Chapter 88

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-Hayley's POV-

I slammed my fist against the annoying alarm clock that disrupted me from my restless night of sleep. Yeah, I didn't sleep very well but the alarm clock just reminded me that I had class today. I guess I could skip.. No I needed to go to class. Well, I'll go to my first class and skip the others. I didn't need them. It was only my yoga class and leadership. I never did anything in them anyway.

I pulled the duvet from my face and dragged my heavy fatigued body from the warm welcoming bed. I pulled a pair of sweat pants and a long sleeved tee shirt from my closet. I decided not to shower. I wasn't feeling it. Too many people and no privacy. I pulled my sweat pants over my hips and changed into a sports bra. I glanced at my reflection. My pudgy stomach slowly starting to disappear. Ever since the whole "pregnancy scare" and the hateful tweets of my weight, I had been eating less and going to the gym more. If Niall had known he would have shoved a double cheeseburger down my throat.

Niall. Why did he always show up in my mind. Could I just go for a few hours without thinking about him? Obviously not since I had been up for a total of three minutes and he was already circulating through my memories and desires.

Last night was.. not so hot. I had hung up on Niall and threw myself onto my bed. I probably spent a good fifteen minutes screaming and cursing into my pillow. I tried to tell him about Chris. I tried. I should have just yelled at him.

Don't wanna talk about it? Ok, Niall, guess what. Chris made a move on me and tried to shove his tongue down my throat and I don't know what to do. I'm kinda scared actually but you obviously don't wanna talk about it so bye.

Yeah, sounds like a fantastic idea.. not. Ugh.

I pinched the extra fat around my waist and sighed. "Whatever." I mumbled and pulled my shirt over my head. I looked at my hair in the mirror. It was natural wavy. It wasn't too bad and I didn't feel like doing anything with it. I pulled on a pair of boots and slung my bag over my shoulder. I debated whether or not to bring my phone or not. I didn't want any temptation to talk to Niall or if Chris tried to contact me again I could say I didn't have my phone and not lie. But then I would need it if something came up. I sighed and unhooked it from the plug in. I locked the screen and threw it into the side pocket of my bag.

The air was bitter and cold. I was so done with this whole winter shit. Fuck it. I was starting to become done with everything. Yeah, I know this is stupid for me to get mad over. I know that I should be more understanding. I know that I shouldn't be acting like such a child but damn! I'm tired of it. I'm tired of feeling awful because I haven't told Niall. And then when I try to he shuts me out. Not listening. Why should I have to put up with that?

He is living his dream. He's out touring and meeting fans. He's changing lives, preforming in stadiums and arenas. He is making albums and doing Ireland proud. He is living his dream. Why should I put up with his jealous attitude?

Maybe because that's your dream.

I mentally cursed my subconscious. She was right and I was not in any mood for listening. I was done. I pulled the heavy door open and made my way to my class. I was kinda early today. Usually I'm running in at last minute. I took a spot towards the outside and closer to the front. People weren't going to be here anyway so why not?

"This seat taken?"

I jumped slightly and looked up at the deep voice that was just talking at me. I felt relief flood through my veins when I saw the dimpled smile of Matt. I laughed lightly.

"Depends if you sit there or not." I teased.

He shook his head and laughed. He wore a dark grey hoodie and black pair of sweats. Has he always been in this class? I would think that I'd notice. He set his text book in front of him and turned to a clean sheet of paper.

I looked around the room. There was a total of five other people in the class and the professor. This was just going to be fantastic.

"You'd think more people would show up to this class." I mumbled to Matt.

He smiled and his dark eyes flashed. "Im not too surprised. They're all probably doing the same as McKenna."


"You got it." He laughed. I felt myself smile. A real smile, a genuine smile.


Class was short since no one showed up. Professor Darling said he didn't want to leave the students behind but he wanted to make it worth the struggle for the few that showed up. He gave us some work to do that was worth more than enough points to raise your grade.

I grabbed my things and slowly walked out of the class with Matt. We walked together inside the building. It was too cold to walk outside and I wasn't about to go anywhere special.

"How come you haven't been around much lately?" Matt finally asked. I could tell it had been egging at him since class started.

I looked at him, slightly shocked. "Chris hasn't told you?"

I shook his head.

"Oh, erm, Chris and I kinda had a... A falling out." I mumbled watching my feet stride over the marble floors.

"Wouldn't back off when you told him too?" He asked quietly, also examining the floor.

I smiled sadly. "Yeah.."

Matt nodded. "Yeah, he tends to do that." An unwelcome silence fell between us. "I don't think you should plan on him doing that anytime either."

I stopped. "Huh?"

Matt played with the straps of his backpack. "He is into you Hayley, bad. He has it in his head that Niall is no good for you and he won't stop until he sees it through."

I blinked blankly. What was he saying? Was Matt warning me that there was more to come? I mean,in knew it wasn't just going to end the way I hoped it would. It never does.

"Im just saying.. Be careful."

My mouth was dry. I felt like I just ate a desert. "Thanks," I choked out.

We continued to walk when I heard someone yell behind me, "Ms. Turner!"

I turned slowly to see my guidance counselor waving in front of her door. "Can I speak with you for a moment?"

I nodded and told Matt goodbye. This was just weird, usually im the one asking to talk to her. "Yes ma'am?" I asked once i was inside her office. It was such a cute little office. She decorated it so nicely. A few potted plants scattered around the walls, small pictures of her family adorned her walls and desk.

"You're wanting to become a physical therapist correct?" She had her back turned to me as she rummaged through her file cabinet.

"Yes." I said quietly.

She beamed as she pulled out a cream colored folder. "Well I have good news for you!" She extended the folder out to me waiting for me to take it from her grasp.

I examined the contents, not really sure what I was looking at. She seemed to read my mind because she quickly started explaining.

"There is an internship opening. The trainers for the sports department asked me to recommend someone for the position and I think it would be perfect for you. You'll be down on the bench for basketball and football games, working along side with the professionals. It will give you a chance to show them what all you have learned in class and also on the job experience." She looked thrilled. Her copper curls bouncing around her heart shaped face.

I couldn't lie. This was a big opportunity. I wonder if... Oh my god yes! I'd be getting paid. I could quit the coffee shop! No more working with Chris! Oh my god this was great. This is exactly what I needed.

"Oh my gosh, yes! I'd love to do it!" I beamed with excitement.

"I thought you would. So just keep in contact. I may email you or you could stop in every few days and check in. Ill let you know more on the details as they come."

"Thank you so much!" I smiled again before dismissing myself from the small office back into the hall. I heard the door click shut behind me and immediately I burst out dancing with joy. Maybe life was starting to turn around again.

((Weak update? Im sorry,...))

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