chapter 28

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-Hayley's POV-

An annoying tapping caused me to stir from a long sleep-filled night. I didn't even have to think about it, I knew exactly what it was. It was another annoying woodpecker. My eyes hurt and my body felt heavy. I refused to open my eyes but I was curious to know what time it was. I slowly opened my eyes and lifted my head slightly. I pulled my phone from the end table. The bright screen didn't make any difference. The sun outside was too strong for my curtains to hide and the time on the clock confirmed that it was well past nine o'clock. I set my phone back on the table and turned to find Niall still fast asleep. He looked so content. He was just adorable. I didn't want to wake him so I simply closed my eyes and layed there cuddled up against him. I could feel the heat that his body gave off. it was actually very comforting. His blonde hair covered his forehead and flared in every direction in the back. I propped my head on arm and watched as he slept. Yes, I did feel kinda like a creeper, but I couldn't help myself he was just too adorable.

I let about another half hour pass before reluctantly crawling out of the warm bed. I pulled the duvet back up to where it was and quietly walked into the bathroom. I combed my hair and brushed my teeth. I peeked into the room to find Niall still fast asleep. I creeped down the stairs, closing the door behind me quietly.

Dad had left a note saying he got called out to work and that he was picking up Logan. I wasn't all that hungry but I figured Niall would be. I started the coffee maker and sneeked back up stairs.

Another hour passed and Niall stilled remained passed out in bed. I failed to understand how he could sleep with all the light. I had closed all the curtains but it didn't make much of a difference. I spent the hour showering and eating breakfast. I sat at the dining table sipping at my second cup of coffee while reading a Nicolas Sparks book. I knew I'd be alone for a while so I thought I'd make the best of it.

-Niall's POV-

Light teased at my eyes begging me to wake up. I stretched and turned onto my back. At first I was confused, yet again, but this time I didn't have Hayley next to me. I looked at the clock to find that it was already eleven o'clock. I flung the duvet and the sheets off me and grabbed a pair of shorts to slip on. I brushed my teeth and checked my phone before slipping down the stairs to living room. I was already down the stairs when i realised I didn't put a shirt on. What if her dad was home? It didn't matter though because Hayley had heard me and already looked up from her book.

"Oh hey Sleeping Beauty." she teased as she closed her book.

I smiled, "I'm sorry. I guess I was more tired than I thought." I said walking onto the hardwood floor.

"Oh don't worry about it, Babe." Her lips pressed to mine. Today was already a great day. She looked down at my bare chest. "No shirt?" she questioned crinkling her brow. "Making yourself at home, I see. What do you want to eat? It's practically lunchtime now." I watched as she pulled at the refrigerator doors. Her hair hung loose pulled over her left shoulder. She wore black shorts, that exposed her tan legs, and a familiar blue jacket. She squatted down and pulled something out of the bottom drawers.

"There's fruit. Or I can make an omelet or something?" She asked with the carton of eggs in her hand.

"That's fine." I replied with a smile.

I pulled a cup down from the cabinet and filled in with water as Hayley worked on the omelet. I looked at the pictures that covered the fridge. The picture of the six of us at the hospital caught my eye. I remembered it so well. The tickle fights and the conversations. I stood there with a stupid smile on my face until Hayley asked me what was up. I just shook my head and said it was nothing.

"You're acting odd today." She said, "Lucky for you I like odd."

I wrapped my arms around her delicate waist and kissed her temple. I heard her giggle but she didn't say anything and neither did I. I rested my chin on top of her head.

"You know, this is pretty great." I said.

"What do you mean?" Hayley asked as she continued to cook.

"I have my two favorite things here..." She looked up at me with confusion. "Food and you." I smirked.

She slapped my chest playfully before pecking my lips. "I'm just going to assume that was a compliment." She teased.

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now