chapter 35

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-Hayley's POV-

I opened up my Instagram app and logged into my fan account. I hadn't been on in forever. I scrolles through all the pictures and captions. Fans were freaking out. Some were happy that Niall found someone and others were beyond pissed, I didn't really blame them. I knew if Niall was dating anybody but me, as a fan I'd be heartbroken at first. No one really knew my name though, so the hate was nonexistent.

I knew Niall had an interview coming up in a few days. they somehow managed to arrange it to be in driving distance for us.The boys were flying in and Dad was really excited.

Dad called last night and said he'd be home tomorrow. I really hated not knowing where he was and what he was doing. I knew he was working and I trusted him but I just wanted to know what was such a big deal about his job.

"Niall," I yelled as I rummaged through the fridge. "Where you at?"

He shuffled down the stairs in a tank top and a pair of shorts. The neck of his white top swooped low, revealing his strong chest that had finally began to tan slightly. He knew perfectly well how much I loved when he wore them.

"Have you seen the pictures?" I asked in an effort to avoid staring. I ran my hand through my hair, pushing it to the side. I pulled up the latest gossip and turned the laptop to face Niall. I smiled as he smirked and shook his head.

"Niall Horan and unknown girl.." he laughed as I turned the laptop back to face me. "Well that's not too bad."

"oh wait look at this one." I said as he pulled a water from the fidge and stood behind me, looking over my shoulder at the screen. "Unknown nobody and Niall Horan caught having a good time. Is this the end for 1D?" I laughed. Some of these stories were so off the wall, it made no sense.

I lounged against the arm of the couch as I watched colors of the TV screen. It was late now and I was tired even though I did absolutely nothing all day.

I turned and say Niall walking from the garage with a beer in his hand. He plopped down beside me, resting his head in my lap. I propped my head with my arm and scratched his back lightly with my free hand. We sat in silence watching the movie. My hand moving up and back down his back, occasionally moving through his hair.

"You wanna talk to my parents?" Niall asked half asleep.

I bit my lip in order to hold back a laugh. "Niall, you're in Kansas. It's late in Ireland, I doubt they want to talk to us that much."

I heard him groan. "Damn it. I always forget." He rubbed his eyes.

"it's ok Babe." I laughed combing through his blonde hair. "Maybe we'll talk to them tomorrow. I haven't talked to them in a long time."

"I know, we'll try it tomorrow." he mumbled sleepily. "Have you heard from Logan?"

I stiffened slightly. I had called Logan multiple times and texted him twice as much. He had yet to respond. I even called my mom in an effort to reach him. All I got in return was the dial tone. "Nope."

Niall lifted his head and looked me in the eyes. "Really?" he asked. "You've heard nothing?"

i shooked my head and looked up to avoid crying. He sat up straight and took me into his arms. I really hated crying, even over family, but Logan was everything to me. He had been there through everything, even if he was an asshole sometimes, he really did care. That's why everything didn't make any sense. "I've called him so many times today." my voice was shakey and quiet.

"Princess," Niall said in a hushed voice into my hair. "things will work out. ok? they get back in a few weeks and as soon as they are back we will go find him and set things straight." His hand ran up and down my back in an effort to comfort me. His chest rose as he breathed deeply and his arms held me close. I couldn't control it any longer. I felt a few tears roll down my cheeks. I sniffled slightly and raised my hand to wipe them away. Niall caught my hand and pulled it to his lips. He placed a kiss on the back of my hand before setting it on his chest. He wiped the tear from my cheek and then continued to hold my hand.

I could imagine how pathetic I looked curled into a ball sitting in Niall's lap. I felt as Niall slowly began to rock side to side.

"You're so pretty when you cry, when you cry.." Niall sang quietly into my ear.

I let out a breathy laugh. I smiled up at him, running my fingers through the ends of his hair. "I love you."

"I love you too, Hayley." He smiled before pressing his lips to mine.

-Niall's POV-

"Niall, stop" Hayley laughed. I hovered above her as she layed with her back against the ground.

"Make me." i smirked.

She hooked the collar of my white v neck with her index finger. She bit her lower lip, "That can be arranged." she balled my shirt in her fists pulling me closer. I pressed my lips to hers, begging for entrance. Just as she opened her mouth, there was a knocking at the door.

"Uhm, time out." Hayley teased before wriggling out from under me to answer the door. I sat on the floor fiddling with the rug watching Hayley talk with a man at the door.

"What?" she held her hand to her mouth and I could see her beginning to panic. I quickly got to my feet and joined her at the door. "Grab the keys, please." she said.

"Hayley, what's wrong?" I asked as we ran out to the car. I noticed a police car with two officers waiting in the cab.

"My dad's in the hospital."she mustered between choked sobs.

The drive was long and too slow for either of us. Given we had a police escort, but it still took too long. The wait in waiting room was even longer. I sat on the edge of my seat, tapping my left leg. Hayley paced back and forth the long dull hallway. Her face was full of so much pain. Her beautiful chlorine eyes had turned red and puffy from the tears she cried in the car. She had taken her hair down and drove her fingers through it a million times, like she does when she's nervous. It pained me to see her in this state.

I got to my feet and strode over to get a cup of water. There was a man sitting in a chair caddy corner to me. He looked young, probably about mid thirties, dark curly hair and brown eyes.

"What's a guy like you hanging around this joint?" he asked revealing a slightly crooked smile.

"Uhm," I mumbled scratching the back of my head. "my Girlfriend's family is, uhm, yeah."

He smiled sadly and nodded his head understanding. i listened to him for a while as he talked about his youngest child being taken back for a broken arm. "It's nothing too bad. He breaks a bone every time we turn around." he joked lightly.

About another half hour passed and Hayley was still pacing around. A small blonde curly haired kid walked out into the waiting area with a green cast on his right arm. he smiled boldly at the man I was talking to, showing him the cast. I knew it was his kid, he didn't even have to call him dad. A tall skinny blonde walked shortly behind him, holding a little girl's hand. I'm assuming they were his wife and other child.

The man picked up the little boy and placed him over his shoulder. "I hope everything goes ok." he said. "No one deserves to have their family broken apart." his voice was sincere. I shook his head and thanked him before they filed out into the evening sky.

I looked down the hall to Hayley. She was now talking with a nurse. Hayley backed against the wall and slid to the floor, covering her face with the palms of her hands. I rushed over to her taking her into my arms, like last night.

"He's dead, Niall.." she sobbed loudly. "He's fucking dead! And I could have.. I should have gotten..."

"Shhhhh, Princess." I lulled combing through her lightening hair. "It's not your fault." It's not her fault. It wasn't anyone's.

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