Chapter 65

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-Niall's POV-

I shoved another bite of sandwich into my mouth. All five of us were sitting in Liam's flat doing anything to keep us entertained.

Harry threw a piece of popcorn in the air and caught it with his mouth. He beamed with pride at his accomplishment.

"Harry, let's see if you can catch it from across the room!" Louis shouted with glee. He stood in the far corner with the bowl of popcorn in his hands. Harry stood in thwle opposite corner with his knees slightly bent, ready to dive to the ground.

"Are you ready?" Louis teased.

Harry nodded. "C'mon!"

"Are you sure if you miss this we're kicking you out of the group." Louis egged on.

"Just toss the bloody popcorn!"

We all watched with anticipation as the kernel soared through the air only to land in Harry's eye. After a few more trials we had no luck. Harry had managed to catch popcorn in his eye, his nose, and his hair multiple times.

"Fuck it!" Harry laughed and then the room filled with 'boo's.

"One more try!" I yelled.

Liam seconded as did Zayn and Louis. Harry rolled his eyes but stayed put.

"One more." He said holding up his index finger.

"Make it count!" Louis smiled and then tossed the final kernel.

Harry thrust his fists in the air in victory and everyone else burst into laughter. "We are so pathetic." Liam laughed. "We get so excited when someone catches a piece of popcorn in their mouth."

"Hey! That was a lot harder than you'd think." Harry defended.

We continued to talk about meaningless things while watching football. Louis was on the edge of his seat, really getting into it. I was kinda into it but my mind was wandering off to Hayley. She'd be heading back to Mullingar tomorrow. Early tomorrow. I knew she'd be mad at me for booking her such an early flight but if it was any later she wouldn't make it here before evening.

"Hey Niall," Zayn called from the kitchen. "Your phone's ringing. It's... Hayley."

I jumped slightly but forced myself to play it cool. Last thing I needed was the boys giving me more shit than they already were. I picked up tbe phone and pressed the phone to my ear. "Hey Princess, what's up?" I asked as I walked further into the kitchen for more privacy.

"Oh, not much. Just got off work and I'm about done packing." I could hear the smile in her voice. I laughed lightly. I had been that a lot more since Hayley came into my life.

"How was finals?" I asked before I dropped the news on her.

"Eh, I feel like I did pretty good."

"Then that shouldn't be an eh." I laughed.

"Does it matter? I don't really know how it went. Maybe good. Maybe not as good as I want. I don't know."

"I bet you did fine." I encouraged.

"Thanks.." she said. "So about tomorrow."

I swallowed. "Uhm yeah, so I booked your flight. You'll fly from there to New York and then go international like I did."


"and uhm, I'll pick you up in Dublin and take us back to Mullingar. I'll send the tickets and stuff for you after this."

"Okay cool." she said absent mindedly. I scratches the back of my head and waited for the awful question.

"So what time is my first flight?"

There it was.

"Uhm.." I stuttered.

"Niall, you're stuttering a lot. what is it?" She saw right through me everytime.

"uhm.. 4:30 in the morning.." I winces waiting for her to scream and call me an asshole. 


"Alright." she said finally.

My eyes bulged out of my head. "Alright?"

"Yeah," she said nonchalantly. "Time difference and stuff and lay overs. I can manage."

I sighed in relief. "Ok, great."

She laughed and told me not to judge her so much. She told me about work and told me to tell the boys hi. They all shouted hi back in unison.

"Send me those tickets as soon as you hang up. Don't forget." she teased.

"Ok I will." I laughed. "I love you. Cant wait to see you."

"I love you too. Four o'clock can't come fast enough." She said in a tone full of sarcasm.

"Bye Niall."

"Goodnight Princess." I hung up and immediately sent you the print outs of the tickets for her and reminded her to remeber her passport.

I sat back down In the sitting room and ignored all the comments from the boys.

"I just have one question." Harry said from his seat on the ground. "You've been ignoring this question every time I ask so you have to answer."

I rolled my eyes. I knew exactly what he was about to ask. Everyone knew.

"How is she?" He asked smugly.

I smirked. "Let's just say it's a good thing she lives in the country and there's no neighbors around."

They all stared with their mouths agape. Until Louis broke the silence. "Damn boy! Go hard or go home!"

I shook my head and prayed that my face wasn't too red. I didn't like talking about Hayley that way. Thats why I always avoided the question.

After another hour I told the boys goodnight and headed to my guest room. I'd have to fly back to Dublin tomorrow and meet Hayley there. Tomorrow would definitely be interesting but I couldn't wait to have my live back in my arms.

((Sorry guys I typed this from my phone but hopefully I fixed everything and it's decent length:) enjoy! comment vote and recommend! ily))

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