Chapter 95

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-Hayley's POV-

"shit sorry!" McKenna muttered as she flicked off the light overhead and turned on her desk lamp instead.

I heard Niall groan curse words under his raspy tired breath. I snuggled my face deeper into his chest before groggily lifting my head.

"I'm gonna stay at Matt's. I mean, if Niall plans on staying here." McKenna said in a hushed tone.

"I'm staying." Niall stubbornly growled into the pillow. I punched his arm and turned my attention back to McKenna.

"Okay. That's fine.. I mean if you want." I wiped under my eyes to clear away any smeared make up from my tears and sleep.

"Uhm," Mckenna hummed. Her eyes exchanging from me to Niall. "Can we talk."

I stared blankly at her before finally catching her drift. "oh ok!" I crawled out from underneath Niall.

"I'll be right back, ok?"

"mmmm'kay." Niall mumbled with his face still buried in pillows and blankets.

I closed the door behind me as McKenna and I stood in the cold empty hallway. I ruffled my hair and yawned. I had jo idea what time it was but I was exhausted from today's earlier events. The nap helped but only a little.

"What is it?"

McKenna glanced around the hall way multiple times before looking me in the eyes. "Don't freak out." Her voice was low but held a sense of urgency and seriousness.

"okaaaayyy..." I said slowly, waiting for her to continue.

"it's about Chris." I shuddered at her words.  He was the last person I wanted to talk about right now. I had enough of him today to last me for months, if not the rest of my life.

"Do you know what he is majoring in?"

I shook my head. "no."

McKenna huffed. "His major is criminal investigations. He wants to be like a detective or work for the CIA or some shit. Do you know how sketchy that is?"

I wasn't really following her on this.  Plenty of people go into that major. Many people work for the CIA and police department. My dad was one of them.

"He learns all about the creepy stalker shit they use to spy on people." McKenna continued to blabber on.

"McKenna, " I hissed. "I really don't want to think about this right now. Niall is on the other sode of this door and Chria was our pizza delivery guy today and it was awkward as fu-"

"Wait, wait, wait!" She interruptted. "Since when does he work at some pizza place?"

I waved my hand at the air. "I don't.. I don't fucking know but I.. it's been a long ass day. and I..."

"ok! I got you." McKenna sighed. "Just please, please be careful."

I nodded. "ok... I will."

"I'll talk to Matt about it. Maybe I'll figure something else out." I could tell she was worried. If hadn't just been woken up, I'd be paranoid too.

"thanks, 'kenna." I smiled and gave her a tight hug. "you have fun."

Her worried expression dissolved into a smile and her cheeks flushed pink. "I will." 

-Niall's POV-

I stared at the ceiling waiting for Hayley to come back. Without her next to me I had grown cold. Cold enough to where even the blankets couldn't keep me warm. I lifted my head when I heard the doorknob begin to turn slowly.

I stiffled a laugh as she clumsily tripped over her own feet and cursed at herself under her breath. She lifted her head and immediately turned red when she noticed I had seen it all.

"did you..."

I nodded and bit my lower lip trying not to burst out laughing but failed. "I'm sorry.  I.. you... oh god." I laughed loudly.

"fuck you." Hayley laughed while she crawled ontop of me.

"do it." I smirked, challenging her.

"you wish." She teased. I looked up at her as she straddled me. She was truly gorgeous. Her hair hung loose in her natural waves and my hoodie draped over her thin torso. Her sleepy smile still resting on her lips.

"well yeah, duh." I winked. I laughed as she rolled her eyes and dipped down, pecking a soft kiss to my lips.

"you're teasing me." I fake pouted.

She smirked against my lips. I felt her hand slip under my shirt and begin tracing random circles on my bare skin.

"let me make it up to you." she whispered in my ear, leaving me wanting more.

((ughh school sucks! how are you guys? good? good! how's the story?  good I hope. only five more chapters until the second booookkkk!!! vote and comment ily xxx))

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