Chapter 67

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-Hayley's POV-

I was so eager to see Maura again. Ever since our last visit here and we had mend all the strained relations, Maura had become a better mom to me than my own mother. I missed her dearly and I made it clear to Niall that we would stop there before going home and napping.

Niall set the car in park outside his mother's house. "You sure you don't wan-"

"Niall!" I snapped. "Later. If not tonight, another time."

"I just haven't seen in you in so long and I've missed you, all of you, including that little tattoo of yours." He smirked.

I hit his cheek, not hard but hard enough to get my point across. "Stop it." I said trying not to laugh.

I beamed with joy when I saw Maura running out of the door to meet us on the walkway. Her arms were outstretched, reaching for me. "Hayley!" She shrieked in her adorable thick accent.

"Hi Maura!" I smiled as he embraced me tightly. "How are you?"

"I'm great! How are you? Did finals go ok? Everything going great with that roommate of yours? How was the flight? Was Niall on time? You know he tends to put things off til last minute." She rambled at full speed, I could barley understand her.

"Yeah, amazingly Niall managed to get there in time." I teased.

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Women."

Maura hit her son and scolded him but he only laughed. "Come inside! It's chilly out here."

I didn't argue even though compared to Kansas' extreme weather this was perfect. Niall slid his arm around me, attempting to slip his hand into my back pocket but I caught it and pulled it back to my waist. I knew he had a smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh my God Greg!" Niall exclaimed happily when we filed inside. He didn't waste anytime before giving his brother one of his famous hugs.

I gave Denise a small hug, avoiding the small child cradled in her arms.

"Oh my God, look at him!" I cooed. "He's getting big."

Denise smiled with teary eyes. It was hard to say if they were happy or sad tears. "Would you like to hold him?" She asked.

I felt my eyes grow wide and my jaw drop slightly. I nodded dumbfounded with outstretched arms. She transferred Theo into my arms. He fussed a little at first but settled down after a little bit of baby talk. I felt slightly ridiculous making faces and baby noises in front of Niall's family but the smile on Theo's face made it all worth it.


After dinner we all gathered in the small cozy living room. I could feel myself getting tired and I knew before long jetlag would catch up with me. Niall was surly going to be upset for not leaving earlier.

I listened halfheartily as the boys rambled about sports. I looked down at the sleeping baby in my arms and smiled. I always imagined having a family of my own. I always wanted to have a few kids and raise them in a small town. And for the first time I thought about a life with Niall.

The thought scared me honestly. With everything being as complicated as it is imagine having kids. Kids who would miss their father when he was on tour. Kids that would have more attention directed on them than they'd ever deserve.

I shook the thoughts from my mind. I wasn't ready to get married just yet. I wanted to get a year or two of school behind me before even planning a wedding.

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