Chapter 77: Glowing

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Ryan was excited, no doubt about it. When was the last time he actually got to go all out in a fight, that didn't have the chance to kill him? He couldn't count the tiny spars he had here and there; Ryan couldn't go all out unless he wished to hurt and or kill bystanders.

That thought sent a shiver down his spine. How easy it would be for him just to... go feral.

"Come on Luke!" Tina grumbled, kicking the ground. "I don't care about the rules, just let us go already!"

Ryan and Tina stood in the walkway to the arena, just about to start their match. They didn't know who they were going against, but Ryan was about as impatient as Tina.

"Do you think he's stressing the rules since we're fighting?" Ryan joked.

"Probably." Tina's tail flicked behind her. "Wouldn't put it past him to say our names straight up either."

"GIVE IT UP-" Thomas took over, much to Tina's relief.

"'Bout freaking time."

"FROM SKY ACADEMY, LILY HALE AND LELON GREEN!" Ryan's excited smile turned more feral. "I get him, okay?"

Tina gave a glance, but nodded. "What did he do to you?"

"Not to me, but to Tori. Just if he goes for you, prolong the fight until the timer goes out. He's Tori's brother, and they don't have the best relationship because of her Runes."

Tina gave a nod. "So she wants to pulverize him in the ground, got it."


"Woodland?" Tina questioned. "When did- Ugh! Later, let's go!"

Seeing Lelon standing there across the arena, Ryan couldn't help the feral grin, one Tina was coping with glee. It's been ages since they fought side by side and could go all out!

Ryan hated himself for doubting wanting to join the competition in the past. Fighting was a part of him! How could he think of not doing this?!

"Remember, no purposeful maiming." Unicorn reminded the competitors (though Ryan and Tina both knew that was for them). He gave a prolonged sigh, mumbling some words along the lines of 'don't kill anyone please.' "Three," Unicorn began, louder. "Two, one, go!"

Right away, a large wave nearly pushed them both out of bounds, but they managed to get low enough to the ground to where the wave didn't have much push.

Standing up, Ryan groaned, while Tina shook out the extra water. They just dosed a Fire User and a tiger hybrid in water.

While that was a slight problem for Ryan, Tina's eyes were shining. Tigers loved water, and they just dumped a truckload on a tiger hybrid.

Seeing Lelon charge for him, Ryan began running at him, meeting him quickly. Sending out a waterball, Lelon attacked, giving Ryan a good idea who was the water user...until he saw another water attack from Lily off in the distance.

Looks like they were both water users. "Come on," Ryan smirked. "Can you at least watch what you're doing. I just got this hoodie."

Lelon, who was getting about to attack again, stubbled, water ball in hand. "What?"

"What what? I like my hoodies."

Lelon frowned. "How does my sister like you?"

"You guess is as good as mine!"

Lelon rolled his eyes, and set out the waterball, back with a nice 'small' wave on the ground. Ryan dodge both, jumping over the wave and out of the way of the water ball, only to get hit in the chest with another water ball.

Hitting the ground, Ryan rolled and stood up quickly. "Rude!" He chirped out.

Lelon huffed as Ryan stood up. "Are you going to fight or is this just a game to you?"

"Well, first off, it's both, and calm down with that fiery temper there," Ryan's growing smirk sent warnings towards Lelon. "People might get the wrong impression."

Seeing the absolutely baffled expression on Lelon, Ryan activated his Fire Runes, and created a small fireball.

"You-" Lelon dropped off, blinking slowly. "You said Psychic." His gaze turned to steel. "You lied."

Ryan could stop the absolute gleeful expression if he wanted to. "Who said I lied? You just never let me finish when you asked."

With that, he attacked. Lelon dogged to the fireball, only to get clipped by a punch Ryan threw.

"Your Rune is useless!" Lelon barked out. "Fire is weak against water!"

With those words, Lelon summoned a ball of water around Ryan, making him float around in the middle like a piece of kelp. He had barely any control of his movements. Anything he pushed to escape, he was forced back to the center. Ryan held his breath, thinking of a way out.

Any normal flame he could make would be killed instantly, and he barely has any control over teleportation. Plus, he knew the school knew about his second Runes (gossip), but he really didn't want to set it in stone.

If he had some tea maybe he could...

Ryan felt a lightbulb go off. Water may put out fire, but if it is in the right condition, fire can and will boil water.

If he managed to get a hot enough flame, he could shoot through the ball and knock Lelon off kilter, making the ball of water disappear and freeing him!

Hopefully quickly, since Ryan's lungs were beginning to hurt.

Cupping his hands, Ryan concentrated on creating a small, but hot ball of fire. He felt the water in the cup of his hands evaporate, and soon after that, heat brushing against his hands.

He could tell it wasn't hot enough, so he poured more energy into it.

Ryan knew it was time when his lungs were screaming at him, so he shot the ball.

The effect was near instantaneous. The ball disappeared, dropping Ryan unforgivingly on the ground, but allowing him to take in much needed air.

Lelon, who didn't get enough time to dodge, held his shoulder, where the ball of fire most likely hit. "How?" He hissed out.

Ryan stood up, albit little shaky, and shook his arms, shaking off excess water. "You-" He gave a cough. "Really need to take a good look at how you view Runes." He summoned up some energy, and shot a line of fire at Lelon; Who created a wall of water to protect himself.

Ryan groaned internally. While he wasn't wanting to beat him and win, Lelon was getting on his nerves.

"The competitors have 3 more minutes. 3 minutes." Unicorn's voice clicked in.

"Guess I need to up my game," Lelon rolled his eyes. "Dodge these!"

Multiple water balls shot out, only to freeze mid air. "Ice!" Ryan yelled. "Really!"

"Yes really!"

Ryan gave a curse when one ball came too close for comfort, and fired off his own attack, which gave him a break in dodging of deadly snowballs.

"AND TIME!" Thomas' ran out, stopping both of them mid-attack.

Lelon stared at him, eyes narrowed as his next attack disappear from hand. "As much as I hate to say this," He spoke slowly, like the words physically hurt. "I hope you do good. I want to go against you next time."

"Thanks?" Ryan focused off of him, looking for Tina, who was thankfully still in the arena.

"Also," Lelon gave a more confused look, drawing Ryan's attention back to him. "What's up with the glowing eyes?"


Hey guys...

So, a quick update. Life at home isn't going the best right now, so these story updates might slow down even more.

Right now I am typing this as I'm doing 'schoolwork', so that's going for us I guess.

I won't be as active maybe, I'll try, but no promises. I had to stop talking to one of my main friends because my mother began searching through everything.

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