chapter 15

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-Hayley's POV-

I woke up to the Sun's rays streaming through the curtains. I stretched, wincing slightly in pain. I forced myself to stand and walk to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and cleaned my side and changed the bandaging. I slipped some socks on my feet before grabbing my phone.

Dad was cooking bacon and waffles. I pulled the gallon of milk out of the fridge and set it on the table. I told Dad good morning and kissed his cheek. He laughed and asked how I slept. I answered as I grabbed a cup from the doorless cabinet.

I poured myself a glass of milk and set out plates and silverware for breakfast. I filled my plate with a stack of waffles and plenty of bacon before sitting at the small table. I checked my phone messages to find one from Niall. I couldn't help but smile as I opened it. It read: good morning Love, have I told you how beautiful you are? I haven't?! how silly of me xx

Dad smiled, "Can Loverboy wait?" he teased. I blushed as I put the phone down.

"Yeah, you're right. Breakfast comes first. " I smirked. Logan entered the kitchen looking like a zombie. He was obviously half asleep but how could anyone ignore the glorious smell of food.

Logan and I spent most of the day outside by the small creek or in the old tree house.

"Hayley," Logan asked while we sat in the tree house looking at the scenery. "Is Niall as great of a guy as you wanted?" he asked staring at his hands.

I looked at his messy hair and bruised knees, "Well I've only known him for a few days. But based on that, yes he's a fantastic guy." I answered trying to comb his hair with my fingers.

"I just noticed last night how you smiled everytime you got a text from him. And when you and Dad talked about him you still fangirled but you talked like you had known him for years at the same time." his voice grew quiet before continuing, "I just know he really helped you with your drinking. Especially after the divorce." I grimaced, I was hoping he never noticed I started drinking more after the divorce. I had always drank more than I should. Part of it was to piss Mom off, the other part was because it helped. But when I heard of One Direction instead of drinking I listened to their album. I still drank often but not as much.

"Yeah," I sighed, "he's great. All of the boys are great." I leaned back on my arms for support. Logan smiled in relief before telling me he was glad.

We started to walk back to the house to shower and help Dad with supper.

"Hayley," Logan said as we stepped on the porch.

"What is it?" I asked taking off my converses and setting them under the bench.

"If Dad asks, I did not admit that I'm happy for you." He teased. I laughed and told him we had a deal.

I jogged up the stairs and hopped into the shower. I showered quick and dressed myself in a pair of black long short and a blue tank top. I threw my hair into a messy bun before placing a thick black headband around my head. I took my phone off the charger and checked my messages. I had a message from Niall telling me he had an interview and one from Louis. I opened Louis' message to find a picture attached. I looked closer to see that it was Niall at the interview smiling. The message under it said: 'The interviewer asked him to describe what it's like to know a fan cares enough about him to take a bullet. I have never seen him blush so much. You'll have to watch the interview to find out his answer though ;) '

Typical Louis. I laughed and put the phone in my pocket before walking downstairs to help Dad. I found him stirring noodles in a pot. He looked at me a smiled, "Ramon noodles," he laughed, "I didn't feel like cooking." I laughed as i walked to the pantry. I opened the door and began to scan through the cans and boxes.

"Hey Dad," I said loudly so he could hear me. "You got an brownie mix or cake mix or any sort of mix?" I asked laughing.

"Uhm, yeah, there should be some cake mix in there somewhere." He said, "there may be stuff the make cookies too." There was, chocolate chip too. I grabbed everything I needed and started baking.

The three of us sat at the small table for the second time that day. I looked up at Dad. He had dark hair that was beginning to gray by his eyes. You could begin to see dark stubble grow on his face and then there was his big brown eyes, just like Logan. I smiled to myself before continuing to eat my soup. I listened to Logan and Dad argue about basketball and who was going to win.

Logan wanted to watch a movie so while Logan and I tried to agree on one, Dad made popcorn. We finally agreed on 'The Breakfast Club'. The boys occupied the couch while I sat in one of the recliners. I pulled my phone out to see if Niall was done yet. I still didn't have a text. I felt my face drop in disappointment but I shrugged it off and turned my attention to the TV. Dad passed me the popcorn in exchange for the cookies. Dad joked with Logan telling him not to use any of the language on the show.

"Oh like I don't already." Logan said.

"You better not say the f word as much as they do!" Dad said more sternly.

"Well not that one.." Logan whimpered.

"No he just says shit all the time." I teased from across the room.

"I wonder who I learned that from." Logan sneered at me. I pointed to Dad sarcastically who in return held his hands up with innocence.

"Don't act all innocent!" I yelled, "you cuss just as much as I do, if not more!"

We watched the movie while mimicking each other and stuffing our faces with food. It wasn't til midnight that Logan took the liberty of going to bed. I told Dad good night before I walked up stairs to my room. I closed the door quietly behind me and crossed the room to my window. I opened the window and felt the cool air. I looked around the room before my eyes landed on my jacket. I pulled it around me after I had situated myself in my usual spot. I felt my phone vibrate. I looked down to see a text from Niall: Sorry it took so long. Today was just so packed. I smiled uncontrollably, he didn't even say anything cute why was I smiling so much. I texted him back telling him it was ok. Then I heard my 'Summer Love' ringtone go off again. This boy sure knew how to make a girl's night.

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