chapter 23

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-Hayley's POV-

I walked through the school halls dodging freshman and avoiding clingy couples. My school was small, only 2A, but still people were people. And I don't like people. I emptied the books from my bag to my locker, only to be replaced with different books. I grabbed my coffee and walked over to a nearby table.

I glanced as people walked by until I caught sight of my ex boyfriend, Kyle. I turned my attention to my phone, closing my Instagram quickly. He placed his large hands on the edge of the tabletop. He exerted his weight onto his arms forcing his veins the rise to the surface.

"Hey," his voice was deep and flirty as usual. "you're looking good today."

I looked up to see his dark hair and green eyes that I had once fallen for. Kyle was the typical high school heart throb. He was captian of the school's soccer team and had abs that could make any human swoon.

"I'm assuming I look like shit every other day." I said sarcastically.

He pulled a seat out and turned it around before straddling it. "You wish you were this chair, don't you?" he winked.

I felt like I was about to vomit. Kyle and I broke up after a few months of dating. I was looking for a relationship while he just wanted some ass.

I thought I could be the one who would change him. I thought I'd be the one he stayed with and only me. I lost my virginity to this asshole and I hated myself every day because of it.

I pushed myself away from the table grabbing my coffee and shoving my phone into my back pocket. "Been there, done that. And there's no way in hell, I'm going back." I smirked before turning towards my first class. I heard him jog to my side. This asshole was persistent. "What the hell do you want?"

"What's your plans this weekend?" he asked stuffing his hands into his pockets. "There's a party Friday."

I couldn't lie, I wanted to party. I needed a night away from everything. But I knew one thing, I had a tendency to do stupid shit when I was drunk. Kyle being there would not help anything either.

"I have plans." I lied.

"With?" he asked. "You know you want to. Maybe we can mend the past." I felt his hand slid into my back pocket.

I turned and kneed him in the balls, causing him to bend over in pain. "If you want to keep that little friend of yours, keep the hell away from me." I warned flipping my hair over my shoulder.

Lunch time couldn't come fast enough, but when it did I hustled down to the lunchroom. I found my three best friends and hurried to join them. I told them about the Kyle incident.

"He's a fag." McKenna said as she shoved a slice of pizza down her throat.

McKenna was probably one of the bitchiest people I knew, but I was just the same, which is partly why we got along so well. She was short, shorter than me, so yeah short. She had dark curly hair and big green eyes. She was beautiful which sickened me sometimes. McKenna also never gained weight. She could eat all day but still remained tiny. Stupid high metabolism.

"He probably just wants some ass. Actually I lied. I know that piece of shit wants some ass." McKenna swore. She really had an awful habit of cursing, but frankly she didn't care.

"When does he not want ass?" Kaylee asked in a sarcastic tone as she pulled her blonde sholder length hair into a loose ponytail to keep it out of her face.

"When he wants boobs." Maggie answered placing a spoonful of pineapple to her lips.

Kaylee was the tallest of us. That wasn't saying much though considering McKenna and I were under 5' 7" and Maggie only had two inches on us, which placed Kaylee , 5' 10", in first place. Kaylee was also really skinny but that was due to how much she worked out.

Maggie, on the other hand, was more curvy. She had a little more weight on her hips and thighs than the rest of us, which she solely blamed on beer. She had dark auburn wavy hair that extended to about her bra strap.

"Touché." McKenna said pointing towards Maggie with her spoon.

We continued to share sarcasm and inside jokes with each other before heading to our next class.

I pulled my phone out of my bag to find varies text messages from Niall and a few of the other boys. I laughed lightly when I opened the message from Liam.

It had an attachment of Niall with a pillow over his head while flipping the camera the burn. "He doesn't take teasing very well unless it's from youuu ;) x"

I smiled and shook my head before pulling out my homework.

-Niall's POV-

"I hate you." I laughed as I chucked my phone across the room at Harry. He put his arms up in self defense. He picked up the phone and looked at the screen.

"Oh look! A text from Hayley!" Harry grinned cheekily.

I sprung from the bed and lunged towards the phone.

"Louis catch!" Harry laughed as her tossed the phone to Louis who sprinted across the room to hand it off to Liam.

I continued to run in circles chasing my phone until I gave up and crawled back under the duvet.

"Awh.. he took it harder than when Zayn took his last chip!" Louis chuckled before setting my phone in front of my face.

"No. Not even close. I'm still very upset with you, Zayn." I mumbled, smiling to myself.

I slid the phone under the duvet and unlocked it to read my texts. I felt a smile break across my face as I read the message.

"Hiiiiiiiii!! I miss you! :) x" she also had an attachment of a selfie of her with an extremely cheesy grin covering her face. I started replying when Liam pulled the duvet away from my head.

"Hey, what'd she say?" He asked with a smile.

"Oh yes, do tell." Louis mocked. He was lying on his stomach with his head propped on his hands. A smirk covered his face as he waited for me to continue. "Don't make me steal that phone and look for myself."

I laughed before showing the boys the message.

"Awh, she's so cute." Zayn teased.

"Back off she's mine." I winked.

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