chapter 46

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-Hayley's POV-

I totally forgot that we were Ireland. Everybody drinks in Ireland. shit. The small bar was pretty packed. Niall wrapped his arm around my waist, a little too close to ny ass but I didn't really care.

"Don't worry it looks more packed than it really is." Niall laughed.

"Uhm, you do remember that we party in barn, right?" I pointed out with a smirk.

Niall shrugged his shoulders. "Does it really matter how packed it is?" he asked leading me to the bar. "I mean, here you can drink legally."

"A very valid point." I laughed sitting on a bar stool. Niall leaned over the bar and yelled some sort of Irish slang at the bartender.

"Niall!" the bearded man exclaimed. "You're finally back!"

"Oh I'm doing great, lad." Niall smiled broadly.

"This yours?" The man asked gesturing towards me.

Niall nodded proudly. "All mine." I felt his strong hand at my lower back. "Hayley this is James. James, Hayley."

"Nice to meet you." I smiled.

Niall and James continued to talk while we got our drinks. "Now," James said placing the pint infront of me. "This shit is probably a little stronger than that American shit."

I nodded in acknowledgement and took a long drink. Holy shit, that was strong, but I couldn't stop. Before I knew it the pint was empty.

I felt Niall's and James' eyes grow in amazement. "Damn Niall. Is this her first pint here?"

"Well unless she's been sneaking out after I go to bed, yes." Niall laughed.

"You were a bigger pussy than that years ago." James laughed as he handed me another.

"Not gonna lie, that's pretty sexy." Niall smiled proudly, kissing my temple. "Don't drink that one as fast. I don't need you leaving with some other guy tonight."

"Afraid of a little competition?" I teased.

"Nope." He defended. "I'm gonna get a few of the guys, don't run off."

After talking to some of Niall's old friends I went back to the bar. He had some really sweet girl friends that definitely made me feel more comfortable, then again that could be the alcohol.

I shook my head when James offered for a refill. "I need to keep my head." I laughed. A girl with blonde hair sat on the stool next to me. I didn't really acknowledge her until I noticed she was talking to me.

"So you're the girl with Niall?" She slurred slightly.

I nodded.

"Yupp. Niall was my first kiss." she continued.

I took a deep breath, trying not to roll my eyes. "Really?" I asked, faking interest. I knew exactly who she was. Niall's ex. I really didn't need this bitch to kill my mood. I was actually having fun.

"Yupp." she enunciated the 'p'. "Fantastic kisser, but my fiancee is so much better."

A laugh slipped out. "well good for you." I said clutching my glass to avoid punching her and breaking her nose.

-Niall's POV-

I looked around the room casually trying to find Hayley. I saw her at the bar but I couldn't figure put who she was talking to.

"Oh shit!" I shouted weaving through the people. "Holly.. hi." I mumbled through clenched teeth. "Hayley, I see you met Holly." What the hell was up with me and girl's starting with the letter 'H'?

"yes. I did." Holly slurred.

"She was telling me about all the fun you two had together." Hayley said in a fake high pitched voice but her face was serious.

Do you think anyone would notice if I smashed my head into the closest pole? Shit. I ran my hand across Hayley's back and forced a smile.

"But it's ok!" Holly said loudly. "Because this is my fiancee, John." she wrapped her arm around a rather large man. Definitely had a beer gut going for him.

"Charming." Hayley mumbled disgusted.

"And let me tell you," Holly started again. "John is way better in bed than Niall." she snickered.

What the fuck was she talking about? We never had sex. Fuck.

"Holly dear," Hayley said pushing her pint away from her. "Have you ever considered a nose job?"

"Yes actually. why? do I need one?!"

Hayley smirked. "yes and I will be more than happy to fucking give you one!" She shouted lunging forward.

"Hayley! No stop!" I yelled grabbing her arms at the last second and pulling her into my chest. I watched as Holly fumbled to the ground from the scare. "Well I think we've had enough fun for one night." I mustered a smile while practically dragging Hayley out the door.

"Just one punch!" Hayle muttered angrily.

Thank God most of these people were drunk and there wasn't any paparazzi. Shit, at least I hope not.

By the time we got back to my place, Hayley had calmed down enough to control herself. I watched as she kicked her boots off stumbled slightly to kitchen.

"Hayley," I started.

"What happened between you two?" she shouted.

I shook my head and grasped her hands. "Not what she said." I explained quietly.

She eyed me. She was still angry. Not necessarily at me but more at Holly. I watched in silence as she grumbled curse words under her breath and threw her hands in frustration.

"you're the only one, I promise." I sighed scratching the back of my head. I plopped down on the couch and held my face in my hands. Why was everything getting so fucked up?

-Hayley's POV-

I took a deep breath. I couldn't be mad at him, I had no right to be mad at him. I was mad at Holly. I was mad at myself. My socked feet walked silently across the hardwood floor into the same living room area. His hands covered his face and his muscles were tensed. I bent down in front of Niall to where we were eye level. I took his hands away from his face to expose his deep blue eyes that were now bloodshot. Our lips connected and fell into sync.

"It's ok." I whispered as he pulled me in for a hug. I sat on his lap and kept my arms tightly around his neck.

"All I wanted was to have you meet my family and friends," Niall said in a shaky voice. "and everytime things start to go right something comes and screws it all up."

"Babe," I said cupping his chin. "We both knew as soon as this started that nothing was going to be easy. Hell the first time we met was a mess." I laughed slightly at the memory. "but we will make it work out. I promise you that."

His eyes sparkled as a small smile spread across his lips. He leaned in and kissed me passionately. "I love you." he mumbled into the kiss.

"I love you too."

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now