Chapter 52

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-Niall's POV-

My hands were bruised and red from hitting the steering wheel multiple times. My hair stuck up in patches from me pulling on it and my throat was slightly hurting from all my cursing.  

I pulled over and rested my forehead on the wheel. Did she think this was easy on me? Because it wasn't. It sucked. I couldn't bare the thought of leaving Hayley, let alone live without her ever being in my life. She made me so happy. She was my escape from reality. She was everything.  

When management contacted me and said it would be in my best interest to no longer be with her I was furious. But I couldn't help but think that maybe it was in her best interest as well.  

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed.  

"Ayyyy Nialler!"  

I smiled at the cheerful sound of Louis' voice. "Hey man, I got a question." 

"What is it? You okay?" Louis asked more serious.  

"Yeah, it's just... how do I know she's worth it?" I explained the whole situation to him. Everything. Her parents, the fights, my parents.  

"Do you really want to give up on her?" Louis asked simply. 

No. Of course not. I just wanted to do what was right. "No." 

"Niall, you can't always make everyone happy. You need to do something that makes you happy and you and I both know that Hayley definitely does that."  

I let the words seep into my brain before thanking Louis and and heading back to where I belong, with Hayley.


I pulled into the gravel driveway when I saw Hayley and Logan down by the creek. I turned off the car when she started walking my way. I didn't say anything and neither did she. The warm wind whipped her hair and her white tied up shirt that you could see her bikini top through.  

"I need to show you something before you say anything." Hayley said breaking the silence. "And I have something to say after that."

I sat on the old couch waiting for Hayley to return. She walked out of her dad's office with a piece of paper in her hand.  

"I'll be back in a few minutes, I think you'll be done by then." She said quietly, handing me the paper. I watched as she walked away before looking at what must have been a letter.


I know you're probably thinking what the fuck but I promise there's a reason for it. I asked Hayley to give you this because I have a lot to say to you. Well I'm not sure where to start. Maybe with the words thank you. You have no idea what you've done for my baby girl. I know this is weird and it's been, well actually I'm not sure how long it's been. That's not the point my point is I know how guarded Hayley is and you think I'm an idiot because she didn't put up a fight with you but I'm pretty sure she was in love with you long before she met you. And I mean she loved you, Niall Horan. Not Niall Horan from One Direction.  

Take care of her. I know that's asking a lot. And I know how difficult she can make it but I really think you guys have something. She let you into her life, hell she introduced you to me and Logan and her mom. She never introduces us to anyone. Just try.  

I can't imagine how hard it must be for you with all your fame but I think she could help you. No it's not going to be easy for either one of you but I think you're strong enough to handle all the shit life throws at you.  

I always kinda looked at you as a son. Don't make me regret it.  

Thank you for making Hayley believe in love again. Thank you for dealing with Logan. And thank you for being there for Hayley when I wasn't. You have no idea how grateful I am.  

I Knew you'd be good for this family as soon as you walked through the door. First impressions count. Thank you. 


I rubbed my eyes. I folded the paper and held my face in my hands to avoid any tears. Being a sensitive guy sucks sometimes.  

"You ... well are you done?" Hayley squeaked from the other side of the room. 

I lift my head and nodded.  

She sat down next to me and took my hands into hers.  

This better be good. I don't think I can handle any more bad news.

-Hayley's POV-

I took a deep breath and forced myself to look into Niall's bloodshot eyes.  

"Ok, well, I know I'm a bitch. I know how difficult I am and that I jump to conclusions. I get angry and cause problems and I've been so damn emotional lately. I blame that on you by the way. The thing is I know I am not worthy of being with you. You deserve someone better but I couldn't be happier that you picked me." I laughed nervously. "I have never had luck picking guys and the fact that my parents are divorced kinda makes me afraid of getting too close to people. But you are different. You make me so emotional. I laugh and cry and make me get into bar fights with your ex girlfriend, but I love that. I love waking up to you every day and going to bed with you at night. I love how I come home from work and have dinner ready or seeing you with Logan. You have no idea how much it means to me that you get along with Logan. And I know we fight but I like to think that our making up makes it worth it." 

He chuckled and blushed at the memory of all our intimate nights. 

"And I can live with death threats and not seeing you everyday, but I can't stand the thought of going one day without you loving me. I want to work this out. I know it's not going to be easy and I understand that you may not want this as much as I do and that's ok. I just want you happy and if that happiness isn't with me then I can live. I may never find love but I can live." I laughed lightly. 

He laughed and his grip on my hand tightened. "I want to be happy. And my happiness is you." He simply stated. 

I felt like my heart was going to explode.  

He pulled me onto his lap and held me tight. I combed my fingers through his hair. I could feel his hands slowly running down my back.  

"This is what I want." Niall hummed in my ear. "I want you in my arms. As much as I can, as long as I can And that's it. No one else matters. it's just you and me"  

"I love you." I said as tears stung my eyes. 

"I love you, so much." He whispered before pressing a kiss to my cheek. "so so much." 

We sat there for awhile, not saying a word but enjoying the feeling of being in each other's arms.  

"Niall," I said quietly.  

"What is it Princess?"  

"Can I ask you a question?" I didn't want to mess anything up but I needed to know. 

He pulled me back to where he was facing me. "Of course you can." His accent was as thick as ever, making me melt inside.  

I sucked in a deep breath and cast my eyes down at my hands. "Can you please explain to me why you wanted to leave?"  

I heard him sigh and I knew he was playing with the back of his hair. "Hayley, baby, look at me." He lifted my chin. "I didn't want to leave. I couldn't ever leave you if I had the choice, but that's the thing, I didn't think I had a choice. I thought I owed it to my fans and I thought it wasnt up to me to decide. But mostly I thought it would be easier for you."  

I took his face into my hands, one of each cheek. I looked into his perfectly blue eyes that sent chills down my spine. "Listen to me," I said slowly. "I haven't been this happy in a long time, and you leaving me would be the hardest thing I could ever imagine."  

"I know that now." Niall said as I dropped my hands to his shoulders. "If my fans really care, they will respect you and want me to be happy. Management can suck my dick, even though I prefer you to do that." he winked and I blushed. "It's time I do something for myself, and I want you." 

I kissed him hard. "And I want you." I laughed. "You know, Logan is staying with a friend tomorrow night. How about we have our own little day." 

"Sounds great." he smiled as he pushed me down against the couch. "Can I get a preview now?" he chuckled before connecting his smile to mine.

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