chapter 39

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-Niall's POV-

I closed the door behind me dropping my bag to the floor. I didn't sleep much of the night. I felt guilty. Guilty that Hayley felt like she was ruining my career. She wasn't. Actually I was really surprised with the fans' reaction to us dating. Hayley had received a lot less hate than I thought she would, and if she did receive more she didn't show it to me.  

She pulled a beer from the fridge and sat at the table. I had noticed how much more she had started drinking. I didn't mind that she drank, I just didn't want it getting out of control.  

"Hayley, babe." I said pulling out the chair across from her. "I think we should go by your mum's." I said slowly.  

She pushed the bottle across the table top and crossed her arms. "Why would I do that?" 

"Logan." I coaxed. 

She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "Fine."

-Hayley's POV-

"Logan" I said pushing the dark oak wood door open. He sat at his desk typing something on his laptop. His hair was a mess and his brown eyes peered into mine. "how you been?" I asked sitting down on the foot of his bed. Niall stood against the door frame, out of the way.  

"I've been fine, not that you've been around to care." Logan mumbled throwing his earbuds on the desk top.  

I was shocked. Why would he say such a thing? "uhm, I've called you and texted you a million times. I came by to take you out to Dad's." I said a little louder than I intended. 

"don't lie to me." Logan spun around. "I haven't got shit from you!" 

"where is your phone? I will show you." he held out his phone to me. It wasn't the old phone I remember, it was a new Android. "what the hell is this?" I asked looking at the phone.  

"my new phone Mom got me for my birthday." he answered crossing his arms. 

"does it still have the same number?" I asked getting frustrated.  

"no. Mom said she gave you the new number." Logan said taking the phone from my grasp.  

it all made sense now. My mom never gave me the New number. She knew I would call. She knew.  

"Why are you even here?" Logan asked still angry. 

"ok first off mom never gave me your new number." I said sitting back down on the bed trying to keep calm. 

Logan's face dropped. "oh, makes sense." he said looking towards the door, at Niall. "I thought you'd come see me or take me out to Dad's."  

"we stopped by but you were gone. And mom said I couldn't see you til summer." I explained. 

"well, yeah, I was busy." he said sadly. He suddenly sprung from his seat running to his closet. "but you guys can just take me now! I miss Dad!"  

I looked at Niall trying to hold back my tears. "uhm Logan." my voice cracked. he turned to face me. "Mom hasn't told you has she?"  

He shook his head. I patted the bed next to me, asking Logan to sit by me. He stood in front of me refusing to sit. I looked down into my lap where I was holding Logan's hands. I looked up into his worried face. "Logan," I sighed. "Dad died in a car accident two weeks ago." I choked on my tears.  

"n-no one t-told me." Logan stammered. His eyes began to swell with tears. 

"I tried to tell you! I told mom to tell you! I called and I invited you to the funeral! I tried so hard.." I trailed off pulling Logan in for a hug. I held him tightly, sobbing as I felt hot tears fall onto my shoulder.  

"I-I-I I d-didn't even-n get to s-say g-goodbye.." Logan choked between sobs. I held him tighter. I looked over his shoulder to Niall, who's eyes were also bloodshot. I extended my arm out to him, inviting him into the huddle.

I held his backpack stuffed with clothing in my hands and I walked out to my car. Niall gave Logan, who was asleep, a piggyback ride. He set him down in the back seat and buckled him in.  

"Hey can you drive? I'm going to go talk to my mom real fast." I said turning towards the house.  

Niall grabbed my forearm. "don't make it into a big deal." he pleaded. 

"She lied to me." I said angrily. "I'll try not to scream."  

I walked into the kitchen where my mother stood drinking a margarita. I clenched my fists. "Hey mom." I said to her back. "I have a question to ask you. 

"What is it?" she asked taking a gulp.  

"why didn't you tell me about Logan's new number?"  

She didn't respond.  

"Why didn't you tell Logan?" I continued. 

No answer. 

"Why didn't you come back for the funeral?" I accused again. 

"I did it because-"  

"because why?!" I interrupted. "Why couldn't you take your only son back home to go to his own Father's funeral? Do you know that I had to arrange the whole fricking funeral? Me. You're only daughter had to plan her own father's funeral because her mother refused to go out of her own selfish way for one time!" 

"I've gone out of my way plenty times!" she shouted back. 

"No you didn't!" I yelled. "look at the baby photos! I see Dad and I, Dad and Logan, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad! There is a total of three photos with you in it? And don't you dare say you were taking the photos because we all know that was Grandma!" frustrated tears stung at my eyes. "You were drunk all the time! Did you know I was bulimic in middle school after you called me fat?" I paused and let it sink in. She stared at the drink, refusing to make eye contact. "Did you know I thought about cutting myself after the divorce as well as having a drinking problem?" I shook my head backing out of the room. "of course not. You have to care in order to notice." I slammed the door behind me, running to the car.

"im sorry." I mumbled after putting on my seat belt. "I yelled." 

Niall kissed my forehead. "it's ok."

first impression (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now