chapter 8

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-Niall's POV-

I waved goodbye to a few nurses as I started down to the hospital's parking garage. Unlocking my car, I checked my phone to find a text from Harry. 'Sex in a hospital is frowned upon!;) get back before Paul gets pissy.' I couldn't help but let a laugh escape my mouth before putting the car in drive and heading back to the hotel. My mind slipped away to what Hayley had told me about her home. She was a cute girl, sweet and funny, the last thing she deserved was to have her flaws pointed out by everyone.

I parked the rental car in the hotel's parking garage and made my way to my hotel room. After unlocking the door, I set the keys on the table and kicked off my shoes.

"So," a deep voice came from the other side of the wall. I turned the corner to see Zayn laying on the bed in a pair of grey sweat pants. "how'd it go?" he asked with a teasing smile. "did you profess your love for her and give her a sponge bath?" I shook my head but couldn't help from laughing.

"There was no sponge baths or professing of any kind." I replied before grabbing my own pair of sweats to change into.

"Then what did you guys do so long?" Zayn questioned while reading a text.

I adjusted the draw string and threw my jeans and tee shirt into the corner. "Uhm, we watched football, and we talked."

Zayn looked up from his phone with a raised eyebrow. "Football?" I nodded. "Like our football? Not American?" I nodded again with a smile. "Nice. Now what did you guys talk about?" he questioned while surfing through the TV channels.

"Life." I answered while plugging my phone charger into the outlet.

"You are just not going to give out any information are you?" Zayn teased.

"Information about what?" Harry asked in his raspy voice as he entered through the joined room doorway.

"Information about why he stayed with that Hayley girl for so long." Zayn answered.

"Right! C'mon Mate, what happened?" Harry insisted while plopping down next to Zayn.

I took a bag of cookies and a bottled water out of the mini fridge before facing the boys. "We just talked. That's all." I repeated.

"Niall, do not make me get Louis in here." Harry smiled cheekily.

"Why can't Louis be in here?" Louis cried while letting himself in through the hallway door. "you bitches trying to exclude me? Oh, Niall, you're back! Liam, Niall's back!" Louis yelled down the hallway. Liam quickly entered the hotel room.

"For the final time, all we did was watch football and talk." I said settling into the sofa. My voice was louder than I intended but it did make the guys stop pressuring me. Everyone was silent and the guilt pressed on me. "Sorry."

"Niall," Zayn said with eyes on the bed comforter. "you always said that when that special girl of yours came, you would know." His dark brown eyes made contact with mine. "Is Hayley her?" Now all of the boys' eyes were on me. I looked down at the ground. I actually refused to think about that. As much as I wanted a girl, I was scared to pick the wrong girl.

"I-" my voice was shakey, "I don't know if I am interested in her or if I am just guilted." I finished. When I said it out loud it sounded stupid. I heard footsteps approach me but I refused to look up. I felt a strong arm wrap around my shoulders.

"Niall, mate, everything happens for a reason. There's a reason she jumped infront of that bullet. And there's a reason you stayed at that hospital all night." Liam said, "you have met tons of fans and you have never thought twice about them, yet now you are wondering about this girl." he gave my shoulders a slight shake.

"Yeah, but the first time I met Hayley, she was bleeding from her side because of a bullet that was intended for me." I whispered.

"Yeah," Liam continued, "but that bullet didn't change who she was." I stayed silent letting it sink in. "Just think about it." Liam said as he stood up. I looked at him and nodded.

All the boys said good night and left except Zayn. "Go see her tomorrow, mate." he said said as he looked across the room at me.

"I plan on it." I replied with a small smile. Zayn smiled and disappeared into his room. There was no denying that Hayley interested me but I really didn't know if it was enough to start a relationship. I decided to turn in so I turned off the lights and crawled into the bed. I'd see her tomorrow morning.

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now