Chapter 64

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-Hayley's POV-

I was not really in the mood to oversee newbies make coffee. I was tired and missing Niall more than I have in a long time.

I talked to Liz waiting for my shift to start. She had worked the morning and I worked afternoons since all my classes were over by then.

"So who's this new kid?" I asked and sipped at my coffee.

Liz wiped the counter. "He's worked here twice before. Uhm, Chris I think."

"Oh cool." I said absent mindedly. "Do you always have to wait for him to show up this long?" I was already annoyed with this kid. Was it so much to be a little early to work? No. It really wasn't.

"No, he usually is here on time or maybe a few minutes early. I don't know what's up." Liz said checking her phone.

I looked outside and only found flurries of snow flying in the air and a few people running to different classes. No one was anywhere close to the coffee shop. I didn't want to work by myself and I wasn't going to make Liz work overtime on finals week. I sighed and went back inside the coffee scented room.

"Hey you can go."  I said lacing the apron behind my back. "I can handle it."

Liz smiled warmly. "Really? That would be great. I have so much studying to do."

I cleaned a few dishes and started to wipe down the tables when I heard the bell above the door ring.

"I am so sorry! I over slept so I was late to my classes and to top it all off I had a family emergency. You probably hate me and I don't blame you. Oh God I am so late. Damn it." His voice sounded familiar but I had no idea where I heard it from.

"No problem. You can go ahead and say you got here on time. It's no... oh.." I turned around and recognized his face instantly. Chris. Chris from the party.

The expression on his face let off the feeling that he was thinking the same thing I was. "Oh.. I.. uhm.. hi." He said awkwardly. "I didn't really think of it when they said I'd be working with someone named Hayley."

"I didn't really think much of it either." I admitted as I fiddled with the wet rag in my hands. I awkwardly walked back behind the bar and he joined shortly, keeping a distance.

"I haven't seen you around since before Thanksgiving break." Chris said doing a variety of things to keep him busy.

I shrugged. "I don't party much."

"Well if you have a famous boyfriend I doubt he lets you do much." He mentioned and instantly regretted it. "Sorry."

"Don't be." I mumbled. Silence fell over the two of us and I waited anxiously for someone to walk through the door, but no one did.

"It's not just him." I sighed. "I don't really trust myself to go out and party. In order to get my mind off of things I have to drink. A lot. And I don't want to drink so much." 

"What you think you're gonna cheat on him or something?"

I said nothing.

"Oh you do." Chris said quietly. "I don't think you will."

"I've done it in the past. Not with Niall but my ex." I admitted, not making eye contact.

He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms, waiting for me to continue. I let out a breathy laugh and shook my head.

"Kyle. His name was Kyle. He was the big heart throb. Big athlete, went to all the parties, if he wanted someone every one wanted them. I was mainly just something to show off the everyone. I mean I guess I don't have an awful body." I noticed his eyes take in my figure but decided to ignore it.

"So yeah, I got drunk one night and I ended up sleeping with his best friend and he slept with the school slut. Now I just don't trust myself . That's why I wasn't drinking at your frat party." I explained.

"You don't have to explain yourself to me, but thanks." He said quietly and offered a smile.

I returned it. "Thanks. And I'd prefer we keep this between us."

"No problem." He smiled quickly before the lady that just walked in made it to the counter.

Chris was a nice guy, but I doubt Niall would be ok with this. But then again he should trust me, right? I don't know. I needed to be friends with him, especially if I was going to be working with him.


I turned the doorknob to my room and found it unlocked. I saw McKenna hunched in the corner with booked scattered around her. These finals were really starting to take a toll on her and as awful as it was, I got a kick out of it. McKenna had always been one who procrastinated, which is not a good thing.

I gave her hell which only resulted in me getting flipped off. I laughed and shook my head. It was late and Niall had gone to bed long ago. I wasn't quite ready for bed so I thought I'd follow McKenna's example and study for my last final tomorrow.

I wasn't worried about it. I felt confident in knowing the material but it never hurt to check. I flew through the study guide and flashcards with ease and I felt like I could recite the book. I mentally ran through my plans for tomorrow. I didn't have classes on Fridays with my schedule so Thursday was always a busy day. I had my nutrition final in the morning and I worked again that afternoon. I'd have to check with Niall on the plans for my transportation.

I was really surprised by how quick the month had gone but as it got closer to ending, the days seemed to drag on forever. I guess between finals and work, I didn't  have time to wallow in self pity.

My warm bed welcomed me and seemed to lull me to sleep. By the time McKenna had given up on studying I was barely able to keep my eyes open.

((Hey guys sorry I know I kind of zip through the school year but I didn't have many plans for them. They are basically fill in chapters to connect to the next big thing. Besides I think we can all agree that it's better when Nayley is together;) I hope you guys are still enjoying the story! PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT!!!! I know it's annoying but I would really appreciate it! I just want to make the story interesting for you guys and I'd love if you gave me some feedback!! Reminder that my instagram is @/justaniallgirl and I sorta keep you guys updated there as well. Thank you so much for the reads!!))

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