Chapter 97

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((I am so sorry for not updating much. My weekend was pretty busy and so is my week. But I don't have homework so I'm updating now. Once volleyball is over I will have more time to write. Or at least I am hoping so anyway.))

-Niall's POV-

My pulse had quickened in order to continue pumping my blood through my arteries that were threatening to burst with the amount of jealousy, anger, and resentment coursing through my entire body.  Of course, of all the god damned places in this entire god damned city, fuck that in this entire god damned country, that asshole Chris would be in this fucking library. Next to Hayley. Does he not learn? I don't know what else to do. I've already thrown him against a fucking wall. Do I need to literally hold a gun to his fucking head with my finger on the god damned trigger? Because, fuck, I'll do it. In a fucking heartbeat.

I felt as if I had taken a total of five strides before I was behind Chris. Hayley looked past him, at me, with horror overwhelming her eyes. I wasn't mad at her. I had no reason to be. I was at this piece of shit in front of me. No. I was pissed.

I curled my fingers around the beck of his chair and flung it out and around. Chris stared at me from his frozen position in the wooden chair. He was only phased for a moment before a sly sickening smirk spread across that god damned face of his. I pressed my fingertips deeper into the back of the chair in order to restrain myself from punching every single one of those perfectly whitened teeth out onto the carpeted flooring.

"Oh, Niall." He laughed lightly, challenging me. "Nice of you to join us."

I said nothing. My glare only lowered. I clenched my jaw and tried to even my angry breathing.

"Niall.." Hayley squeaked from the other side of the table. Her eyes pleading for me not to make scene.

"Please." She closed her laptop and slid it into her backpack, showing that she'd leave without an argument. Damn right.

I nodded my head and then redirected my attention back to the arrogant prep kid seated in front of me. I ignored the rest of Hayley's pleads and lowered my face to where it was right in front of his.

"Listen here you little prick." I spat lowly. Chris didn't seemed phased. He only continued to hold my eye contact with that stupid pesky grin.

"You stay the fuck away from Hayley and we won't have any more problems here. But until you do that, I swear to fucking God, I will find every possible way to make your life a living hell until you decide that you've had enough and disappear. You got that?"

"And what if I don't make myself disappear." He flashed another smirk, causing my muscles to tighten.

I felt Hayley tug at my arm but only shrugged her off.

"Then I will do it for you."

-Hayley's POV-

I felt my jaw hit the ground and bounce back up after the deep low words tumbled out of Niall's mouth, smothered in hatred.

"Niall!" I screeched and tugged at his arm repeatedly. Slowly he straightened his back and without looking away fro Chris, began to walk with me back to the door.

"Yeah, you do what that girlfriend of yours tells you." Chris taunted. "While you still have her anyway. Won't be long til she finally realizes she can do so much better."

At that point, just as quickly as it occurred, Niall was once again in front of Chris's face, waiting for him to let another word fall into the thick suffocating air.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Niall asked harshly.

Chris got to his feet. He was only an inch taller not giving him anymore of a threatening look.

"I said you're shit and Hayley can do better."

My throat constricted as the tension between them only increased more and ore with each passing second. It was only a matter of time before one of us passed out onto the stained carpet floor.

"Do you even care about her Niall?" Chris taunted again. "Or are you just here? Maybe you only care about her while she's here, with you, physically. Is there another girl back in Ireland, or London, or maybe Australia even? Tell u-"

Chris's temptations were shattered when Niall's fist connected with the bottom of his jaw. My eyes doubled in size and I know my mouth was hanging wide open as I watched the short quick attack replay in my mind.

Chris staggered backwards slightly before regaining his composure, still holding his jaw with his left hand. His eyes darkened at Niall, who stood tall just wanting Chris to throw a punch.

"c'mon." Niall insisted as he gestured him to come closer with his fingers. "Free punch right here."

Chris didn't move a muscle. He only stood like a statue staring at Niall with pure anguish and deceit.

"Pussy." Niall laughed before turning away and swinging one arm around my shoulders, guarding me from anyone else but him.

"Just wait, Horan. This isn't over." Chris yelled from behind us. Niall only chuckled and shrugged it off as the two of us shoved our way out of the double doors. But I, on the other hand, was terrified. I didn't know what would happen. I had no idea what Chris was capable of. My imagination had no boundaries but even that was something that I never dared to even imagine in fear of the reality being twenty times worse.

The bitter cold wind hit my cheek and I instinctively turned into Niall's warm strong arms that covered me. How was it possible that He was just throwing his fist into someone's face. but now he was being gentle and protecting me from the invisible but harsh winter air.

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