chapter 26

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-Hayley's POV-

I spent my free period running from classroom to classroom, having teachers sign me out for the school year. My locker had dwindled down to my backpack and a few paper wads. Senior year was minutes away from being over. High school was minutes away from being over. I walked down to the office and turned in the remainder of my textbooks and my sign out sheet.

"So how do you feel about leaving this place?" the Secretary said from behind the desk. I smiled and shook my head.

"it's kinda weird but I think I'm ready to move on." I said as she placed the text books on the shelves and added the sign out sheet to the files.

"Well we're certainly miss you here." she said.

"oh I don't officially graduate until Monday." I laughed lightly. She nodded as I walked back into the hallway. I adjusted my backpack straps just as the final school bell rang out the halls.

Students poured into the empty halls. I leaned on the wall as I waited for my friends to arrive.

"Hey, " McKenna said, "I've gotta get going but we have definitely got to get together over the summer. Hit up some parties, make memories that we won't remember, get tattoos..." I slapped her in the boob. "Fuck! sorry. I forget." she said guarding her boobs from another blow.

"Well maybe you should think before you start talking." Kaylee teased while opening the door.

"Ok seriously, can we walk faster?" Maggie said barging through the front doors. "It's summer, we're seniors. no more high school! We're free bitches!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. The four of us laughed and continued walking towards our cars.

I looked up to see someone standing by my car. It was a guy, kinda tall, sorta pale. I looked a little closer as he turned to face me. Instantly I felt my heart leap into my throat.

"Holy shit!" I screamed before running over to Niall. "Niall!" I yelled again as I jumped into his arms. He wrapped his strong arms around me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. I hugged him tightly taking in his scent. Niall sat me down on the hood of my car, standing between my legs. I held his face in my hands, still laughing awkwardly.

"Surprise." Niall laughed intertwining his fingers with mine. Without giving it a second thought, I leaned in and kissed him passionately. He deepened it, sliding his tongue into my mouth.

"Ahem.. erm..."

I pulled away and turned to see Maggie and Kaylee standing next to their car parked beside me. I blushed and buried my face into Niall's chest. Niall laughed awkwardly as I cursed under my breath.

"Shit sorry guys. ok, uhm, Niall these are my best friends, Kaylee and Maggie. Maggie, Kaylee.. uhm" I looked up at Niall and grinned like an idiot. "Uhm.. my boyfriend, Niall." I said hugging Niall tighter.

Niall waved, "Hey there, sorry for all.. that." he said in his accent. God, it was so sexy. Maggie wasted no time before firing a sarcastic remark, shortly followed by one from Kaylee. Niall placed his hand on my thigh as I traced random patterns on his back. Maggie and Kaylee kept things interesting, asking any questions that came to mind that had any bit of sarcasm behind it.

"Well hey," Maggie stated. "I'm sure you guys wanna get back and continue your steamy make out session else where, but there's a party Saturday night. You guys should come!"

I shifted my weight slightly. As much fun as it sounded, Niall was Niall.. rumors would be started and eventually we'd have to confirm the rumors. "Uhm, we'll talk about it and let you know." I responded looking up at Niall who nodded in agreement.

"Cool!" Kaylee said as she closed her driver's side door. "You two use protection now!" she winked before pulling out of the parking spot.

I snook my head as they drove away. I turned my attention towards Niall and bit my lower lip. "So," I saod tugging at his white v neck. "where were we?" Niall smirked before leaning down and leaving a hard kiss on my lips.

"Let's get out of here."

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now