chapter 49

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((Doubke update because i felt inspired!! I really hope you guys are enjoying the story! Thank you so much for every read!! Please recommend any of my stories to anyone. I appreciate every read, every vote, and every comment! I read every comment and I'm going to try to respond back more often!! Thank you all so so much don't forget to vote! I love you all!!! And if any of you want to follow me on Instagram my user name is justaniallgirl!! thank you!))

-Hayley's POV-

I threw my beer can to the side of the road as I walked up the walkway to my... my mother's house. I don't live here anymore. I just need to move out all my shit but that's not possible. I have no where to move it since Dad's house is gonna have to be rented out.

I pound on the door once before I twisted the handle and flung the door open.

"Moooooom!" I shouted running straight into the kitchen. Of course she's with Ryan. Faggot. I expected to see a glare plastered on their faces but into they stare at me like my some wild animal on display at a fucking zoo.

"yes dear?" Mom said quietly.

"Don't 'dear' me!" I shouted louder.

Mom started walking around the island towards me. "Hayley, are you.. are you drunk?" she asked anger growing in her voice as well. "Is this what you do with that musician of yours?"

"Boyfriend, Mother! He is my boyfriend." I said coldly.

"oh that's what you call pity love nowadays." She scoffs.

I shook my head and laugh. I actually laughed. I don't know if it's the alcohol or months and months of stress. "Pity love my ass!" I screamed. "Niall is my boyfriend. Niall stays with me and takes care of me better than you ever fucking did!"

I hear the front door open and heavy footsteps come to an end. I knew it was Niall, but I didn't care.

"And you know what else, mom. Do you know why he takes care of me? It's because he loves me!"

"He loves you?!" she interrupted taking another step forward. "Hayley, you don't even know what love is! Obviously, I mean you let Kyle go. Kyle had a scholarship to play football at college but you let that one slip away from you."

I felt like I had just been slapped. "Oh so you think Kyle is this sweet innocent athlete that loved me so dearly? Well he wasn't Mom. Kyle lied to me and cheated on me and oh yeah you know what else Kyle did? He stole my fucking virginity!" I yelled throwing my hands in the air.

Her eyes widened with anger. I knew she hated the idea of me having sex before marriage. Hell she hated the idea of me being anything but perfect.

"You're a liar." she scoffed.

"Well I'm pretty sure I know who I've slept with!"

"or were you too drunk to realize?"

Seriously? I laughed again. "You? You're throwing the drunk slut card in my face?" I looked at her in disbelief. "You are unbelievable! Here's my question for you. Were you sober any time you and Dad had sex? How did you manage to stay sober when you were pregnant? Or did Logan and I just luck out and not get the birth defects?"

"Hayley you have no right to..." Ryan intervened.

"No right?!" I shouted at him. "No right to say whatever is on my fucking mind?!" I turned my attention back to my mother who looked like I felt. "Do you know how much you ruined my god damn life? Growing up and everyday hearing how I wasn't skinny enough, wasn't smart enough, wasn't good enough to do anything? I cried myself to sleep ever night and then you went and divorced Dad and fucked up the one piece of my life that was there for me!" I looked around me, I was starting to sober up from our arguing but I still had adrenalin rush through me. Mom glared at me as did Ryan but Niall and Logan cast their eyes at the ground.

"Dad was the one that held me when he heard me crying at night. He told me I was beautiful everyday because he knew you'd call me fat later. Dad listened to me! He fucking listened to me and what I had to say! He knows what my music meant to me and how they saved my life. Yes he knew about all my fucking problems but somehow he loved me through it. He put up with your shit so much longer than he should have and you know why? Because somehow he saw the good in you and somehow he loved you! He fucking loved you." I said turning away. "And now he's fucking gone!" I bawled. The tears streamed down my face. "He's gone and you're still fucking here and so is that bastard that you call your boyfriend!"

"Fiancee!" Mom shouted. she chucked her glass against the hardwood floor.

"what?" I ask horrified.

"You heard me. We're getting married. And I hope between me, your alcoholic bitch of a mother, and Ryan the bastard we can make your life hell." She scoffed again.

Niall pulled Logan and I towards the door.

"one more thing, mom." I turned. "Niall and I fuck. A lot." I think I actually saw steam explode from her ears. Her eyes look as if she's going to explode. Ryan doesn't look any better.

I stomp down the walk way behind Niall and Logan when I heard the front door open and close. Footsteps rush behind me but I continue walking.

-Niall's POV-

"Get the fuck off of me!" I whip around to see Ryan with a grip around Hayley's wrist. I tell Logan to keep his head down and rush over to Hayley. Before I can reach her I see Ryan's hand raise and fly across Hayley's face. Anger built inside me. A burst of energy fueled me forward. I shove Ryan to the ground and threw multiple blows to his face as he does the face to me. I managed to pin his arms but continue beat him.

I feel a tug on my shoulder. I expect to see Hayley's mom, but instead it's Hayley's tear stained face.

"Niall please just, please." She sobbed.

I turned back to Ryan. "Don't ever, ever fucking touch her again!" I shouted before turning and walking back to the car angrily with Hayley beside me.

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