Chapter 98

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-Hayley's POV-

I stared at my reflection looking back at me as I waited for Niall to come back from the bathroom. We both decided to stay in his hotel room for the night.  After we finished our lunch, Niall had taken my hand and lead me in the direction of his hotel. Normally I wouldn't have let him tell me what I was going to do but after that incident in the library, I figured it'd be smarter to just do what Niall said.

I pulled Niall's dark grey hoodie sleeves over my palms and brought them to my lips as I sat on the window sill, looking out over the city skyline view. IT wasn't exactly breath taking but it was a view. It had just turned six. Rush hour. Long lines of red brake lights dotted the streets, bumper to bumper. Car horns honked impatiently at the other drivers sitting in their cars trying to find their way out of the maze of automobiles. The sky was a dark navy with a small orange glow just over the tops of buildings and trees.

My mind wandered back to Logan and my mother. I wonder how he was doing. I had tried to keep in touch with him as much as possible but it was more difficult than we expected. My mind had still not completely wrapped itself around the idea of my mother being engaged and going to live with Ryan, in Ryan's house. My mom had always loved that house. She always said that was her dream house. That she couldn't have ever asked for a better one. My dad had worked long hard hours to get her that house that she desired with every fiber of her being. He worked hard to make her happy and even after that house was legally theirs with the two of their signatures, he still couldn't manage to keep her happy enough. Her wants continued to bounce onto something else. Children, a car, a dog, a new job, until finally divorce.


The very thought of him pained me. It was times like this that I needed him, instead all I had was note covered with his messy smudged handwritting. The words were his, they were his thoughts, but it was only words. I needed his voice, his arms around me to comfort me. I needed my dad.

I jolted slightly when Niall's fingertips slowly brushed against my shoulder. I hastily wiped a run away tear away from my cheek and sniffled.

"What's wrong Love?" Niall asked in a hushed caring voice.

I shook my head and muttered a response as I scooted a little further forward so Niall had a little room to sit. I could feel his warm radiate off of him as his arms circled around me and pulled me back until my back was pressed against his broad chest.

"You're lying." He nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck and slowly rocked with weight back and forth, swaying me along with him.

I sighed deeply and returned my attention out the window.

"I miss him." I said softly, just above a whisper.

A soft kiss was pressed to my neck and my temple. "I know, Babe." Niall cooed.

"I miss him too."

We sat in silence for a little bit with our eyes cast out the window to the world around us. Niall brushed his thumb over the back of my hand comfortingly. His steady breathing in my ear.

-Niall's POV-

"Come here." I told Hayley with my arms extended out to her.

She gave me a puzzled look but reached her hand out to mine. I placed her arm around my neck and hooked my arm behind the back of her knees, the other supporting her back. A small smile spread across her fully pink lips.   

I peeled the white and gold covers away from the matress and set Hayley down. I felt the corners of my lips perk up as she buried herself in the covers. I slid in behind her, supporting my back against the headboard. She found her way under my arm and rested her head on my chest. I grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels.

"stop!" Hayley screeched and snatched the remote away from my grasp. I watched as she backed up a few channels before settling on some movie.

"what is this?" I asked with a small breathy laugh.

She looked up at me with big beautiful chlorine eyes. Her mouth agape, shocked.

"The Great Gatsby!  Duh." She smiled before snuggling further into me.

"It's a love story. You'll love it." She teased.

I rolled my eyes but rested my cheek ontop of her head as I watched the characters on the screen. My hand traced lightly up and down Hayley's back as her eyes stayed glued to the screen.

I looked down at her. She was so fixed on the moving colors. So focused as if there was nothing else in the world. Her eyes were wide with satisfaction. A faint smile on her full slightly parted lips. She curled her knees up to her chest everytime Gatsby said something sweet to Daisy, clinging tighter to my abdomin.

"Niall.." She spoke abruptly. Her eyes, still big and wide, now focused on me.

"What is it Princess?"

Her eyes shifted to my five seconds of summer tee shirt.  I watched as her tiny delicate fingers traced the black designs.

"Do you think my dad would be proud of what I've become? Or am I letting him down?" Her voice was shaky and just above a whisper.

"Hayley, baby.." I cupped her chin and gently tilted it up to meet my gaze. Her eyes brimming with tears.

"of course he's proud of you." I whispered.

She sniffled and reached to wipe away a running tear but I caught her hand and set it ontop of my chest. My eyes scanned her face. Even tear stained and bloodshot eyes, she was beautiful. The pad of my thumb brushed her blonde hair and tucked it behind her ear. I pressed my lips to her cheek where the salty tear was stalled.

"There is not one thing about you that anyone shouldn't be proud of." I said in a hushed tone as her nose brushed mine. Her eyes were cast down, focused on my lips. And mind did the same to hers.

"I feel like I'm letting everyone down lately." I watched as her lips slowly formed the words. Her breath fanned against my lips.

"Especially you." If my eyes hadn't been so focused on her lips I probably wouldn't have realized she said anything at all.

I combed my fingers slowly through her soft long hair.

"You could never let me down,  Darling." I whispered back. "I love you."

I pressed a light brief kiss to the tip of her nose.

"I love you too."

Her lips parted slightly as my lips brushed hers before fully kissing her. Her hand pressed against my jaw line as she begged for me to come closer.  My tongue swiping her bottom lip once before she opened her mouth wider.

And just like that I was entranced in her. The way her fingers wound into my hair or how she'd press her hips to mine. Just like that all my worries and doubt vanished. Chris was forgotten. The rumors were vapor in the wind. It was just Hayley and I. The only two that mattered. 

(( okay so updaaaaate!!! ugh I'm hoping to be updating more like I said. I'm done with volleyball and I inly hace three days of school this week so fingers crossed!  vote comment and are you all ready for the second book?!:) I know I am!! haha thank you so much I love you all! xx))

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