Chapter 87

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((Okay guys i know it's been forever since I have updated but ugh I have so much homework it's crazy! And volleyball and stuff... Ugh.. But seriously im trying to update as much as I an as often as I can so please hang with me! Okay to the story!!))

-Hayley's POV-

I sat in my health science class trying to pay attention to the words coming out of my professor's mouth. We were reviewing the bones and just beginning to cover the muscles. It was the same stuff we've been going over for weeks now, and I was tired of it.

I felt my mind beginning to wander off. You know what I didn't do this past weekend in Ireland? I didn't tell Niall about the Chris incident. Shit. You'd think I'd learn by now that Chris is not a subject that Niall wants to find out about weeks later. It's not really a subject he enjoys talking about at all, but that's beside the point.

I had changed three of my work days so I wouldn't be working with Chris. I needed a new job. There was no way I could continue working there with all this awkwardness going on. I needed an internship. Ugh, I needed a lot of things. Just like I needed to go home and resolve my problems with my mother. I needed to sell Dad's house. I needed to spend more time with Logan. I needed to do so much.

I gathered my notebooks and rushed out the doorway as soon as my professor dismissed us. Thank God.

I looked around my empty dorm room.McKenna had mentioned something about not being home til later. I guess that explains why she insisted that we go out and eat when she got back. She was probably with Matt. Joy.

I threw myself onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. I hadn't talked to Niall all day. Tour was starting to get into full swing. I was happy for him. I k new how much happier he was when he went on tour, but I didn't enjoy it as much. I wanted to have Niall to myself. Selfish? Yes, definitely, but can you blame me? Of course not.

I checked my phone for the millionth time and the same blank screen appeared. No texts, no calls, nothing. I groaned and turned onto my stomach. I had been forming a headache over the past few hours. Maybe I could cancel the whole dinner date with McKenna... no I shouldn't. I could deal with McKenna rambling on about how adorable Matt's laugh was. Or how good of a kisser he was and blah blah blah.

-Niall's POV-

I dragged myself back into the tour bus. I was totally exhausted. Was it the American leg yet?

I rubbed my eyes and propped myself up with my elbows. If I layed down I'd be out before anyone could say anything. I pulled my phone out and slid my thumb across the lock screen. My background was of my reaction to when Hayley showed up to the Dublin concert. Some fan had captured the moment and I could find it everywhere on Twitter or Instagram. I smiled to myself at the memory. I still couldn't believe she managed to fly halfway across the world without me finding out. Just.. wow.

I pressed the phone against my ear and layed my head down on my pillow. The annoying ringing sounded in my ear until it was replaced with Hayley's bubbly voice.

"Hey stranger." She said as soon as she answered.

I could feel myself smiling bigger. "Hey Babe, how are you?"

"I'm fine. I'm fine, more importantly, how are you?"

She always loved hearing the details of my day. Even if all I did was sleep until four, she wanted details. It was humorous but annoying all the same.

"I'm just tired. You know?"

"Why? it's not like you did anything all day." She teased. Damn her and that cute sarcasm of hers.

I motioned to Zayn and Liam to be quiet ad they passed. They looked as exhausted as I felt. If they're anything like me, they'll pass out before long. Another forty five minutes passed before the tone of Hayley's voice changed.

"Hey uhm, there's something I need to talk to you about.." She stuttered. "It's about Chris.. I dunno I jus-"

"Hayley, can we ... Not tonight." I interrupted. I was not in any mood to talk about that asshole that was "just a friend". He had bad intentions. Intention that were clear and obvious to be more than just friends. I would know.

"But Niall I just thin-"

"Hayley! No!" I shouted. I slapped my forehead with the palm of my hand. I didn't mean to raise my voice but I was getting annoyed with this. I wasn't in the mood for this. Just talking about him brought back all the anger and the memories of our little misshapen.

"Sorry." I muttered.

I could hear her clear her throat on the other end. "No, it's fine." She said quickly. "McKenna wants to hang out tonight so I better get ready."

"You are roommates. Don't you hang out every night?" I said, my voice edging with annoyance.

"Yeah, but this is different. I'll talk to you some other time. You obviously need to get some sleep."

"Hayley, I.."

"Night Niall. Love you." Hayley muttered quickly before hanging up. The dial tone echoed through the ear piece, bouncing off every surface in my head. Did she just hang up on me? I threw both my hands over my face and began tugging at my hair. God damn it, she was pissed off. Fantastic.

"Fuck!" I groaned out loud as I thrust my fist against the wall of my bunk. I heard heavy footsteps pad across the floor.

"Niall?" It was Harry. I pulled back the curtain and glared at him. His green eyes were droopy from tiredness but concern somehow manage to overpower it.

"You ok?"

"No." I snapped. He rocked back and forth on the heels of his bare feet, waiting for me to continue.

"Do we have alcohol?"

He nodded. "That rough?"

I pulled myself away from the comforting bed. "You have no fucking idea." I growled.

"We'll I'm sure i will soon." I rolled my eys because I knew he had that ridiculous smirk on his face. He wasn't wrong though, he would know real soon. Really soon.

((Well this chapter really sucked... I'm sorry. Ugh I'm hoping to update again tomorrow because I don't have practice but I will have homework so yeaaahh... anyway I hope you guys liked it even though I think it was weak. ILY xxx please keep up the voting!!))

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