Chapter 62

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-Hayley's POV-

I kept my eyes straight ahead on the road in front of me. I was driving back to the airport to drop off Niall then it was back to the dorm life, except mine only consisted of crying and homework and usually more crying.

I had mixed feelings about how emotionally attached I was becoming to Niall. I never depended on someone so much before. I always minded my own and did whatever they asked of me. Like when I dated Kyle I was just there to show off to all the guys, nothing more than that. But Niall wasn't like that at all. As much as he loved showing me off, he loved just staying home and watching movies or sports or whatever was on TV. I loved it. I loved him.

"So I was thinking," Niall started. "You wanna come out to Ireland for Christmas? I know you probably want to see Logan but we could work it out."

I thought it over. I really wanted to go see Niall's family and meet the others but it would only be nine months.

You've been out there once before, you idiot. I thought. Remember you tried to beat his ex girlfriend's face in.

"Yeah, that sounds fun." I smiled.

I turned off onto the airport exit and I could feel my stomach churn. We both fell quiet and his grip on my knee tightened. This was never going to get any easier, was it?

I  usually refused to hold Niall's hand while I was driving but I found my hand release its grip on the steering wheel and fill the spaces between Niall's. I could feel his surprised expression but I kept my eyes forward.


"Now boarding flight to New York." The lady on the intercom said. I sighed. I knew that was his flight before switching over to international.

I stood up and held back the tears. I waited for Niall to stand and give me a hug but he didn't. He remained seated with his hand extended out to me. I place my hand in his, instantly his fingers curled around it and tugged me onto his lap, in the middle of the airport. I pulled my knees to my chest as Niall cradled me in his arms. I looked like an oversized baby, I felt that way too as I cried into his shoulder.

-Niall's POV-

I kissed Hayley's forehead and rocked her in my arms. I knew I should get on the plane but if it left without me I couldn't care less.

Hayley must have read my mind. She lifted her head exposing her bloodshot eyes. "Niall," She said wiping under her eyes. "You need to get on the plane."

"I'd rather not."

She laughed lightly. "Babe, you have to. I'm going to make sure you do." She crawled off and pulled at my arms until I relunctly joined her. Her arms secured around my neck as if she would never see me again. I connected our lips and immediately the rest of the world dissolved away. I only wished that it could stay this way forever.

"Let me know when you get there." She said trying to hide all her emotions.

I nodded. "Of course. Only a month this time."

Her sad smile tugged at my heart. "Only a month."

"Last call for first class." The sound system called.

I cursed under my breath and picked up my bags. "I love you."

"I love you more." She challenged.

I was intrigued by her gesture. Leaning down slightly I felt her lips one last time. "Not a chance."

I handed the lady my ticket. She scowled at me until she read the name and her face brightened. I thanked her and talked onto the tunnel.

Don't turn around. Don't do it. My subconscious argued. You have the turn around! What kind of dick doesn't wave goodbye? The kind that doesn't wanna cry anymore.

I stopped midstep and looked over my shoulder at the delicate blonde with the perfect chlorine eyes that I called my princess. One hand held the clover pendant she had refused to ever take off, the other was raised in the air. Even from here I could see the tears hiding behind her smile. I blew her a kiss and forced myself to continue walking onto the plane.

I found my seat and pulled my phone out to turn it off. My lockscreen stopped me. I smiled at the memory of Hayley and I on our first official date. Her face covered with a silly grin as we stood next to each other on the mini golf course.

"That your girl?" A man dressed in an expensive suit and tie.

I nodded proudly. "Yup, she's mine."

"Leaving is never easy." He said understandingly.

"Oh definitely." I agreed. "But only makes the love grow sweeter."

His facial expression was filled with surprise even though he tried to hide it. "I wish you two the best of luck."

"Thank you." I smiled and turned my phone off before the flight attendant came and yelled at me.

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now