Chapter 66

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-Hayley's POV-

My eyes were so heavy that it was nearly impossible to keep them open. I turned off my alarm before McKenna could wake up and dragged myself down to the floor bathrooms. It was so early. I was better off not sleeping at all and just taking a nap on the plane but whatever. What's done is done.

I showered quickly and then sprinted back to my room in my robe. No one was up yet but I just felt insecure about everything. I flicked on my desk light and changed into my jeans in the corner. I slipped my long sleeved burnout over my head and zipped my boots. I was still rather comfortable and didn't look like complete shit. I looked and the dark blurry reflection in my mirror. I sighed at the sight of my stomach. I had gained more weight than I had wanted and I felt like it was super noticeable. McKenna said she didn't see any difference but she lies.

I scrunched my hair and put on my make up before grabbing my suitcase and coat. It was absolutely freezing outside. It had been snowing the last few days and I was sick of it. I texted Niall and told him I was on my way to the airport. I would be there about half an hour early but that was ok. I enjoyed being early. I can never count on getting through security quickly or not getting lost. Besides I needed a Starbucks and a bathroom.

The airport wasn't very full. There were people cuddled in blankets waiting for their flights but most of them were dressed in a suit and tie carrying a briefcase everywhere they went. I got through security briskly but finding my terminal took a little longer. I checked the monitor several times before finally accepting the fact that I had managed to find my way.

I set my suitcase just outside the bathroom and hurried myself to finish up. Last thing I needed was to have my luggage stolen.


"Now boarding first class."

I checked my ticket and groaned. Of course Niall booked me first class. This boy was spoiling me more than I'll ever be able to spoil him.

I handed the young attendant with raven black hair and screaming blue eyes my ticket. He smiled warmly and told me enjoy my flight. Hopefully that was possible.

I sat down and a lady next to me immediately made conversation with me. "Oh my," She said. "You are a stunning little thing."

"Oh, well, thank you." I could feel myself burn. Compliments weren't really something I got used to.

"So why are you flying to New York?" She pried taking a sip of her coffee.

I buckled myself in and replied. "From New York I'm flying international. I'm going to Ireland to visit some close friends of mine." I explained.

"No family to spend the holidays with?"

Damn this woman is nosy.

I shook my head. "It's a strained family."

She nodded her head as if she understood. Maybe she thought she did but no one could really understand the situation unless they were living it; only Niall and I were the ones living it.


The first flight sucked. Every time I finally managed to fall asleep the plan would bump or someone would yell. I practically had to ran in order to make it to my next flight and ever then I didn't have much time to spare. I was starving and tired but I wasn't about to buy anything and make the bill anymore expensive.

You're doing this for Niall. You're about to see Niall. I reminded myself.

I watched the world under me as we rose high and higher in the air. Streets weaved through the land and then interstates cut through. The ocean was so beautiful and calm just as the pilot had told all of us not too long ago. A perfect day for flying apparently.

I grew anxious when all I could see was water so I decided it was time for me to attempt sleeping again. I leaned my head against the window and pulled my coat around me. First class right there.

-Niall's POV-

I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited outside the terminal Hayley was supposed to come out of. I held my phone in my hand and probably checked every thirty seconds. I usually just laid back and let whatever happened, happen. But if has anything to do with Hayley, patience is out the window.

I felt the phone vibrate in my hand and I automatically pressed it to my ear. "Hayley?"

"Yeah it's me." She laughed.

"Where you at?" I asked looking around me frantically.

"Uhmm..." I could hear others yelling out her name as she cursed under her breath. "Terminal A. I just got off, like, literally five seconds before I called you."

I looked up at the large sign above my head. Fuck. Wrong terminal. "Ok, I thought you were to be in terminal B." I started walking down the halls, dodging people left and right.

She continued to curse under her breath. "Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah. Fine, really." She assured.

"Hayley! Over Here!" I heard in the background. I could feel annoyance grow inside of me.


"Yeah, but it's fine. I swear." Hayley insisted.

I looked around me. People looked at me with strange confused expressions, others took out their phones and snapped pictures. I smiled and waved slightly before turning a corner. "I'm on my way."

"It's really not-"

"No." I cut her off. "I'm coming and if they want pictures we will give them something to take a picture of."

She laughed lightly. "Ok."

I reached terminal A. There were people everywhere. Where was she? "Hayley?!" I called. No answer. Fuck.


I snapped my head behind and felt relief flood through my veins. Her smile cut through all the hatred I had towards the paparazzi and replaced it with pure happiness. She jogged towards me, pulling her suitcase behind her.

"Hey." She smiled a few steps away from me. I closed the space and wrapped my arms around her. I cupped her face in my hands. Her eyes had every bit of life and joy they had held the first time we were reunited. I pressed her lips slowly, taking my time even though I needed it more than anything. Her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer. Her fingers buried into my hair as our kiss deepened. I could feel the stares and flashes but I didn't care. This was more important. This is what I wanted.

I pulled away just enough to where our noses still touched. "People are staring." I teased. I knew how much she hated attention directed on her, especially PDA.

She laughed. "I know. Annoying right?"

I shrugged but kept my hands around her waist. "I don't care. As long as your the girl I'm caught with."

"I see you haven't lost that Irish charm of yours." She winked.

I laughed. "Still have the American sarcasm."

She nodded smugly. "That isn't going anywhere."

I laughed loudly and pulled her in for a tight hug. "Let's go." I said grabbing her suitcase.

She looked up at me and nodded. She was so beautiful. I leaned down a kissed her lips lightly causing her to blush. "Stop." She teased. "My face is red enough as it is."

"It's adorable when you blush."

She shook her head. "No. Hell no."

"Yes it is! Watch." I insisted before pressing a quick kiss on her forehead. "Look at you. Adorable."

She hit my stomach, telling me to stop. I laughed but obliged.

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now