chapter 3

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After finishing my breakfast I walked back to the bathroom to do something with my hair. I decided on pulling it into a wavy boho style ponytail. It was a simple cute style that didn't need a lot of effort on my part. I brushed my teeth and applied my make up. I really hated wearing make up on weekends but I was going to see Niall and Louis and all of the boys, they deserve a little bit of extra preparation.

I applied mascara to my long eyelashes and a little bit of powder before opening the door to find Logan standing in the hall.

"Sup Captain Bedhead?" I said flicking off the bathroom lights. Logan and I were definitely siblings, in appearance anyways. We both had Mom's dark ash blonde hair and small nose with Dad's big round eyes. Logan's were brown just like Dad's while mine were a weird chlorine color.

"You're giving me a ride to Dad's before you and Mom leave. Just you not Mom." He said while pushing past me into the bathroom.

"Uh sure. It's not like I have a life." I joked while pushing him into the wall.

"You don't."

"I know don't remind me." I groaned while heading towards my room.

"Hey! Hayley!" I stopped and turned back towards Logan. "I heard you and Ryan." Logan said with a smirk.

"Oh yeah? Bitchy enough for you?" I laughed.

"I laughed. He's such a dick. He acts like he knows me just because he played sports in high school, but he doesn't know me at all."

"And he doesn't give a damn." I winked, "you're a teenage dirtbag baby!"

"I see what you did there. Nice." Logan stated before closing the door.

That kid drove me crazy, but we were both in the same boat; living with the mom we don't get along with and putting up with the douche of a boyfriend.

The road was needing paved and the trees along the road had loads of dead limbs, but it was a pretty drive and better yet it was a drive to see Dad. My dad lived out in the country on the back roads of the back roads but it was close enough to see us whenever we wanted to come by and far enough so Mom didn't have to run into him. After pulling into the gravel drive way both, Logan and I, flung the car doors open and ran to greet Dad. Even though he didn't live far away, we didn't see our dad very often. Mom liked to have family bonding with Ryan on the weekends.

"Hey Dad Hey!" I said with a smile as I gave him a hug. "How've you been?"

"Hey Darling, I've been good. What about you? Today's the big day isn't it?" Dad was very understanding about my love for One Direction we actually spent a lot of our time together talking about the latest gossip going on in the fandom.

"Hell yeah! Stoked!" I laughed while Logan rolled his eyes.

"Finally gonna meet that Husband of yours? Or you could marry Liam. I love Liam."

"Dad stop you're freaking me out!" Logan shouted while covering his ears. "Hayley, leave so Dad and I can play some football. I think Dad lost his man card from your last visit."

I laughed before giving both of them a hug and climbing back into my car and driving home to my judgemental mother.

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now