chapter 22

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-Niall's POV-

I inserted my hotel key and unlocked the door. Questions were immediately asked from all the lads. I laughed as I emptied my bag of dirty clothes.

"So how'd it go?" Zayn asked as all the other boys listened intently.

"Well.." I said trying not to smile, "she's mine."

'Oh's and 'ah's sounded along with mischievous smiles. Louis started singing 'Rock Me' while hip thrusting. I shook my head as I felt my cheeks burn red. She was mine, I was her's. I liked the sound of it. It had been a long time since I had someone to call mine and I knew I could get used to it.

"So.." Harry said with a cheeky grin. "How was it? You know.."

I shook my head and fiddled with the back of my hair. I could feel my cheeks begin to burn. "It didn't happen." I said finally.

"What?!" Harry asked. "No. You're shitting me, you're funny." The boys laughed as I told them again and again that nothing happened. Finally they let it go.

I spent the rest of the day goofing off with the lads but constantly wondering what Hayley was doing at that moment.

-Hayley's POV-

I dragged my bag back to my room. Spring break was practically over forcing me back to live with my mom. I laughed as I surveyed my bedroom walls, covered with Niall's face. I dropped my bag to the floor.

"I kissed that." I said to myself. "I'm dating that.... oh shit! I'm dating that!!" I started to jump around and silent scream. Oh my god this was just to good to be true. I mean Niall didn't really act any different than anyone else. He was sweet but had his share of flaws, which made him that much more attractive.

"What the hell are you so happy about?"

my heart dropped as I heard the familiar rough voice of my mother. I turned to her and crossed my arms across my chest.

"Can I not be happy?" I asked.

She leaned against the door frame crossing her own arms. "So what is this 'boyfriend' Logan keeps talking about?"

My face dropped. "well it's a boyfriend." replied sarcastically.

"Name." Mom said annoyed.

"Niall. You've met him."

"No. You two aren't dating." She said in short sharp sentences.

"Uhm, I'm pretty sure I know who I'm dating." I said through clenched teeth.

"No. You're not." I could hear the anger in her voice rise.

"Well that's not really your decision." I said making eye contact. Her green eyes were wide and looked as if they could pop out of her head and roll ontop my bedroom floor. The vein I'm her forehead began to stick out as she tried to refrain from screaming.

"Hayley Lydia Turner, I am your mother and I refuse to let you two continue seeing each other!"

"You don't even know him!" I yelled out of anger. I through my hands around in gestures. "You didn't even try to get to know him! He's not this heartless asshole like you think. Dad loves him!"

"Your dad doesn't always choose the right people to love." she snapped back.

"He loved you!" I screamed. "And I don't understand why or how but somehow he loved you." I cleaned my jaw and balled my hands into fists in an effort to say no more. I looked at my mom, I was waiting for her head to explode through my ceiling.

"Like I said your dad doesn't always love the right people."

"Then Ryan must not either. Or do you two just fuck around?"

Mom looked at me and snapped, "Does it matter? At least I get a little action."

I stared at her coldly. "Congratulations. I'm sorry I'm not the whore of a daughter that you've always wanted." I turned away to face my window.

"I'm done with this." mom said and walked down the stairs.

I slammed my door in anger before collapsing to the ground. I refused to cry, I only mumbled curse words and hurl random items across my large bedroom. I pulled my phone off my desk and dialed the number I had recently learned by heart. I pulled my knees to my chest as I heard the ringing.

"Hey Love, I miss you." I could tell he was smiling that smile that caused my heart to flutter everytime I saw it.

"H-hey." I choked as I could feel the tears fill my eyes.

I heard a muffled voice, "hey guys I gotta take this." before Niall continued, "Hayley what's wrong?"

I let the words fly out of my mouth as tears streamed down my face. I immediately wiped each tear with the back of my hand, trying to control myself. I listened to Niall try to calm me down.

"It's ok. I promise as soon as I'm done with all this traveling in June, I'll come see you." Niall said.

"She says I can't date you.." I said with disgust.

There was a long pause, "I don't give a shit. As long as you want me around, I'm staying around."

I smiled, "Well I don't want you going anywhere else."

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now