Chapter 59

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-Hayley's POV-

"I don't understand why she hates you." I sniffed. I listened to the his steady heartbeat. His arms circled around me, holding me, making me feel safe.

"I wish I knew too." Niall said in a hushed voice. I could feel his cheek press against the top of my head.

"Did Ryan really say all that to you?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah. Pretty ballsy right?"

We lied together in silence thinking about the events that occurred a few hours ago. I thought my mom had finally come around. What did she hate so much about us? Why did she hate Niall so much?

"What do I do about Logan?" I said so quiet that it was barely audible. I lifted my head and looked to Niall for response.

He rubbed his eyes that were beginning to droop. "I'm sure he wants you there." he mumbled. He ran his hand through his hair and rubbed the back of his neck out of habit. "Honestly, I don't want to go back. Ryan pisses me the fuck off, but if you think we should I can manage. Just don't leave me alone with him."

"I don't know. Mom is pissed. I thought about calling her and asking her tomorrow." I was starting to get a headache. "I really don't want to talk to her."

"That makes two of us."


-Niall's POV-

I couldn't believe I was doing this. Hayley had run into town to get a few things to eat which meant I had to go pick up Logan. Well, I guess I can't complain too much, I offered to get him. I knew Hayley didn't feel like revisiting after so little time.

Before I could knock Logan had already opened the door to let me in. I hesitated, I didn't want to be here longer than I had to. I didn't want Ryan to come talk to me again. It never goes well when he does.

"Let me go get my bag. I'll be right back!" Logan beamed before running up the stairs.

I shifted my wait uncomfortably. Was the air thicker in here or was I just fixing to die? I bounced on the balls of my feet when I saw Hayley's mum. "Ms. Hunter, hello."

"Why?" She shrugged. "Why couldn't you just let her leave that hospital? Why did you have to run after  her and stop her in the parking garage?"

I was shocked by her words. She was nothing like Ryan, she got straight to the point. My face held no emotion. "I chased after her because she was worth running after." I said flatly. "No one else in this world seems to understand that but I'm ok with it. Less guys to beat up, less rumors, less drama."

"Why did you take her away from me?"

"Ms. Hunter, you and I both know you were slowly pushing her away. It was only a matter of time before she was done."

She looked appalled. I'm sorry but I wasn't sugarcoating this anymore. She has hated me since the first time we met and I have not given her any reason to do so until now.

"Ryan thinks this love of yours is fake." She said quieter but still stern.

"Ryan is wrong."

She shook her head. "She took a bullet for you. What have you done for her?"

I sighed. Nothing. I haven't done anything. Hayley always thanked me for "everything". What was "everything"? I could hear Logan starting to make his way back down stairs.

"Nothing." I mumbled. "I have done nothing for her and I hate myself every damn day because of it. But when the day comes that I can give her anything her heart desires I will. I will without giving it a second thought."

I faked a smile when Logan made it down the stairs and joined us. I handed him the keys. "Why don't you go heat up the car?" He didn't question it, he just took the keys and ran out the door.

"Look," I mumbled, rubbing my head. "I don't expect you to believe me or like me or even have respect for me, but I really think you should respect Hayley's decisions. She's a smart girl. I just want to make her happy."

She didn't say anything. She only crossed her arms across her chest and tapped her foot. "Have Logan back by two."


"Pizza?" Logan asked. "What kind of Thanksgiving dinner is this?!"

"The poor college student kind." Hayley snapped pushing him into the table. She laughed as he toppled to the ground dramatically.

I pictured our first Thanksgiving together going differently. I pictured turkey and mashed potatoes and just a lot of food and family around, instead we had pizza, beer, and Logan. I wasn't complaining. It was actually pretty nice being with just Hayley and Logan again. It was just hard because I knew how much it bothered Hayley even though she would never admit it.

Logan  was loud and I don't think he ever stopped talking. I could tell her was wearing on Hayley's nerves, I think Logan noticed it too, which would explain why he never stopped.

"Logan, why don't you go get your guitar?" I offered. "Get mine too."

He grinned ear to ear, scrambling from the ground to get the six stringed instruments.

"Thank you." Hayley sighed and kissed my cheek.

I shrugged. "He missed you."

"Does he have to talk so much though?" She laughed.

Logan ran back in. "I've been practicing!" He said excitedly.

"Pick a song lil' man."


"Don't listen to her. You do plenty for me. For example I'm still breathing." Hayley teased as she changed into her pajamas, which was just an over sized tee shirt.

I had told her about my run in with her mum earlier today. It had been bugging me all night.

"I really haven't done that much." I shrugged, scooting over to make room for her.

She flicked off the light and crawled under the covers. "You took me to Ireland, you wrote me a song, you were there for me when Dad died, you helped me plan the funeral, you called an ambulance after I was shot. See you may have saved my life and you never even noticed."

She had a point. I still felt weird about the whole thing but I decided to let it be. "Alright."

I felt her snuggle in closer to me for warmth. God, how I missed this. I heard her steady breathing, signifying that she had fallen asleep. The things I'd do for this girl were unimaginable. How could anyone think it was fake?

I thought back to the letter Derek had written me. He said how he saw a good future for the two of us. He said he thought we could make it. He believed in us.

Wait.. I thought.

Hayley had let me read her letter. In it Derek mentioned that he knew he was dead. I understood that he worked for the CIA but what was he working on that would endanger his life so much? What did he know?

Stop it Niall. It's probably nothing. Stop over thinking everything.

I shook my head and sighed. I needed to sleep. It had been a long day and tomorrow would probably be just as long.

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