Chapter 64: Knock-Out

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Slade could only watch in amusement and curiosity as everyone slowly got up the next morning and filtered in and out of the lab....except Ryan. Unicorn, Petra, and Sabre worked on the machine while a few others found needed supplies. Slade looked on, making sure everything was going smoothing and a fire extinguisher wasn't needed.

"You'd think he would have woken up by now. The others have and went to do their own thing." Slade commented out.

"Nah, this is common. Surprised he didn't crash sooner honestly." A beeping sound from the machine part, and him and Sabre high fived, while Petra merely nodded in aprovement. "Now all we need is that box of machine parts Goldy is bringing and it will almost be completed!"

"Can't wait to get home." Sabre gave a smile. "No offence to you guys, but I'm missing our home terrain. Tons of forests and fields and deserts and mountains, with zero civilization in miles..." He tampered off a bit. "Well, considering the fact we're usually running for our lives, I take that back."

"A steve?" Petra asked offhandedly. It was only a few days in before they realized Sabre's life was on the line a lot.


A grumble sounded from the couch, and Slade frowned when he caught a glimpse of Ryan's Runes (both of them) activated. It wasn't that common for Runes to be activated when sleeping, unless he fell asleep with them on. It especially wasn't comforting when Unicorn shot a concerned glance towards Ryan.

"Now that I think about it... when did Ryan fall asleep?"

"Little after noon." Sabre imputed.

Everyone glanced at the clock, seeing it say 9:37. An awkward silence fell through the room. "Is he okay?" Sabre mumbled out, after doing the math and realizing the extent of how long he was truly asleep.

"Usually it isn't this long. If he doesn't get up in an hour I'll wake him." Unicorn nodded to himself.

"Nearly twenty hours." Slade shook his head in disbelief. A groan and a small kick of a leg from Ryan was all the response he got.

A door opening caught their ears, and they turned to see Goldy holding the box of supplies to her chest, with her eyes peeking over. "I got them!" She nearly skipped into the room, only to trip and drop the box, it's contents, and her all over the floor.

Everyone jumped at the loud crash, and Ryan shot up, head shooting side to side. "...Whoops?" Goldy offered up from the floor.

"What?" Ryan mumbled out, rubbing his eyes.

"Oh!" Unicorn looked up from his new place on the floor, helping Goldy place the pieces on just the desk, as it would be pointless to put them into the box and carry them a few feet to take them out. It also helped that Unicorn built them sturdy, since everyone knew Goldy was going to drop something, while Sabre and Petra cleared the table of scrap metals and wires. "You're awake!" Unicorn continued.

"Ya..." Ryan combed his hair out of his eyes with his hands. "Why do you sound relieved?"

"Ryan, you slept for around 20 hours. Frankly we were getting worried." Petra replied back, not adding that they were getting worried just now.

"I-" Ryan opened his mouth a few times, only to close it. "I'm not tired at least, so yay? I remember having my Runes on, and was kinda internally wishing for sleep with how little I got, but I didn't mean to fall asleep. Didn't even feel that tired."

Slade seemed to be the only one to realize something was wrong with that sentence, as he groaned, mumbling along the lines of, 'It was supposed to be today.'

"Is something wrong?" Sabre asked. "He's awake now."

"You had your Runes on, correct?" Slade directed the question at Ryan.


Petra was the next one to catch on, with a slow, 'oh' coming out. "That- That would do it." Unicorn was the next one, as he placed the last piece of equipment on the table.

"I am confusion." Goldy piped up from the floor, her voice muffled from the box now on her head.

"Same." Sabre and Ryan spoke up in unison.

"Ryan," Slade began. "Remember when I knocked up when you lost control?"

"No? I remember zip from that, but I know what you are talking about, ya."

"Ryan," Petra breathed out. "You knocked yourself asleep with your Psychic Runes."

The dead stare nearly made Slade snort, but it just turned to concern when Ryan's face lit up as the words sunk in. "Holy shit I can do that?!"

A dull thunk sounded from Unicorn banging his head on the table. "That shouldn't be your take away Ryan!"

"But I can sleeeeeep!"

Unicorn groaned. "For over twenty hours!"

"Do it on the weekend then!" Goldy chirped.

"Sure!/No!" Were spoken at the same time.

Slade ran a hand down his face, internally groaning. Ryan looked like he was hopped up on enough energy to kill an elephant, and he had to help train him today. It's wrong to think it, but Slade kinda wished Ryan was in his usual state of 'tired'.

Seeing this, he understood why Matt's father was weary of them. If Ryan was like this with enough sleep, he'd hate it to see him pumped full of energy as a child. Then add in Tina and Goldy...

Slade was glad Unicorn was there, at least he could herd them around things that would kill them. Maybe Tori needs to hang around him, someone needs to contain them, and Slade only had enough patience for Ryan, let alone two others.

Slade sighed. They weren't even past Thanksgiving break and he couldn't wait for summer to come.





...but you should be use to this, so sorry again.

Anyways, little update! I got my classes today for school recently, and guess who is either insane or smart? ME! Why? Well, my 'plan' worked, and uh, I'm taking almost all AP classes, so wish me luck.

Another thing, I'm not sure if I told you guys, but we are renovating a trailer to move into, and we've been working hard on that. And uh, I'm going to be there working all week, so sorry if the next chapter is either late or short or both.

Sooo, ya. 

Also, I'm a little curious. Now, I know some people (you know who you are) tell me some theories they have for this story, so I'm kinda interested in what all of you guys think.

Sooo, care to share?

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