chapter 32

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-Hayley's POV-

I sighed as I turned off the ignition. Niall and I were parked outside my mom's house. Dad had been called out to work again and wouldn't be home until Wednesday. He doesn't get called out much, but when he does it's far away and for days. I would explain his job but that would require me to have knowledge of it, and he's not allowed to talk about it. I thought I'd pick up Logan so he could see Niall. Since seniors got out early Logan still had a few more weeks of school, he should get to see Niall.

"Niall," I sighed. "are you sure you want to come in?" I noticed the black Truck in the driveway, Ryan was here. Poor Logan.

"It's for the best." Niall said reassuringly.

I walked hand in hand with Niall to the front door. I knocked twice before letting myself in. I looked around the room, nothing had changed. Pictures still lined the walls along with my art.

"Hey mom!" I shouted through the empty rooms. "I'm home! Not that you give a shit." I mumbled. I felt Niall squeeze my hand in support. I smiled at him and walked into the kitchen. Still no one. I peered outside the window to see my mom and Ryan lounging in the hammock. I felt myself gag. Disgusting.

"Oh my, gahh. Get a fricking room." I mumbled to myself. I knocked on the wall before opening the screen door. Ryan looked like he could have murdered me but honestly it just made my day.

"Oh. I wasn't expecting you.. two." Mom grumbled as she closed her book. Not that it mattered, I knew she wasn't reading it anyway.

"It's wonderful to see you too." I said sarcastically. Niall squeezed my hand again, a little too tight, which was probably on purpose. I glared at him slightly. "Mom you know Niall."

"yes. I do. hi."

"Hello Ma'am."

"And Ryan this is Niall, my boyfriend. Niall this is Ryan."

Niall shook Ryan's hand. "Pleased to meet you."

"likewise." Ryan said half heartily.

I was already tired of being in the same area as them. breathing the same air, seeing Ryan's face.

"Where's Logan?" I asked looking around the patio.

Mom stood up and straightened herself. "He's at Tyler's."

"oh." I said quietly. "Well, Uhm, when will he get back?"

I watched as Mom messed with a few flower pots. "Not until late. Ryan and I are going out and we're picking him up on our way home." she replied with her back to me. "He probably won't be able to see either of you until a few weeks into the summer."

"Uhm, excuse me." I said yanking my hand away from Niall's grip. "Why do I have to wait so long to see my brother?"

"You can always come back home." she sighed.

"Yeah. What the hell do you think I'm doing here. This is, what you call, home. I'm here to see Logan." my voice raised in anger. My hands balled into tight fists. How could she do this to either of us? Any of us. "Where is he going to be all this time?"

"well he will just have turned 13 a few days before school's out, so Ryan and I decided we'd take him out of town. Away from distractions. He can focus on his sports."

"You mean get him away from Dad and I." I said accusingly. I felt Niall touch my arm but I removed it from his grasp. I stared at my mother. My eyes burning into hers. "Did you even ask him what he wants? Does he even know about these plans? You already took Dad away from me for years, you can't do the same thing with Logan!" I yelled. I felt tears stinging at my eyes.

"Hayley!" Ryan yelled, "Do not talk to your mother that way!"

"Ryan." I turned to face him. "Can you not stay the hell out of this?! This was all your freaking idea wasn't it!"

Ryan didn't answer. No one answered.

"Wasn't it!" I screamed again. I threw the screen door open and ran through the house and out the front door. I heard Niall running behind me trying to catch up. I fumbled with the door handle allowing Niall to grab me by the waist.

"Hayley.." he said as he turned me to face him. Tears streamed down my face and I began to sob uncontrollably. I slapped at his broad chest infront of me, wanting to get away but only wanting to be held.

"Hayley! Stop!" my knees went weak and I collapsed to the hard ground. I sobbed loudly into my hands, refusing to look up. I saw Niall sit infront of me, his arms wrapped around my shaking body, pulling me into his lap. I placed my forehead on his shoulder and wiped away the smearing mascara and tears. His strong hands gently rubbed my back. "Everything is going to be ok." he whispered into my hair repeatedly.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and continued to hug him tight. Not wanting to ever let go.

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