Chapter 94

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-Hayley's POV-

My heart beat loudly against my chest. I swore Niall could hear it from clear across the room. I vacantly stared at the pizza in front if me. I had lost my appetite.

Why? Of all times for Chris to show up randomly,  why did he have to be the guy to deliver my pizza? Since when did he even deliver fucking pizzas? The pounding had exchanged from my heart to my head, causing it to throb with pain.

I tossed my leftover pizza slices into a plastic bag and shoved it into my mini fridge. Niall would probably eat it later tonight anyway. maybe.

I held my face in my hands for a short moment before raisibg my eyes to my boyfriend sitting across from me. When, and how, did we become so distant? I inhaled sharply as his blue eyes met mine. I fought the urge building inside of me to look away.

Niall held the glance before rubbing his hands together and sighing. "So.."

"so," I repeated, unsure where to start.

"How was tour?" I asked quietly.

"Shitty without you there." he answered shortly. I knew he wasn't completely telling the truth. He loved touring. He loved seeing the fans. No matter hown mmmm uch he told me he hated it, I knew he loved it. He always has.

"That's unfortunate." I mumbled half heartily continuing to stare at the ground.

"What did you need to tell me?" Niall asked abruptly.

I lifted my gaze to meet his. His head hung low but he had turned his face to meet mine.  His fingers crossed each other out of nervous habit as he waited for my answer.

I leaned back in my chair and mentally ran through what to say. I needed to be careful. Careful not to say anything tom piss him off and have this end like last time.

I took a deep breath. "It's about Chris."

"yeah." He commented but I chose to ignore it.

"He came onto me." I blurted out without holding his eye contact.

An unsettling silence fell over us. I pinched my eyes closed waiting for his outburst. A chair to be thrown to the ground or maybe the door being slammed shut as he ran after the prep. But nothing came.

I slowly opened my eyes to find Niall burying his face in the palms of his hands,  trying not to explode.

"Continue." he demanded. Normally  I would have made a comment about him not needing to boss me around, but I was too.exhausted already.

"He asked me if you were... uhm.." how was I suppose to expalin to him that Chris thought he was abusive? I can't even picture his reaction. My imagination would probably only catch the absolute minimum.

"I'm what?" Niall snapped impatiently as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"if.." I stuttered. "he thinks you beat me."

His golden locks snapped up and his eyes were wide. I was surprised when he scurried from the bed to kneel on his knees infront of me. He held both my hands in his. His blue eyes burning into me.

"You told him I didn't right?" Hus voice cracked slightly.

I nodded. "of course I did. He just... he doesn't really believe me." I sighed. I coukd feel my tears threatening at my eyes. I blinked them back to the best of my abilities, but it was useless.

"I'm scared, Niall." I admitted. "So many people have told me stories about him and I'm scared. Terrified even. paranoid."

I felt as his long fingers curled lightly around my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"Baby," he spoke softly, calm even. "What kind of stories?"

I tried to compose myself to get the words out of my mouth but hot tears only fell down my cheeks as I gasped for air.

"They say he won't gi-ive up until h-he has what he wa-ants." I stammered through sobs. "And I g-guess he wants-s me."

I noticed the shade of blue in his eyes darken with anger but he blinked it back just as quickly as it appeared.

"That won't happen." He said firmly.

"How-ow do we know?" I asked as Niall used the pad of his thumb to catch a tear.

He hesitated and then returned his gaze to mine,  looking deep into me. "Come on tour with me?"  it sounded more like a demand than a question.

"Ni-all." I sighed. "I have school-l. I can't just get u-up and leave." I laughed lightly.

"you could do online schooling."

oh. He's not joking.

I shook my he head. "no. I-"

"shhh.." Niall interrupted softly. "you dont have to decide right now. You're not in a stable mind set right now."

I could see the concern  on his face, it was.plain as day.

"Come here." he muttered before picking me up bridal style and carrying me to the bed.

I curled against him, as close as I could manage.  My face buried into his steing broad chest that was covered in his cologne. His strong arms wrapped around me and into my hair,  lightly brushing through the blonde strands. I could feel his cheek pressed against my forehead.  I missed this far too much.

I should have told him about my internship. Was he seriously expecting me to just leave my life and go live with him? surely not.. well then again. Maybe he did.

(( thank god for weekend updates!!! I missed writing so so much! I need more time!))

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