chapter 18

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-Niall's POV-

I set the rental car in park and looked around. It was a cute little farm house. There were tons of trees and some sort of small river. I grabbed my phone and turned my head towards the house to find Hayley running down the porch steps. I felt a smile spread across my face and butterflies form in my stomach. She was gorgeous. She had a decent tan for the middle of March. She had the perfect body. Curves in all the right places, long legs, and a pretty great bum. She smiled causing her eyes to sparkle more than they already were.

I got out of the car and locked it behind me before embracing Hayley in a long tight hug. She greeted me with a giggle before taking me by the hand and leading me into the house.

"Hey Dad!" she yelled in her American accent. "Niall's here." she smiled at me before a tall solid man came out of the back room. He had Hayley's eyes so I assumed it was her dad.

"Mr. Turner," I said as the man shook my hand, "pleasure to meet you."

He smiled genuinely, "the pleasure is all mine." he said, "and you can call me Derek." I nodded with a smile. The house was small but cozy. I could smell food cooking and asked what it was.

"Spaghetti." Hayley said before yelling someone's name down a hallway. She told me she'd be right back. I stood there awkwardly as her dad explained that her brother was here too.

Hayley returned to the living room with a tall boy with the same big round eyes. "Niall this is my brother Logan. Logan this is Niall." Logan looked up at me suspiciously before shaking my hand.

"I like you're hat." he said motioning to my flat bill.

"Thanks, I like your shoes." I replied motioning to his Nike's.

He grinned and thanked me sheepishly. Logan and I sat on the couch. Logan explained how Hayley made the two end tables and how he finally convinced his mom to let him take guitar lessons.

"You know, I could teach you guitar." I told him. His face lit up instantly. "I'd do it for free too." I looked past Logan to see Hayley in the kitchen. She had her back turned to me but her back was just as perfect as the front. I promised Logan I'd teach him a few chords after supper.

"Logan," Hayley said, "would you please tell Dad that supper is ready? And Niall, you wanna help me set the table?" she winked. Logan was already half way across the room before I could get to my feet. "Logan, if he's on the phone wait until he's done!" Hayley yelled after him.

"And what if he's not on the phone?" I asked quietly as I slid my arm around her waist.

"He's on the phone." She replied as she placed her hands on my shoulders. "I can hear him." She pecked a kiss on my nose and turned to grab the plates and silverware.

"You're teasing me." I smirked.

She looked up at me and smirked, "why would I do such a thing?"

-Hayley's POV-

I cleaned up the dirty dishes while Niall helped Logan with the guitar. Dad sat in the recliner watching with fascination talking to Niall about soccor and rugby. I smiled to myself. He just fit in with the family so well. Well besides my mom. I dried my hands on the purple towel and pulled my hair into a low ponytail. I looked at the time; it was 11:36. Way past Logan's bedtime. I sat in the opposite recliner and tucked my feet underneath me. Dad turned to look at me. I smiled slightly before he stood up and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight," he mumbled, "I like him. You guys can sleep in the same room but if he gets you pregnant I'll have to kick his ass." I laughed and told him not to worry about it. Dad told Logan to go to bed and told Niall goodnight. I told Logan goodnight and made sure he went to bed before turning to Niall. "Where's your bag?" I asked.

"Out in the car. I'll go get it." He smiled as he walked towards the door. I nodded and told him I'd be here. I watched him jog out to the car before I turned off the TV and all the lights. I heard the front door open and close quietly. I took his large hand and led him through the dark up the stairs to my room. I started to turn the knob when I froze.

"Uhm, Niall, how do you feel about your face being on the walls?" I asked sheepishly. I could feel my cheeks burn red with embarrassment. He laughed before asking how many posters there were. "Uhm not a lot, most of them are at my mom's. Probably five or so. Yeah actually there's five exactly. You know what I'll take them down you wait here."

Niall's grip on my hand tightened before he brought me closer. I was a step above him so I was just now eye level. I could tell even in the dark. I could feel his strong arm wrapped around my waist and his other hand in my hair. I took his flatbill off and ran my fingers through his hair. We both began to lean in slowly. His scent overpowered all my senses leaving me wanting more. His hot breath drew closer before our lips collided. I drew one arm back behind me, fumbling to find the doorknob. I turned the knob and threw the door open before wrapping both my arms around his neck. I felt him bite lightly at my lower lip as his strong arms lifted me into the bedroom. I pulled back from the kiss and smiled breathlessly. He looked at me with confusion before setting me down. I closed the door and took the backpack from Niall. I set his bag and flat bill on my desk turning back to him.

"Ok, where were we?" I asked biting my lip. I could see him shake his head by the moonlight peeking through the window. I ran my hands through his hair before kissing him hard. His tounge danced over my lips, begging for entrance. I immediately allowed him full authorization. His hands ran down My back sending shock down my spine, before grabbing my ass.

I grabbed the hem of his tee shirt, tugging it steadily over his head. I inspected his perfect abs, tracing his v lines. I smiled before dropping the shirt beside the bed.

I straddled Niall as he laid on his back. He fiddled with the hem of my tank top as he kissed at my neck. I felt my throat tighten as he hit my sweet spot. I let out a quiet moan trying to avoid making any noise.

"If I'm not wearing a shirt, you're not wearing a shirt." Niall smirked before lifting the tank top over my head. I ran my fingers up and back down his torso as our lips locked over and over again. Niall moved to my neck again sucking at my sweet spot. His large hand caressed my breast before squeezing gently. I could feel his buldge grow as I nibbled at his ear. His hands trailed down to my crotch. His fingers quickly unlatched the jeans button. The shorts were stripped away and thrown in the pile at the foot of the bed. His fingertips tugged slightly at the waistline of my lacy underwear.

"Shit. Niall." I interrupted my eyes wide.

He looked at me worry in his eyes.

"What is it?" he asked.

"We, uhm, I" I grew angry with myself for stuttering so much. "we can't do anything else. I'm sorry." I blurted out.

Niall looked at me with disappointment before nodding his head. "Ok," he said. "but can I at least take my pants off? I can't sleep in jeans." he laughed. I fumbled with the button until it came loose. Niall stripped the jeans before pulling me close. He kissed me softly causing me to smile. I nuzzled into the crook of his neck as he wrapped his arms around me. I could hear him hum 'Little things' as he played with my hair. I inhaled his scent before giving away to sleep.

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now