Chapter 78

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-Niall's POV-

My entire body ached. I felt heavy and I was too exhausted to even try to move. I felt a small tug in my hand. I opened my eyes and saw the same dark haired nurse that had taken care of me yesterday shoot pain killers into my IV. She smiled and told me good morning but I could only mumble a response.

She laughed lightly. "I see you two worked things out." I followed her gaze over to Hayley who was curled into the crook my arm and shoulder, sound asleep. Despite the pain and the energy I was lacking, I felt a smile spread across my face.

"Yeah.." I said hoarsely. "She's worth the work."

She smiled warmly and took some blood work. "She means that much, huh?"

I nodded and looked the nurse in the eyes. "Not having her with me hurt more than all these cuts and bruises. Almost losing her worried me more than almost losing my life." The words were true. I meant every word that exited my mouth and echoed through the room.

She patted my shoulder and smiled. "I think it's safe to say she'd be saying the same thing if this was reversed."

She closed the door behind her and I craned my neck to look down at Hayley. Her hands served as a small cushion between my chest and her cheek. Her lips were parted slightly and her breathing was deep and steady. I pressed a kiss to her forehead before resting my head on top of hers. Even though I was completely drained, I couldn't sleep. My thoughts always wandered back to the drive to Hayley's.

I wasn't paying full attention to the roads and going faster than the posted speed limit. I didn't realize the park car and by the time I reacted it was too late. My tires skidded across the ice and I lost all control. I vaguely remember the ride in the ambulance. I only remember doctors yelling at me to calm down as I yelled at them to call Hayley. At that moment, I didn't think about the press or any publicity that would come out of my stupidity, I only thought of Hayley.

"I love you.." I told her even though she wouldn't hear me.

-Hayley's POV-

These annoying monitors were worse to wake up to then my alarm. My neck was stiff and my eyes were still puffy from my crying last night. I wiped the area under my eyes to clear away any runaway mascara. I carefully sat up, trying not to stir Niall. I looked at his arms that had turned into a dark shade of purple and blue. I could tell just how deep the cuts were now that I wasn't crying my eyes out. Many of them were sure to scar.

I pulled my hair into a messy bun and crawled off the crappy hospital bed. After pulling my cost around my shoulders and slipping my feet into my Ugg boots, I heard Niall shift in the bed behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to find him trying to sit up. I stifled a small laugh and went to his aid. At first he rejected it but reluctantly gave in when it was obvious that he was too weak to do it on his own.

"Im gonna go home and shower. I'll be back if you want me to." I explained ruffling his darkening hair.

He nodded slightly. "Yeah, I want you to come back."

My heart fluttered. We were really trying to move on. "You want me to bring anything back?" I asked.

"Food would be great." He smiled cheekily.

I laughed. "I'll find out if you can eat solids or not. Any preference?"

He shrugged. "You know me, I'm not too picky."

That's the Niall i knew. "Ok. Well I'll see what I can find. You should probably get some rest though. It's pretty early."

He arched his eyebrow. "What time is it?" He asked groggily.

I glanced at my phone and laughed. "It's like five in the morning."

"Why the hell am I awake?!" He groaned.

I couldn't help but giggle before leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek but he cupped my chin, forcing my gaze to meet his.

"Be careful." He stated. It was firm but caring. It tugged at every inch of my heart, making it seem as if it could tear in two.

"I will." I whispered.

"Im serious."

"I know." I raised two fingers and lightly traced a small cut on his forehead. "I promise you."

He gently pulled my face closer until our lips brushed each other's before falling into sync. The kiss was soft and gentle. It wasn't rushed and there wasn't any urge for us to explore the other's body. It felt as if we were more connected. It was like he wad switch places. Ten months ago I was the one in the hospital bed. Ten months ago we were two people, and at that moment, in that kiss, we felt like one soul.

I pulled away slowly and a comforting silence fell around us besides those damn monitors. "Good," Niall smiled. "I'd rather have you sitting next to me, ordering me to take it easy than be lying in a bed next to me."

"I will. I'll take my time but all the same hurry back to be beside you."

" that's all I ask." He smirked. God, how I've missed that. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled and started towards the door. I wrapped my fingers around the knob when I heard Niall behind me.

"I love you more." He teased, mocking me like I had done before.

"Not a chance." I winked.

I walked down the cold halls. Everything was so lifeless and depressing. It was even harder when someone I loved was one of the people lying in a bed. I stopped by the nurses' station and asked them about Niall's diet. They told me that he was free to eat whatever he felt up too. That was a relief. Hope the child felt like a burger because I know I did.


I drove slowly down the nearly empty roads. There was a few cars but they imposed no threat. They drove slow like I was and each of them looked as pale as I felt. The burgers in the brown bag that lied in the passenger seat filled my car making me hungry for the first time in days. I decided to stop by the library and check out a book or two. Niall would be exhausted and I would have plenty of free time.

I shivered as I glanced down the aisles lined with books from the ceiling down to the floor. I loved reading. Something about it just carried me away from the drama I had in reality to another world, another life. I decided on two romance novels and walked back to the front. The elderly lady sitting behind the desk smiled at me and she scanned the bar codes.

"It's cold out there, isn't it?" She asked trying to make small talk.

I smiled, "yeah, it's pretty chilly. The roads are awful though."

Her eyes grew wide and she nodded dramatically. "There have been so many wrecks recently."

I nodded in agreement. "Yes, someone very close to me was in one of them actually." I told her trying to avoid details. "Im heading that way now."

She gave me a sad sympathetic smile. "Im sorry dear. I hope everything goes okay."

"He's doing good." I assured her. "But hopefully things continue to go well."

She nodded. "I'll keep you in my prayers."

"Oh, thank you so much." I gathered my two books and scurried back out to the shelter of my car. I was so glad that my heater worked, otherwise there would be no sanctuary for me in this god awful winter.

((okayyyy!:) so I've noticed a few of you have become more active with the comments and votes on the last few chapters and I just want to say thank you and I love you. You have no idea how happy the comments make me. Even if its simply "update" or "love it". So thank you so so much for reading!:) ilysm xxx keep it up!!))

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