chapter 25

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-Hayley's POV-

March ended as did April, causing the month of May to come along with finals.

I carried my bag stuffed with textbooks from my car into Dad's house. Ever since I turned 18 the last week of April, I had been coming out to Dad's everyday after school while Logan was at track practice.

I took a water bottle out of the fridge and some leftovers from one of Dad's dinners. I placed my phone on the counter and flipped on the T.V.

Dad wouldn't be home til 4:30 which left me a little under an hour to study. I opened up my physics book and began to study my

notes, making a few flash cards.

I was going to college and study to become a physical therapist in the fall. The university was far enough to where the cost of gas was too much to travel every weekend, giving me an excuse to stay, but close enough to where I could visit my dad and Logan whenever they needed me.

My studying was interrupted by an annoying alarm. I got to my feet and checked my phone on the counter. Four Fifteen, by the time I got back to the school Logan would be out of practice.

I stuffed my phone into my back pocket and started to return all my studying material back into the bookbag.

Flowers were blooming and the grass was green from the amount of rain we had gotten the last few months. Niall would be done with traveling next week and I couldn't be more excited. Dad and I had decided that Niall could stay with him since Mom resented Niall and there wasn't a decent hotel in town. After school's out for the summer, Logan and I plan on packing up and moving out to Dad's for most of the summer. Actually Logan was the only reason I went home. I would have much rather move out to Dad's until I left for college, but Mom still had custody of Logan so I stayed. I couldn't imagine what shit he'd get himself into.

I pulled into a parking slot and set the car in park, waiting on Logan to finish up. I saw him notice me before grabbing his bag and making his way to my car. I pulled out my phone to call Dad as Logan slid into the passenger seat.

"Hey Dad, yeah I left and picked up Logan. I won't be back til tomorrow." I explained. I listened to him grumble about how he had to work late and how much stressing.

"Dad it's ok. Order Chinese or a pizza so you don't have to cook. Order it at work so you can just pick up as you leave."

I heard him chuckle before agreeing to the idea and hanging up.

"Speaking of Chinese, " I said handing my phone to Logan, "sound good to you?"

I could see him nod out of the corner of my eye.

"Call the one downtown and order. Mom won't be home until late so she doesn't need anything. just you and me."

After picking up our Chinese and devouring it back at the house, Logan and I split to do the homework that was due the following day. I pulled out my notes, attempting to continue studying from earlier in the afternoon.

-Niall's POV-

I called Room Service to order something for dinner. I slumped into my bed waiting for the steak to be delivered. No matter how many times I surfed through the channels, nothing seemed interesting. Hayley had told me not to text her until she called. She had a big final to study for and I underatood that, but it left me a bunch of free time with nothing and no one to talk to. All the other lads had gone out for the night except for Zayn, who was in the other room talking to Perrie.

I ate in solitude and boredom. I set the dirty empty dishes outside the hall before laying off the edge of the bed upside down. My eyes shifted to the corner of the room where my guitar layed. I twisted onto my stomach before reaching for the 6-string. I let my fingers experiment with chords until I found a rhythm. It was slower but catchy. It was the type of rhythm that could get stuck in your head no matter your mood. I sat on the edge of the large bed strumming at the guitar a while longer before trying to think of some words to go with it, but what about. Just then I heard my phone vibrate on the duvet behind me. I reached for the phone, knowing exactly who it was.


"oh lord," she laughed into the phone. "maybe you've been in America too long."

"Trying to get rid of me already?" I teased.

"Yeah, you know I've seen you twice and I'm already sick of you." she smirked back sarcastically.

"Hey , hey, hey.." I started.

"It's Faaaat Albert!" Hayley interrupted before bursting out into laughter.

"It's not polite to interrupt someone." I teased.

She stopped laughing long enough to tell me to take a joke. I fiddle around the hotel room like I always do when I'm on the phone. I turned my attention to the guitar again. I forced myself to listen and really pay attention to Hayley.

"So are you still living at your mom's or did you move out to your dad's?"

"uhm," she stammered, " I guess I'm still at Mom's. I can't leave Logan just yet.."

"Yeah, I understand that."

"But we both plan on living out there until fall. Don't worry about that." she said with a change of tone. Her normal tone; happy, giddy, perfect. "I probably won't be done until Sunday..." I trailed off.

"But I thought you said Friday..?" Hayley asked with dissapointment.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry but it's a possibility." I replied as Zayn walked through the door.

"Oh Well it's fine-" Hayley started before being cut off by a yelling in the background. "Ryan! Get the hell out!....No!...I don't give a shit, get out of my room. Damn!"

I sat awkwardly on the other line. Zayn stared at me with raised brow. I just shrugged and told him it was nothing.

"Gahh, ok sorry Niall. I got to go. The mother is home. I'll see you sometime next week. Bye."

"Goodbye Sweetheart." I said before ending the call. I looked over at Zayn, who was still staring me down.

"Tell me she wasn't yelling at you for lying to her about when you get back."

I laughed, "Ha, no I wanted to surprise her next week. She was yelling at her mum's boyfriend or something like that." I explained.

Zayn nodded, "so.. how excited are you?" he smiled cheekily.

I felt myself smile, "gaaahhhh, I'm so ready to see her again!" I gushed.

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now