chapter 42

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-Hayley's POV-

"oh Hi Maura!" I said I as I passed the open laptop infront on Niall. "How are you?" I set the basket full of laundry on my hip, turning my full attention to the Skype conversation.

"oh I'm fine Dear." Maura smiled. "how are the two of you?"

"We're fine mum." Niall said somewhat blushing. "but you know I was thinking maybe we could come see you sometime.."

My eyes darted at Niall. We had not talked about this. I mean, yeah I'd love to back to Mullingar and see Niall's parents and step dad but I had school starting soon and there was still so much to do with Dad's belongings.

"ohhhh yes!" Maura screeched, smiling broadly. "Oh Hayley I'd just love to meet you. I know Chris and Greg would too."

"And Dad." Niall inputted quickly.

"yes. I'm sure him too."

"Uhm well." I stammered. "We'll see what we can do. School will start before long." I explained shifting my weight. This is the last thing I needed on my mind.

We ended our skype call and I walked into the laundry room immediately, not saying a word to Niall.

I heard him groan from the hallway. "ok. what did I do?" he exasperated.

I shut the lid and started, both, the washer and dryer. I turned and crossed my arms. "uhm you can start with explaining when we talked about going back to Ireland recently." I stressed the word we.

He looked up at the ceiling, gawking, and throwing his arms around. "Why would you not want to? You said how much you'd love to."

"I also told you many times about how stressed out I am with the will and the house bills and college and just everything else." My voice raised with each statement. I didnt mean to but I had so much going on right now and I thought Niall understood that. "I'm gonna have to find someone to rent this place while I'm at college. Unless you have some person who loves to pay for things they don't have to. You know someone like that? Because I sure as hell don't."

"Thought you'd want a holiday away from all of it."

"I can't afford to take a vacation or a holiday or whatever the hell we wanna call it.i dont have the money or the time."

Niall looked at the ground as we fell silent. He obviously didn't think of that. "I can pay for you." he said softly.

"Niall no-"

"if you want to and have time to I will pay. It's not like it's a big deal."

"I don't want that."

"why not? it's not a big deal."

"It's a big deal to me, Niall!" I yelled slamming my hands against the washer. I instantly regretted it and took a deep breath. "I hate having you pay for things like that. I feel like I'm taking advantage of you." I explained more calmly.

Niall took a step closer grabbing my hand. "And I just want to treat you to things you deserve. I really want you to see my family. I miss them and I want you there." His blue eyes completely took over my senses. They were so big and sad and pleading.

I sighed, "Let me see what I can do about it."

He leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. "Thank you, princess." he whispered.

I couldn't help but smile as I felt the familiar heat in my cheeks. I felt Niall's strong arms wrap around my waist, seating me ontop on the dryer. "wanna help with some laundry?" I winked tugging at the hem on his tee shirt.

"Why not?" he smirked tracing random circles on the inside of my thigh. "It could be interesting." he smiled before kissing my lips hard, already wanting entrance.

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