-hi. I, uh, yeah hi." I stammered as I watched the blonde haired boy with blue eyes peek his head around the door. Niall fucking Horan was in my hospital room.

"Hey Hayley." He said with a little laugh. I knew I sounded stupid but I couldn't help it. My stomach was filled with butterflies and I felt like I could puke at any moment. Niall pulled the seat from the corner to the sode of my bed before seating himself at the edge. "So, uhm, how you feeling?" His asked in his perfect Irish accent. He ran his fingers through the back of his hair several times before setting it back on his knee.

"Well, I can't really complain. I'm alive." I laughed I couldn't tell if I was laughing because I was nervous or because I feeling comfortable.

He let out a chuckle and smiled, "Well that's good." Niall said, I looked into his eyes. Damn they were gorgeous.

"Hayley May Turner! What the hell? Oh... shit..." Mother's voice rang out through the entire floor. She stopped when she saw Niall sitting beside me. "I didn't know you had a visitor. Well I guess the four boys outside did but... well obviously I didn't believe them." Mom said while placing her jacket on the foot of the bed.

"Mom this is Niall. Niall... my mom." I explained before looking out the window.

"Uhm, well can I get you anything? The boys and I are going to get something to eat. Can I pick you up anything?" Niall asked while removing himself from the chair. I looked intk his blue eyes and shook my head. "Okay." He replied while turning to my mom and shaking her hand. "It was nice meeting you Mrs. Turner."

"Ms. Hunter, and like wise Niall." She said without even looking him in the eye. I turned towards the door just as Niall turned to wave good bye. Then, just like that, he was gone.

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now