chapter 43

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-Hayley's POV-

I stared at my open suitcase filled with folded clothing and stuffed shoes. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. After a lot more convincing and making some arrangements, I decided on going to Ireland.

Even though I told Niall that the only thing standing in the way of us taking the trip was school and the house, there was more. A part of me didn't want to leave the states. Yes, I loved Niall and wanted to meet his family, but that was a big step. The last thing I wanted was not to be accepted by Niall's family. And I wasn't to thrilled to hear the rumors of everyone calling me a gold digger.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a pair of strong arms circle around my waist from behind. I put on a smile as best as I could despite the thoughts turning in my head.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked in a deep hushed voice. He stooped down to where he could rest his head on my shoulder and swayed slightly back and forth.

"Nothing." I mumbled absent mindedly. I looked down at my hands as my fingers played with Niall's.

"You're lying." Niall mumbled as he kissed my cheek. "Seriously, babe, what is it?"

I opened my mouth to explain but instead only sighed. It wasn't worth bringing up. It wasn't worth having Niall worry about.

I turned to face him with a fake smile plastered onto my face. "I'm fine. I swear." I pecked his nose and held him tightly. I pulled back from the embrace to finish packing as much as I could into the suitcase.

"Alright," Niall smiled sitting down at the foot of the bed. "so you don't want to talk about it. That's ok."

"No. I'm fi-"

"Stop lying to me." Niall interjected, still smiling. "just tell me that you don't want to talk about it."

I sighed and tossed a top into the overflowing suitcase. "ok fine."

"thank you." He gave me a kiss and started down the stairs. "And you can bring another bag." he shouted behind him.

I sat down next to Niall with my bags at my feet and a Starbucks in my hand. We had decided to take a super early flight. Not only so it'd give us a decent amount of time before jetlag would catch up with us, but also so the chance of being mobbed by fans and paparazzi was decreased. I looked around casually, inspecting all the body guards in plain sight.

The sun had not yet risen but there was still a decent amount of people in the airport. Thankfully, I was not a person to care about my appearance. I wore a pair of sweats and Niall's jacket. I had taken the time to straighten my hair and apply mascara and foundation despite Niall's protests.

"First class now boarding." a lady announced over the intercom. I remained seated until I felt Niall tug at my sleeve.

"It's first class.." I said confused.

He just laughed and shook his head. "It really is going to take you awhile to get used to this." he extended his free hand out to me.

I sat down next to Niall, feeling extremely uncomfortable. I already felt bad enough about Niall paying for my ticket, let alone a first class ticket.

I shut my phone off and put on my seatbelt. I didn't mind flying but I absolutely hated take offs. I pulled down the blue sleeves over my hands and looked out the window. I was way to tired and just wanted to sleep.

-Niall's POV-

I didn't want to wake her up. She looked so cute and peaceful and I knew as soon as I touched her she would not be as adorable. Actually my life would be greatly in danger. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture. This had to be documented. I stiffled a laugh and shut my phone off again before any flight attendants could come by. I took a deep breath and braced myself for the possibility of Hayley's tired outburst. I shook her shoulder gently.

"Princess," I said as sweetly as I could. "you need to wake up. please don't kill me."

She gave me a groggy glare and sat up straighter in her seat. "We there or something?" she asked rubbing her eyes.

I nodded. "well kinda close. I figured you'd want to be up a little before we got off."

"Yeah, you're right." she snorted quietly.

We got off the plane in Dublin and made our way out to the parking lot. I scanned through my texts trying to find the one from my mom. she said that her and Chris had dropped it off earlier that day so Hayley and I wouldn't have to pay for a taxi service or anything.

I adjusted my green backpack and put my phone in my pocket. Hayley yawned as she piled her suitcase ontop of mine and tossed her backpack into the back seat. I smiled to myself and pulled the keys out of the center console.

Dublin traffic wasn't bad so the drive to Mullingar didn't take too long.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Hayley asked looking out the window.

"I figured we'd stay at my place." I said turning my attention from the road to her. "First check in and say hi to my mum and depending on how much time is left we could go see my dad."

She ran her fingers through her hair a few times, looking at me with her big beautiful eyes. She could tell I was a little nervous. Hayley smiled and rubbed, what she could of, my back. "Hey." she said brightly. "things will go fine. We have a few days here though, no need to rush it. It's already late in the afternoon, and you know how you are with jetlag."

She was right. We wouldn't have much time at all after seeing mum. I took her hand and kissed the back of it. "Thanks babe." I smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too."

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now