Spartnotes Ending!

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Alright peeps, I'm sorry it took so long but work as been killing me atm along with me writing another story! Anyways, this isn't going to be too long, since I was nearing the end of this book when I stopped writing plus I forgot a few things so pieces will be missing. That and most of the time I didn't even really plan what goes on each chapter.

So the second to last chapter ends with Ryan freaking out and accidentally panic teleporting when he believes he will be forced to move schools. You know, as you do.

Unsurprisingly, that is not the case. One of the schools hidden things is that they are able to take guardianship of students in the case of an accident or emergency. So Ryan stays!

And Riley (the social worker) is one of the reasons Ryan was put at Life Academy. So pretty much Riley is also has Runes (kind undermined) and that's why she was stuck with Ryan no matter how long. The Council has workers keeping an eye out for kids with the Runes all over. Ryan and daycare co managed to ping that really quickly at the daycare, when Matt was still the director. Since you know, have a child being able to bring together all the other kids to throw a revolution first day is not normal!

The next chapter would be Ryan's battle. Gonna be honest, I don't remember much of how this one was going to do. He would win or at least tie, but that's all I remember.

The next chapter was going to be a filler mostly, just Ryan and Co hanging out, with the others trying to train Fiore. Lexi was going to be the one to train her to attack on command, since that seems like something she would do. It is also discovered at that time that Fiore has the ability to spit water. Since dragons spew fire but she's a water dragon. Also I thought it would be hilarious that Ryan, a FIRE user, carries a dragon that pretty much a portable fire extinguisher.

Next chapter would be going through a few more fights. Again, can't remember how the competition was going to go, so that's all I can really tell you guys.

Next chapter would be Ryan and Arron on the rooftop. The first start talking about something basic but it soon turns into which Rune could be considered the strongest. Neither one say their Rune is the strongest oddly enough. Fiore is there, having a ball of a time diving off the roof, snatching sticks and leaves off the ground, and bringing them back up. During the conversation however, Ryan ends up getting a splitting headache, and calls in a night. Aaron, who does not trust Ryan to keep himself safe climbing down whilst in pain, follows to make sure he does end up dying. Heh.

Meanwhile, Unicorn wakes up knowing something went severely wrong with the timeline, and is trying to figure out who the hell is messing with it.

Next chapter, Ryan awakes without a headache and Mr. Oinkers and Aaron in a eye staring contest. Reason why Aaron didn't leave was because Mr. Oinkers decided Aaron would be a comfortable bed and hasn't moved since. Aaron's upset, Ryan's annoyed, and to get their frustration out they decided to have a small duel where Ryan first practiced his Fire Runes.

That poor hill.

So they're mid fight, no runes because competition, when they suddenly hear a fire alarm go off. For the first time, Ryan is not the cause of it. Both of them then start to see smoke rise from one of the buildings. They both rush over to figure out what the fuck is going on.

Ryan gets blamed by a nearby student, only for Aaron to quickly snap back that Ryan didn't cause this, since he's been with him the entire morning.

The now trio continues on only to see the Girl's dorms on fire. Something seems off with this fire, since it is spreading to quickly to be normal. Ryan gets blamed a few more times, Aaron defends him, and everyone slowly starts to understand that hey, Ryan didn't cause this fire.

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