Chapter 96

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-Niall's POV-

I walked across the courtyard,  making my way to the library where Hayley was. She had some last minute things to catch up on so I promised her I'd meet up with her and take her out or something. That was my mistake. It was freezing balls outside. How do people actually live with this shit every year?

I pushed through the heavy doors into the silent room lined with books. Students were scattered at tables with books and laptops opened in front of them. This is what I'd be doing if there was no one direction. It was kinda weird to think. I kept my head down even though it made no difference. Everyone had their nose buried into their studies. My eyes scanned the area for the thousandth time, trying to find Hayley.

I turned my attention ti the elder lady with white curls tucked tightly behind her into a bun. She wore a gold pair of eyeglasses in the bridge of her nose.

"Excuse me.." I said as quiet as I could.

She liftes her eyes and her tired scowl faded into a warm smile. "How may I help you?"

I glanced behind me one last time but still found nothing. "Uhm, you wouldn't happen to know if there is a Hayley in here would you?"

Her nose scrunched slightly. "Hayley...?"


"Oh Hayley!" Her eyes widened and she beamed. "I just simply adore that girl. The small blonde one,  right?"

I nodded with a smile. "yeah, that's her."

She pointed a thin boney finger to a corner behind me. "She's back in her little corner."

I thanked her and followed in the direction she had pointed me in. My heart leaped when I saw her familiar chlorine eyes that I loved so dearly. You'd think by now this whole "butterfly" shit would be over with.

what the fuck?

I squinted my eyes. Who the hell is that and why is he sitting across from Hayley. I could feel the anger and jealousy building inside me. It grew more and more intense with each step I took. If he knew what was good for him, he'd get away. now.

-Hayley's POV-

"Hey Hayley." I peeled my eyes away from my last paragraph of my paper I was writing for my English class.

A knot in my stomach began to form. I didn't need to look up, I knew exactly who it was.

"Chris.. hi." I pressed on a fake smile, silently praying Niall was back in the dorm.

I watched in horror as he pulled the wooden chair in front of my away from the deak in order to get himself a seat. His dark hair was gelled back away from his forehead. the usual preppy style that all the frat boys wore.

"What are you working on?" he asked motioning towards the laptop.

"oh uhm," I stuttered.  "English."

he nodded with a smile. I tried not to pay much attention to Chris' wandering hand glide acroas the table towards me. I continued to type furiously as he talked about how much he missed seeing me. I didn't like it. he was making me uncomfortable.

"So did you quit because of your internship?" He asked finally.

My neck snapped up to him. Matt must have told him. "uhm, yeah."

"damn, I was hoping I'd be seeing you around more."

I shook my head. "No. I'm done with the coffee shop."

My stomach churned as Chris leaned over the narrow desk.

"Then maybe I can see you... out of work." His voice was low just as it was when we were alone in the coffee shop.

I cringed and tried to pull back but he caught my hand and kept a firm grip.

"that sounds... not too smart." I stammered avoiding eye contact.

His face got even closer. "C'mon Hayley. Niall doesn't even know about your life here. Does he even care?"

Anger and resentment boiled inside me. "yes." I spat.

Chris shook his head and chuckled lowly. His index finger guided under my chin, forcing me to make eye contact.

"It can stay a secret."

"Fuck you." I muttered through clenched teeth.

"If you'd only let me."

((I am so so soorrrryyyyy!!! I don't think I'll be able to update unless weekends. I lovee you I'm sorry!! vote and comment! sorry its short.))

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